Just turned 37 yesterday and ready to take my body to next level. I'm 5'10" 220-222lb, bf at 12% maybe 12.5%, training since I was 19 and weighing a mere140-150lb. Before three years ago my training was off and on, but for the last three years I've been going hard and very consistent to the point everyone thinks I'm always in the gym.
I can bench 315 for about 11 reps with 6-7 of those being unhelped. Benching 225 for 25 reps is a walk in the park. Squats went as high as 545lb with a spot. Felt like My eyes wanted to pop. I can get 20 squat reps of 335 without any help. Deadlifts is 495lb. Hit 545 on DL but that's with a friend assisting when I got stuck and knee height. Wish I could do more with deadlifts but often times when I'm close to my one rep max my mind says I can't do it.
Anyways, I think I'm in a better place naturally than some people who actually take Gear. Often get challenged by gym buddies on gear so now I feel it's time to even out the scale a bit. Only dudes bigger than me in gym are the ones that take, and now that I'm cool with them all they've shared what they do with me.
This post is getting long. Lol. I know the protocol is to go with test only first cycle as suggested on here but all my friends tell me that I could get away with more. One did suggest that test only is good and that I'll see gainz. I want to do a 12 week cycle of test, tren, dbol and in the following manner. Test e 250mg twice week for 1-12, tren ace 300-350wk twice injected wks1-8, and dbol 20-30mg weeks 1-5. HCG will be 250ui twice weekly through whole cycle. Adex and Letrozol will be taken and caber as well will be on hand.
My pct will be Nolvax and clomid as per outlined million times on this site. No need to add that.
Would include pics of physique but don't have enough posts yet. Now give me some feedback.
Two things I want to know specifically. Does taking dbol and tren together make sense? Also, is it still okay that my test is higher than tren.
My goal is to get to a clean 230-235lb and be at around 10-11% with that poundage increase. Thinking the dbol will help deliver that and the tren will help with body fat and doesn't aromatize, and the test will help with manly functions and provide the base.
Sorry for the long as post.