Hi everyone. First time poster here so if i'm in the wrong forum or thread or whatever you guys call it nowadays just let me know.

I'm a 21 year old male, When i was 19 i did my first "cycle" which was just a bottle of oral tbol, i had great results and loved it immediately. I am very cautious though so i waited a full 3 months after just the one bottle of tbol to try anything else.

My next cycle was just injecting Sustanon 250 alone. I did 250mg every injection Bi-weekly so 500mg a week. i went from 150lbs to 170lbs and then after 12 weeks i discontinued the cycle and did a pct of just nolvadex . (I know this was not a proper pct)

I waited another 3 months and I introduced Deca -durabolin into a cycle with dbol as a kick start 12.5 weeks of 600mg of sust
10 weeks of 300mg of deca. i had great results and minimal sides and by the end of this cycle i was around 185lbs and fairly lean.

it has now been around 6 months since then. i am currently 6feet and have been sitting at around 165-175 lbs. I've decided that I am going to do a cycle of Sustanon 250, Tren -ethinate. i'm going to be doing the sust injection and tren injection at the same time twice weekly. As of right now I'm going to do 600mg of sust a week, and 200mg of tren. also note I have a bottle of Winstrol that i was thinking of using as a kickstart.

what I'd like you guys to do for me is say any problems that stand out to you here, and also recommend a dosage and an amount of weeks i should run tren for. and also i already have a pct in mind but i'd like to hear what you guys suggest i should do. Thanks guys, appreciate it.