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Thread: Primo for second cycle at age 27?

  1. #1

    Primo for second cycle at age 27?

    5'10" 185 10% bf currently (in 2nd month of cutting down from 205)
    First cycle:
    12wk cycle
    test e 500mg ew 1-12
    Tbol 50mg ed 1-4
    Var 60mg ed 9-12

    Time for my second cycle and I really want to try primo. It looks like the general consensus is 800 mg to 1 gram for 16 to 18 weeks. My plan is 800mg for 16 weeks along with test p 500mg for 16 weeks and var for the fist and last 4 weeks. Of course with HCG, N2gaurd, aromasin (if needed), fadogia Agrestis etc.

    My question is concerning how a long cycle with 3 gears will shut me down. I seems like whenever a younger guy (19 or 20 years old) posts about primo/test/an oral everyone says he's too young and can kiss his natural test production goodbye. I've always thought that was weird because I'd hate to kiss my natural test production goodbye at any age. At 27 is this heavy a cycle okay?

  2. #2
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    Nov 2012
    thats a pretty ambitious first cycle. Expect some of the members here to have objections to that. I ran a test only for my first cycle. Do you have before and after pics/what kind of gains did you make in strength and measurements?

    Absolutely use aromasin or another AI, basically any cycle will shut you down. Personally I wouldn't feel comfortable running a cycle that long bc I'm pretty sure you have a better chance of successful recovery and pct w a shorter cycle. Your first cycle looks like a fifth or 6th cycle, maybe even further along than that. What was your pct for that?

    Doesn't look like you have done much research, you really need to spend some time reading the stickies around here, as there is a lot of useful information around

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Big Trouble, Little China
    For a second cycle I would say test only. That is a lot of compounds. How did your first cycle go? Did you have any blood work? Did you do a proper PCT? How long since your last cycle? Common wait time between cycles is cycle time plus pct time to let your natural test production recover.

    Any form of AAS will shut down ones on natural test production. You should should be running an AI while on cycle. You should be taking 12.5mg-25mg/day of aromasin. Not to have on hand just in case. It inhibits the aromatase enzyme so your test does not turn into estrogen.

  4. #4
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    Spot on Big Tahl...

    OP, my current cycle is prop @ 525mg wkly - .75mg ed; Primo @ 700mg wkly - 1.0cc ed w/prop/then introduced Anavar later in the cycle(not beginning) for cutting and Harding at the end of your cycle... The first 3 wks I took 60mg ed, then from wks 9 thru 12 I bumped it up to 80mg ed! This us my 6-7 cycle. - I personally love primo but those dosages(u can run for 14-16 wks , but I'm stopping at 12 wks... Like sixfootseven stated(long time to be shut down) primo is a DHT compound, and though it doesn't aromatize; it definitely (shuts down your HPTA) which is just as bad if not worse... They both aren't good!! But controllable, w/hCG and an AI...on cycle. IMO STANE/Aromasin dosed ed at 25mg us a grip! Read "Aromasin the underdosed AI" very well written!

    Your first cycle was a doosey bro... Way more compounds than needed(test only for at least your first do you know which compounds are givin u the sides... Ya know! But that's over with... The only problem being your probly gonna think you have to run rverything higher now regardless of gains while on cycle... How long did you keep those gains??? I only ask because the first time I ran the cycle I'm on, I only used 400mg prop and 400mg primo and got great results! Kept em for 6 months at least right in into my next cycle...

    Just tryin to help ya out bro, don't take anything personal as the majority of the people on this forum are here to help!!!
    Last edited by NACH3; 06-25-2014 at 12:48 AM.

  5. #5
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    That's. Big cycle my friend. I would much rather see an 8 to 10 weeker on a cut. For one you will hopefully recover sooner and two if u r already at 10% then run either var or mast for a second compound and be done with it .

  6. #6
    Its not letting me quote you guys for some reason citing spam

    Firrt cycle went super well. I'm definitely mpb prone, but didn't see a strand loss, had less acne on cycle than I have off cycle, and gyno was zero (had a little nipple sensitivity during pct just doubled nolva for a few days and it went away.
    Gains were through the roof I suspected friends and family may have known I was on to something. PCT was nolva clomid ostarine, HCG (blasts before pct)

    Your current cycle is the exact cycle I want to run. Any hair loss with primo?
    The only side I got was that super strong heartbeat that a really noticed when going to sleep (I sleep on my stomach) my blood pressure was up 10 points to around 130/ I forgot. Took baby aspirin 81 mg a day and that went away. Oh and anavar head aches for the first week.

    Big Tahl
    Fist cycle ended in march Looking to start gain by September.

    Buster Brown
    I know this is typical cut gear, but I looking to lean bulk. Goal is to be 200 8% bf in next 3 years.

    My thing is this most people take primo for 16+ weeks at 800+ mg along with at least 500mg test. Most recommend at least this to obtain the desired gains. Are all the guys taking primo this way ruining there natural test production. I thought this was the norm.
    The only difference between this cycle and my first is dropping tbol and adding primo, but have low sides.
    Last edited by CrusherCurtis; 06-25-2014 at 10:12 AM.

  7. #7
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    I dont have a problem with anything but the length of cycle and that Primo is so often faked and not primo. Id say 12-14 weeks is sufficient. Real primo is very mild across the board. Its actually the safest injectable steroid around. My main concern as I pointed out is that real primo is expensive and a tad more difficult to some by. That doesnt mean you dont pay more for it than just about anything else a ugl sells, it just means they or their source dont use real primobolan powder and sell you who knows what. Eq maybe? If you arent using the amps and are going the ugl route id be leery about its legitimacy. Those are my only 2 concerns.
    Oh also the fadogia bs can go away and what is your pct?

  8. #8
    hi there

    Im on my first cycle, 41 years old, training for years, I been researching my cycle on and off for years - wanted to get in decent shape and body fat down before I started.

    anyways heres the cycle im currently on, just into week 3 of 12

    Geneza Test Enth 500 per week (mon / thur jabs) (250 ml)
    Geneza Primo 600 per week (mon / thurs jabs) (200ml)
    Adex .5 (eod)
    HGC on hand

    PCT: clomid / Nolva / erase pro

    Right from the start - the primo is so painful, first time was right glute and I had trouble sitting on the toilet,, then following week i split left and right quads, OMG the pain! I could walk properly for 3 days. however second jab in glute and the pain a little better (bearable) redone legs to and not half as bad, still swollen and sore even moving down to knee. The pip from the primo is something to be felt!!

    Any ways - your cycle will shut you down - theres no doubt about it, but keep a close eye on things, listen to your body. There is so much do this do that and no real "this is the way" - everyone is different. I was planning on 250 hgc all the way through the cycle to avoid atrophy but with the generate thus far im ok. Probably from next week I will use my hgc every 5 days, if I need more I will. As i say theres no set way.

    My weight has gone from 13.5 stone (yea im from uk) to 14.3 Im more vascular, feeling the strengh this week for sure. Libido gone nuts! Im trying to stick my cock in everything in a skirt!

    Sides: Zero thus far (aside from the awful first pain) oh... the sweat...smells a bit more when I sweat, totally not my normal smell - like a dam cats litter tray.

    But Im loving it.. Im after a leanish bulk, want to stay vascular and keep bf down. cardio 3 times a week, weights 5 days.

    I see nothing wrong really with your cycle -maybe same issues I may of had - if you get sides you wont know which compound it is. However look after yourself. I work in the health industry so have blood pressure once a week, colestral, and having bloods every 4 weeks.

    Any questions dont hesitiate to throw me a pm or whatever. Take care

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Big Trouble, Little China
    Quote Originally Posted by CrusherCurtis View Post
    Goal is to be 200 8% bf in next 3 years.

    Are all the guys taking primo this way ruining there natural test production. I thought this was the norm.
    The only difference between this cycle and my first is dropping tbol and adding primo, but have low sides.
    Quote Originally Posted by CrusherCurtis View Post
    5'10" 185 10% bf currently (in 2nd month of cutting down from 205)
    Okay your goal is 200 lbs with 8% body fat in 3 years. You dont need to use any great to do that from where you are now. If you are at 10% body fat. You can do all of these goals with food alone from where you are now. How do you know what your body fat is? Here is a little bit of information to help you.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	body-fat-percentage-men.jpg 
Views:	1898 
Size:	98.3 KB 
ID:	151528
    Body Fat Percentage Men 6-7%
    Approximately 6-7% body fat for a man is a bit less extreme than competition bodybuilders, but it’s still hovering at a level that is not sustainable for most men. Around this level, or slightly less, the face becomes gaunt, and your family starts worrying about you. This 6-7% body fat level, which is achieved by many male fitness models when doing photoshoots, is characterized by muscle definition in all muscles and clear vascularity in most muscles including arms, legs, and even abs. Vascularity over the abs muscle is a sign of very low body fat. Clear separation of muscles as well.

    Body Fat Percentage Men 10-12%
    This is a sustainable level for most men where you should be able to see your abs, but they will likely not be as defined as a man in the 6-7% body fat range. This body fat range is the classic beach body look that most men want and many women love. While not very defined, there is separation between muscles, some muscle striations potentially in the shoulders, or arms, but striations are not showing on every muscle. Vascularity is typically limited to the arms, with a little possibly on the legs.

    As for the comment on primo. This is a link you need to read. and These two threads will give you a lot of information and knowledge

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    I dont have a problem with anything but the length of cycle and that Primo is so often faked and not primo. Id say 12-14 weeks is sufficient. Real primo is very mild across the board. Its actually the safest injectable steroid around. My main concern as I pointed out is that real primo is expensive and a tad more difficult to some by. That doesnt mean you dont pay more for it than just about anything else a ugl sells, it just means they or their source dont use real primobolan powder and sell you who knows what. Eq maybe? If you arent using the amps and are going the ugl route id be leery about its legitimacy. Those are my only 2 concerns.
    Oh also the fadogia bs can go away and what is your pct?

    Pct will be the same as last time hcg blasts before pct, nolva clomid/osta/fadogia (its cheap why not?) I welcome any suggestions.

    Quote Originally Posted by shooter2014 View Post

    Any questions dont hesitiate to throw me a pm or whatever. Take care

    Quote Originally Posted by BigTahl View Post
    Okay your goal is 200 lbs with 8% body fat in 3 years. You dont need to use any great to do that from where you are now. If you are at 10% body fat. You can do all of these goals with food alone from where you are now. How do you know what your body fat is? Here is a little bit of information to help you.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	body-fat-percentage-men.jpg 
Views:	1898 
Size:	98.3 KB 
ID:	151528
    Never measured it, just going by charts like this one. TBH I highly doubt I have the genetics to be 200 8%.
    This def will not be a cycle with out test (I'm horribly afraid of a lack of libido after a stint with finasteride 2 years ago). I will be on test prop at 500 to entire time. I no primo/var aren't very androgenic
    Last edited by CrusherCurtis; 06-25-2014 at 10:45 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Big Trouble, Little China
    CrusherCurtis there is no price talking on this site. Please edit your post. HCG should be run your entire cycle, not a blast for your PCT. Here a link to why.

  12. #12
    I do use it during cycle at 250 twice weekly, but then blast toward the end of cycle (I know that's another debatable strategy), which I probably won't do next time. Anybody else have any other opinions on Primo cycle length before I take the dive.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrusherCurtis
    I do use it during cycle at 250 twice weekly, but then blast toward the end of cycle (I know that's another debatable strategy), which I probably won't do next time. Anybody else have any other opinions on Primo cycle length before I take the dive.
    Might be an interesting cycle to log if u have the time. Good luck!

  14. #14
    Any one have an opinion on DMZ. How does 3 caps of super dmz 2.0 compare to 80mg of anavar?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by CrusherCurtis
    Any one have an opinion on DMZ. How does 3 caps of super dmz 2.0 compare to 80mg of anavar?
    It doesn't.

  16. #16
    I kinda wonder if all the rave reviews for DMZ comes from guys who've only used DMZ. Mg for mg how does dmz equate to var?

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