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Thread: TestE 500mg/week dbol and winny recommended AI

  1. #1
    pottie is offline New Member
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    TestE 500mg/week dbol and winny recommended AI

    Hey guys, I'm planning a TestE cycle 10weeks 500mg/week. Week1-3 30mg dbol kickstart week 9-12 oral winny pct nolva from week 13-16 40mg for first 2weeks then 20mg for last 2,, HCG 250 iu twice a week from week 2-11 also running proviron 50mg ED from week 1-12.. Age 21. Weight: 220lb. Height: 5'8". Bf: 22% diet is pretty much in check, what AI would you guys recommend? And what winny dosages for 4 weeks. Got joint suport for winny aswell as liver protection. Thanks guys any advice would be great.

  2. #2
    RigPig's Avatar
    RigPig is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pottie View Post
    Hey guys, I'm planning a TestE cycle 10weeks 500mg/week. Week1-3 30mg dbol kickstart week 9-12 oral winny pct nolva from week 13-16 40mg for first 2weeks then 20mg for last 2,, HCG 250 iu twice a week from week 2-11 also running proviron 50mg ED from week 1-12.. Age 21 -Your profile says 19. Weight: 220lb. Height: 5'8". Bf: 22% diet is pretty much in check - Far from it @ 22%, you want to do things right you need to get under 15%, what AI would you guys recommend? And what winny dosages for 4 weeks. Got joint suport for winny aswell as liver protection. Thanks guys any advice would be great.
    This is all bad from what I've learned, your age is bad (wait until your 25), you should never run 2 orals on one cycle, you need body fat under 15%, you need a diet better than "pretty much in check".....And last but not least you need to do waaayyyyyy more reading becasue you dont understand what you are about to do.
    read these links
    Austinite's Educational Article Database
    The young and Steroids

    **PS - I'm not trying to be a dick by anymeans. I'm new to the game as well (a bit older but still new). I spend several hours a day, everyday, on here reading everything the ones who know better have wrote out. You need to try that before you f**k yourself right up and its too late.
    Last edited by RigPig; 06-19-2014 at 04:52 PM.

  3. #3
    pottie is offline New Member
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    For sure I agree with that respect that, I'm doing my reading I say pretty much in check because my schedule is busy so I can't eat as often as I would like, but my diet is clean no carbs after 3pm or after training high protein, and I will delay the cycle then and hit cardio little harder. But still any recommendations for the best AI on cycle ? Any tweeks to the cycle would be great seeing I'm not jumping in to it I'm open to good advice to help in the future

  4. #4
    RigPig's Avatar
    RigPig is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How many cycles have you done?

  5. #5
    RigPig's Avatar
    RigPig is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Honestly, I've only been on this Forum for a month. Came in knowing less than most on a cycle of Test-Only and still managed to do that wrong. I didnt realize I was doing it wrong until I started reading, f**k man have I read alot over the past month. The more I read the more i realize my buddies, good friends I've had for a long time, were giving me the wrong information. They werent doing it on purpose, they were taught wrong and they were teaching me wrong. I've become a litte wiser over the course of the month. Keep reading, scrap your cycle until you are a bit older and by then you'll have read enough to answer your own questions. Good luck brother.

  6. #6
    tice1212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pottie View Post
    For sure I agree with that respect that, I'm doing my reading I say pretty much in check because my schedule is busy so I can't eat as often as I would like, but my diet is clean no carbs after 3pm or after training high protein, and I will delay the cycle then and hit cardio little harder. But still any recommendations for the best AI on cycle ? Any tweeks to the cycle would be great seeing I'm not jumping in to it I'm open to good advice to help in the future
    220, 5'8, 22% body fat and u think ur is diet is clean LMAO sorry bro but ur too young and ur a big boy not in a good way.. If you were going to steroids u could mess up ur testosterone for the rest of ur life PLUS at 22%bf u would see side effects left and right... IMO go get ur diet in check and wait until ur at least 25yr

  7. #7
    pottie is offline New Member
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    3 well if you can call it 3 first was dbol and proviron only for 4weeks worked well, 2nd was again dbol and proviron only for 6weeks again great gains with a strict diet and good training kept 3 of 5kg gained and all my strength. 3rd was testE only with proviron for 10weeks 500mg/week pct nolva 40/40/20/20 gained a solid 6kg.

  8. #8
    pottie is offline New Member
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    Big boy yeah haha but yes all jokes aside AAS aren't anything to joke about that's why I started the thread to hear honest opinions from people that have A LOT more experience than me and can give me the stone cold truth about what to do and not to do. Apreciate all the advice because this is REALLY no jokes GOOD advice. There's still a lot to learn that's why I'm here its all a learning experience.

  9. #9
    RigPig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pottie View Post
    Big boy yeah haha but yes all jokes aside AAS aren't anything to joke about that's why I started the thread to hear honest opinions from people that have A LOT more experience than me and can give me the stone cold truth about what to do and not to do. Apreciate all the advice because this is REALLY no jokes GOOD advice. There's still a lot to learn that's why I'm here its all a learning experience.
    Nobody here is going to spoon feed you the answers, it's already served on a platter in the form of for you to serve yourself! How much more advice do you need about a shi**y idea anyway?

  10. #10
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pottie View Post
    Big boy yeah haha but yes all jokes aside AAS aren't anything to joke about that's why I started the thread to hear honest opinions from people that have A LOT more experience than me and can give me the stone cold truth about what to do and not to do. Apreciate all the advice because this is REALLY no jokes GOOD advice. There's still a lot to learn that's why I'm here its all a learning experience.
    #1) Go to nutrition section .
    #2) Go to nutrition section .
    3#) Wait 6 years and read every sticky in this form . You have plenty of time !

    Oh ! 54 and just on TRT So does that mean natural or normal ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 06-19-2014 at 06:20 PM.

  11. #11
    pottie is offline New Member
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    And hey guys this is my diet. Breakfast: half cup oats and protein shake. Midmorning brown rice and tuna. Lunch: veggies skinless chicken breast and small bowl of brown rice. Mid afternoon: veggies and 3 egg whites. "Training" post meal 1 egg white with yolk with fish and protein shake. Bedtime protein shake with lentles and veggies. This is all in short but is pretty much my everyday meal plan.

  12. #12
    RigPig's Avatar
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    Can you breakdown the Macros? What's your TDEE? What stage are you at right now? Cut/Maintain/Bulk?

  13. #13
    pottie is offline New Member
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    I thank you guys for the hard to hear but good to listen to advice that I will asure you I am going to follow much respect

  14. #14
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    What these guys said^^^

    In a nutshell

    1. Too young. You are 19 not 21 please don't lie about your age
    2. Too fat

    Hit up our nutrition forum as suggested and also our training section. You can make great strides in short periods at your age with just these 2.

  15. #15
    pottie is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys for the solid advice, I'm gonna up my cardio and clean up the diet. Ill be posting again but not for my own purposes but as a study. for human movement science is what I'm studying. Soo I can hear opinions from people who have been there and got the t-shirts. Soo I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys again. Cheers guys cycle safe. PS: I am selling my gear I bought and waiting a couple more years.

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