Hi, I'm currently on 750 per week on SUS (polyesteron) and 30 of anavar ED.
172 lb , 5'8 height, 36 yrs.
I was wondering if the var is enough to get lean on those areas that are hard to lose weight plus dieting and exercise or should I be realistic and accept that there is some fat that is almost impossible to get rid of, so should I try one of this alternatives such as the lipo body sculpting which is way more cheaper than a lipo-suction or what is your opinion???.
I saw deals for $89 for two laser lipo body sculpting treatments ($500 value)
$175 for four laser lipo body sculpting treatments ($1,000 value) etc.. but I just don't see a lot of feed back online about this.
here is the definition of the treatment:
During the procedure, a licensed professional uses a series of noninvasive, laser-emitting pads to target fat deposits in such areas as the hips, abdomen, and thighs. The laser light in the pads perforates the fat cells, causing them to release their contents into the body and shrink, resulting in lost inches. The body eventually gets rid of the expelled fat-cell contents via the lymphatic system or burns them for energy.