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Thread: want to do my first ever cycle please help

  1. #1
    sammiedean is offline New Member
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    want to do my first ever cycle please help

    Hey guys I am new to this completely so please if u write me back an answer try to explain everything as plain as u can for me haha. I am 26, been lifting for over 5 years. I'm 5'10 205 lbs. Not sure what % bf, probably around 20% but look pretty muscular I guess. My goal is mainly strength, second priority would be size. I am looking for the safest possible cycle. Been told primobolan depot injectable is the way to go? Can anyone tell me a safe place to order this? How much to take? Can I take it alone or do I need to take test with it? Where can I buy that and how much of that do I take?

  2. #2
    sammiedean is offline New Member
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    Also do I need to take anything else with it? To counteract side effects? Completely clueless to this part of the game...thanks for any help

  3. #3
    NACH3's Avatar
    NACH3 is offline VET
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    If you don't know any of those ?'s you gave asked, your not even remotely ready for AAS! Not trying to be a d---. U just don't have a clue as to what it can do to your Endocrine system... You will be totally shut down(HTPA and your Natty test levels will never return to normal)and have problems the rest if your life!!! IMO READ ABD RESAERCH tgrn do it some more... Start with the sticky's and Austinites Educational database!!! This is for your own good and to learn how to preserve your health!!!

  4. #4
    robkesl's Avatar
    robkesl is offline Senior Member
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    I would wait... focus on improving diet to get bodyfat down. You are still plenty young. Steroids should be taken once you near natural potential

  5. #5
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sammiedean View Post
    Hey guys I am new to this completely so please if u write me back an answer try to explain everything as plain as u can for me haha. I am 26, been lifting for over 5 years. I'm 5'10 205 lbs. Not sure what % bf, probably around 20% but look pretty muscular I guess. My goal is mainly strength, second priority would be size. I am looking for the safest possible cycle. Been told primobolan depot injectable is the way to go? Can anyone tell me a safe place to order this? How much to take? Can I take it alone or do I need to take test with it? Where can I buy that and how much of that do I take?
    Hey bro, you need to pump the brakes and slow down because you're no were near neady to begin a cycle. You meet a the age requirement but are not were you should be as far as body composition and knowledge base. If you need to know how much of a product to take without outlining a cycle then this shows you're not ready. What is your proposed PCT? What is your hCG or AI dosage?

    Its unsafe to use AAS above 15% BF because you will likely face many problems. You'll have increased sides such as water retention, blood pressure, and difficulty managing estrogen serum just to name a few. A high BF also shows that you have a lack of dedication to training/diet. An AAS cycle won't get you the results you want without proper diet and training. I'm not saying this to insult you, just telling you straight up with the idea of protecting your health.

    Your first cycle should be only test. This because all of your future cycles will use test as a foundation and you need to know how your body will react to test. Running a primo only cycle will shut your natural test production down. This means say bye bye to your libido.

    No one here is going to tell you were you can get AAS because we don't discess sources in this forum.

    It would be in your best interest to read the threads in the database below. They're all short and should only take you a few hours. If you plan on taking AAS they are a must read.

    Austinite's Educational Article Database

    You should also navagate to the diet and nutrition section, read all of the sticky threads, then post your proposed diet before cycling.

    Diet And Nutrition
    992Envy likes this.

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sammiedean View Post
    Hey guys I am new to this completely so please if u write me back an answer try to explain everything as plain as u can for me haha. I am 26, been lifting for over 5 years. I'm 5'10 205 lbs. Not sure what % bf, probably around 20% but look pretty muscular I guess. My goal is mainly strength, second priority would be size. I am looking for the safest possible cycle. Been told primobolan depot injectable is the way to go? Can anyone tell me a safe place to order this? How much to take? Can I take it alone or do I need to take test with it? Where can I buy that and how much of that do I take?
    Can I ask you a question?

    ...obviously, you would learn as much as you can before sticking ANY unknown drug/substance into your body right? So what have you learned so far?

    I ask, so that we don't have to repeat what you already know.

    Sound good?

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  7. #7
    jdc91gt's Avatar
    jdc91gt is offline Senior Member
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    First, good job asking questions before you started any cycle. I agree in general with the advice above - you need to do further education so you can make a real, informed decision. AAS are not magic. So, before any of the experienced folks can give any guidance, they need to know where you are at, such as stats, workout history, diet (very important), etc. See, TimesRoman^^^. Understand the risks before you go forward. Everyone is different and you can definitely mess yourself up if you do not know exactly what you are doing. So, best of luck and stay on board.
    NACH3 likes this.

  8. #8
    sammiedean is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies! I'm not going to stick anything in my body until I educate myself first that's why I came here...I don't really care about bf% to be honest I'm not trying to be lean I'm trying to be strong. my stats are : bench 315, dead 410, squat 300.i am new to squatting! If this will completely mess up my libido then I certainly won't try it, I thought I read primo was safe and wouldn't do that? What about a cycle of just test? I have been training for a long time im nowhere near new to training and I am struggling big time to increase strength any further. I will take ur advice and read more on this site, could someone plz answer my couple questions in this post tho? Thanks a lot

  9. #9
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    you cant ask for a source that's against the board rules...that question wont be answered if that's what you are waiting for...goodluck...

  10. #10
    B@tshit is offline New Member
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    I have a few friends that have run cycles at a high bf%. You're much more prone to side effects at a higher bf% for a multitude of reasons. Anyways, if you're going to insist on running a cycle, forget about primobolan . It's really, really expensive and odds are it will be fake anyways. Try a simple test cycle first. If you can't (or won't) get an a.i. buy epistane (a legal pro-hormone) and run it with the testosterone . Epistane IME has surprisingly strong anti-estrogenic properties and will reduce your risk of developing gyno ( you're at a higher risk than most with that bf%).

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