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  1. #1
    tamm is offline New Member
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    Jan 2015

    Cool First cycle of clen

    HELLO fellow gym freaks im 18, 75kg i was just wondering what i should start my first cycle of clenbuterol dosage at, should i begin with 20mcg per day and then up it by 20mcg each day until i build up to my max tolerance, then stick at my max. and is it alright for me to run my cycle for 1 month on, 1 week on 1 week off?? im not running any other anabolics.

  2. #2
    Motardpdx's Avatar
    Motardpdx is offline Associate Member
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    Is this your first cycle in general? Or, your first cycle with Clenbuterol ? Here is a great resource... Enjoy!

  3. #3
    tamm is offline New Member
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    yes my first cycle of clenbuterol

  4. #4
    Motardpdx's Avatar
    Motardpdx is offline Associate Member
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  5. #5
    tamm is offline New Member
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    thanks do you think it would be alright to run it for 14 days on and 14 days off? and do i need to cycle off it or can i just stop, because it my body wont be needing it like say cycling off of a steroid ?

  6. #6
    Motardpdx's Avatar
    Motardpdx is offline Associate Member
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    It has been reported as having a half life of about 2 days, but that is not actually correct, since it has biphasic elimination, with the half-life of the rapid phase being about 10 hours, and the slower phase being several days. Supposedly, this is one of the reasons the FDA never approved clenbuterol as an anti-asthmatic drug...the FDA frowns on drugs with long half-lives if drugs with more normal half-lives are available. So with a 2-on/2-off cycle you never have time to get enough of the clenbuterol out of your system for this theory to be reasonable. In actuality, it probably hasn't even dropped to 50% of your peak concentration before you are taking the drug again. With this all taken into account, there is no reason to think that this cycling would significantly reduce the problem of receptor desensitization. A more reasonable approach would be either one week on, one week off, or alternately, two weeks on two weeks off. The two week cycle has the disadvantage of a "crash" period afterwards. This crash period can be helped with the use of ephedrine to lessen the lethargy that you will experience.

  7. #7
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    How about we get your

    Age 18
    Weight 75kg (165lbs)
    Bodyfat % ?
    Height ?
    Weight loss diet macro's ?

  8. #8
    Motardpdx's Avatar
    Motardpdx is offline Associate Member
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    More of this^^^^^

  9. #9
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Asia but not Asian.
    FDA might not have approved it seeing how it is extremely poisonous if you accidentally took too large of dose. Not poisonous as in the normal sides but as in it causes total stoppage of several systems in the body causing complete organ failure. This happened in China and is why getting caught with Clen in China is about the only substance you will get hammered for having. They make no secret on this with the substance having it's own signs as warning as you come into immigration.

    The reasonable usage that I see is using a receptor reset item like ketotifen which is easily available for minimal cost at almost any asian online pharma when renders the receptor blunting NA and you are off to the races.

    Quote Originally Posted by Motardpdx View Post
    It has been reported as having a half life of about 2 days, but that is not actually correct, since it has biphasic elimination, with the half-life of the rapid phase being about 10 hours, and the slower phase being several days. Supposedly, this is one of the reasons the FDA never approved clenbuterol as an anti-asthmatic drug...the FDA frowns on drugs with long half-lives if drugs with more normal half-lives are available. So with a 2-on/2-off cycle you never have time to get enough of the clenbuterol out of your system for this theory to be reasonable. In actuality, it probably hasn't even dropped to 50% of your peak concentration before you are taking the drug again. With this all taken into account, there is no reason to think that this cycling would significantly reduce the problem of receptor desensitization. A more reasonable approach would be either one week on, one week off, or alternately, two weeks on two weeks off. The two week cycle has the disadvantage of a "crash" period afterwards. This crash period can be helped with the use of ephedrine to lessen the lethargy that you will experience.

  10. #10
    tamm is offline New Member
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    height 5,9 and 12-15% bf and around 2000 calories a day

  11. #11
    dfarre is offline Banned
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    I don't cycle it, I just eat it on my low carb and 50% deficit days and stop a day before carb loading, it supposedly badly influences glycogen replenishment.

    It's not as bad as people say, you will barely feel any difference with it.

  12. #12
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Motardpdx View Post
    It has been reported as having a half life of about 2 days, but that is not actually correct, since it has biphasic elimination, with the half-life of the rapid phase being about 10 hours, and the slower phase being several days. Supposedly, this is one of the reasons the FDA never approved clenbuterol as an anti-asthmatic drug...the FDA frowns on drugs with long half-lives if drugs with more normal half-lives are available. So with a 2-on/2-off cycle you never have time to get enough of the clenbuterol out of your system for this theory to be reasonable. In actuality, it probably hasn't even dropped to 50% of your peak concentration before you are taking the drug again. With this all taken into account, there is no reason to think that this cycling would significantly reduce the problem of receptor desensitization. A more reasonable approach would be either one week on, one week off, or alternately, two weeks on two weeks off. The two week cycle has the disadvantage of a "crash" period afterwards. This crash period can be helped with the use of ephedrine to lessen the lethargy that you will experience.
    the problem with using ephedrine after is that it doesn't let the beta 2 receptors "refresh" because it itself is a beta 2 agonist so its like you are still on clen ...just saying

  13. #13
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by tamm View Post
    height 5,9 and 12-15% bf and around 2000 calories a day
    Macro's of those 2000cals

    What is your cardio plan like?

    Seriously you don't need clen , I wouldn't touch it again. Why do you feel the need?

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