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  1. #1
    an1 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2014

    Please help first cycle

    hello im 22 years old been lifting for a solid 5 years, consistently going 5-6days a week and tracking my macros im 5'11 and about 18O pounds at about 11-12%bf atm
    im planning to run my first cycle starting november 1st. 6OOmg primobolan depot pw 5Omg anavar ed for 12 weeks total. and for pct nolvadex 2Omg ed for 3O days
    my current macros are 35Og carbs 225g Protein 6Og fat and those are my gain 1-2lbs per month macros (small surplus)
    i know when i start my cycle in gonna increase my protein intake to 3OOg per day but what do you recommend i do with my carbs and fat? ( i want to shed as much bf as possible while gaining every ounce of muscle possible from these beautiful compounds) do you think 12lbs of pure keepable muscle is possible?
    i also chose not to add test to my cycle because im not looking for diminishing gains, and all the unwanted side effects but if you guys think its completely necessary i do, i dont mind running 2OOmg of test per week.
    note im not looking for a quick 3O pounds of muscle that im gonna loose 2month post cycle im looking to cut up while putting on a solid 1O-15lbs of solid clean keapable gains
    also there is so much fake primo out there that it makes me sceptical to buy from my local gym rats, can anyone give me some type of advice where i can get REAL primo and anavar from im in canada calgary to be exact. if you can please get back to me i will be extremely grateful

    thanks alot
    Last edited by an1; 10-06-2014 at 10:12 PM.

  2. #2
    got fina?'s Avatar
    got fina? is offline Member
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    First off, you wont gain 30lbs of muscle. Trust me! I see so many saying, I want to stay away from this because it will get me too big, too fast. It wont happen like that.

    Secondly, your cycle is not too good. I would forget about what you have and just take 500mg Test e/c a week. Test is actually the steroid that gives me the least sides and dont see how this will make you not want to do Test. Run Arimidex , which you can get here from the AR-R store with your Test at .025 eod and you will avoid the worst side which i get which is water retention.

    Save the other gear for a future cycle. The Test gear will give you the best results IF you diet is properly executed. Im guessing you chose the other compounds to run for your first cycle thinking this will cut you up?? Well, im sorry to say, they will not. Cutting up and ultimately how you will end up looking will only be done with your diet.

    I have seen people look the same after taking a Test Prop/Winstrol /Tren cycle, at crazy high dosages and i have seen people get ripped after doing a Test/D-bol cycle. Simply because one dieted and the other didnt..

    My suggestion is to read a bit in the diet section and tune a diet for the results you want. Once you see your body fat percentage at aroun 12-14%, then do this cycle of Test. If you cant drop to those numbers of BF, then continue tuning your diet until you can. If you dont follow this advice you will be very disappointed with the end result of any cycle you choose.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    an1 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2014
    hey thanks for the reply, im strictly looking to use these two compounds primo and anavar . i know how to diet ive actually done a natural show a year back and all i was taking was eca i basically slowley kept decreasing my calories and uping my cardio leading to the show, everytime i would hit plato i would decrease my calories mostly carbs. anyways i know its gonna be diffrent when im on gear so i wanted to know if i should be at a calorie surplus or deficit when im on primo and anavar and if i need to add test to my cycle thanks

  4. #4
    Deal Me In's Avatar
    Deal Me In is offline Member
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    Read each of these articles a couple of times and follow them closely. Don't get creative. Everything you need to know is here. Especially the second one.

  5. #5
    got fina?'s Avatar
    got fina? is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by an1 View Post
    hey thanks for the reply, im strictly looking to use these two compounds primo and anavar. i know how to diet ive actually done a natural show a year back and all i was taking was eca i basically slowley kept decreasing my calories and uping my cardio leading to the show, everytime i would hit plato i would decrease my calories mostly carbs. anyways i know its gonna be diffrent when im on gear so i wanted to know if i should be at a calorie surplus or deficit when im on primo and anavar and if i need to add test to my cycle thanks
    Yes you definitely need to add test. IMO though, thats all you need to add. If you still want to do it your way, then go for it. I dont know why you ask for our opinions though, when we know a lot on the subject, yet you continue to tweak it to what you prefer to hear. Wrong attitude to have in this game and one you will highly regret later on.

    Good luck!

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