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Thread: laser lipo body sculpting for fat target areas VS anavar + Diet + exercise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    laser lipo body sculpting for fat target areas VS anavar + Diet + exercise

    Hi, I'm currently on 750 per week on SUS (polyesteron) and 30 of anavar ED.
    172 lb , 5'8 height, 36 yrs.

    I was wondering if the var is enough to get lean on those areas that are hard to lose weight plus dieting and exercise or should I be realistic and accept that there is some fat that is almost impossible to get rid of, so should I try one of this alternatives such as the lipo body sculpting which is way more cheaper than a lipo-suction or what is your opinion???.

    I saw deals for $89 for two laser lipo body sculpting treatments ($500 value)
    $175 for four laser lipo body sculpting treatments ($1,000 value) etc.. but I just don't see a lot of feed back online about this.

    here is the definition of the treatment:

    During the procedure, a licensed professional uses a series of noninvasive, laser-emitting pads to target fat deposits in such areas as the hips, abdomen, and thighs. The laser light in the pads perforates the fat cells, causing them to release their contents into the body and shrink, resulting in lost inches. The body eventually gets rid of the expelled fat-cell contents via the lymphatic system or burns them for energy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Have a read in the nutrition section that's how you will lose pounds.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Forghet about laser. Var and steroids and diet will do miracles, but once you discontinue, you'll loose big part. I just did a liposuction for that purpose, i'm in first week. Stay tuned and i'll tell if that works.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Forghet about laser. Var and steroids and diet will do miracles, but once you discontinue, you'll loose big part. I just did a liposuction for that purpose, i'm in first week. Stay tuned and i'll tell if that works.
    What kind? the one I mention is no really a liposuction. and yes var and steroids get very lean but there are some spots that are very hard to get lean like the lovehandels.
    Thanks and good luck on you recovery

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    If you have a fat storage in lovehandles or lower belly, either you get payed for your physique, and you can afford to be on strict diet 24/7, including use and abuse of chemicals, after 10 years of fighting against handles, I found out, diet and steroids are not the answer. Shure they can be temporally treated, but you have to be under 10% BF year round, that’s not healthy at all.
    People do not understand the problem skinnyfat people have.
    My girlfriend for example, she eats like a pork, much more cal than I, and she does not work out, but she always look lean. I first thaught that’s impossible. Then I took her fat on lower belly and love handles and arms and guess what? She had nearly the same amount everywere!!!!
    Me on the opposite, on my arms, upper chest, legs, I have maybe 1/5 or even 1/10 of fat layer then she has, but on my lower belly, maybe twice, and handles I’d say from 5x to 10x more fat. To have her same fat amount in handles, I have to go at 10% BF or even less.
    I hope liposuction could have been finally the answer, because IMO lipo is not ment for fat, lazy and rich people, but rather for skinnyfat people, that have small spots with extremely high amount of fat cells.
    Now to your question, Laser, Cold, and magical non-surgical lipos, I’d stay away ATM, because the only proven way to quit definately fat spots, is still suction.

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