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Thread: 19 Year Old 130 lbs First Cycle

  1. #1

    19 Year Old 130 lbs First Cycle

    Open to any ideas on how i should do things differently. Will be starting my first cycle next week. I am 19 y/o 5'6" and about 125-130lbs. I have been wrestling for 6 years in great shape little to no body fat. and my wrestling career is now over but have still been working out. i have just started a diet with very high protein and calories.

    My cycle will be

    -250mg Test E twice a week. (10 weeks)
    -HCG for whole 10 weeks (250 mg 2-3 times a week)
    -Aromasin aprox. 10mg a day. Will start after week 3
    -Nolva and Clomid week 13-17. open to suggestions on dosage info for these.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    educate yourself first so you don't cause a permanent damage.

    start here,

    The Young and Steroids

  3. #3
    thanks alot, i read that. i do understand the risks. the possible gain is worth the risk to me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Honestly, you're not going to find many people here that are going to give advice to a 19 year old regarding AAS use, and for good reason. Being a wrestler, I have no doubt that you have a good work ethic, but I would be curious to know what your diet looks like. If you head over to the nutrition forum and post your diet, there are plenty of helpful, knowledgeable members who will help you out. At 19 years old, with a good work ethic, and a solid diet plan, you'll grow like a weed! Save the AAS for later on in your life when your natural test levels have leveled off and you find it difficult to make any further gains. Good luck, and welcome to the forum!

  5. #5
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    no man, you have no idea what the risks are. that's why I said do more reading, you go into this blind you will regret it. just be patient and listen.

  6. #6
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    I know when you are 19 you feel invincible. But, it will really suck when you are 25 and have to spend more than $10K a year on HRT and E/D medications. It is not just a risk but a reality. Also, you are a wrestler, therefore you have been trying to keep your weight at a certain point and now that it does not matter, you should learn to use the testosterone that is already blasting through your system to grow. To do that, you need to learn to eat. If you think that steroids are just going to make you bigger, you will still end up with the problems, but will also realize that your diet is far more important at your age. If you take AAS, without learning to eat right, you will gain 25lbs, 20 of which will be water weight and you will lose it as soon as you finish; but most likely with all the problems and sides you do not want. Honestly, we all know you are going to do whatever you want, but if you ask us questions we are going to give you the best advice we can; even if you have no intentions to listen to what we say. Good luck though and hopefully someday you wont be trying to convince another 19 year what he is store for if he does not listen to you. It gets repetative and boring to be honest. But worst of all, it sucks to not have had this type of information when I was your age. No one was out there to help me and I screwed myself up. But, at least I can pretend I am doing my best to steer others in the right direction; even though I know it usually is a waste of time.

  7. #7
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    dont ask for a source thx
    op you have been given some really good advise from people with real world experience/knowledge and you would be foolish not to least give your diet a chance to see what results you get first before jumping on aas...if you cant gain with your diet alone then you will gain very little on aas and when your done you will watch it disappear quickly because again you don't have the nutrition to maintain any new muscle you would be lucky enough to gain...remember steroids are not magic if you don't have all the components already in place before your cycle then you will be disappointed with your results...good luck...

  8. #8
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by colema3t
    Open to any ideas on how i should do things differently. Will be starting my first cycle next week. I am 19 y/o 5'6" and about 125-130lbs. I have been wrestling for 6 years in great shape little to no body fat. and my wrestling career is now over but have still been working out. i have just started a diet with very high protein and calories. My cycle will be -250mg Test E twice a week. (10 weeks) -HCG for whole 10 weeks (250 mg 2-3 times a week) -Aromasin aprox. 10mg a day. Will start after week 3 -Nolva and Clomid week 13-17. open to suggestions on dosage info for these.
    With your stats seems u may be a hard gainer. Therefore You need to focus on diet. You won't regret eating more.
    Last edited by GirlyGymRat; 01-23-2015 at 04:03 PM.

  9. #9
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Here's a thread in members experiences. Thought you might be inspired to read through his approach.

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You have had some excellent advice please follow it and let us know how you get on, if you look at your diet and training you can easily put on the same amount of size than any cycle

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by colema3t View Post
    thanks alot, i read that. i do understand the risks. the possible gain is worth the risk to me
    No you dont or you would not say that. Most of us remember being young and dumb saying the same thing because we could not see past today let alone next week or next year.

    Is it worth it if your girlfriend dumps yiu and tells all her friends you can't get it up? Is it worth it if you screw up your hpta and fight depression and lack of energy for the next few years trying to get your hormones back where they should be? I could go on and on but if you dont get it by now or willing to take a step back and learn then we will see you on the flip side when you are back asking for help.

    Listen to what these guys are telling you. There is a lot to learn here and you can make great gains safely without using gear and learn what you need to know for when you are ready.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by colema3t View Post
    Open to any ideas on how i should do things differently. Will be starting my first cycle next week. I am 19 y/o 5'6" and about 125-130lbs. I have been wrestling for 6 years in great shape little to no body fat. and my wrestling career is now over but have still been working out. i have just started a diet with very high protein and calories.

    My cycle will be

    -250mg Test E twice a week. (10 weeks)
    -HCG for whole 10 weeks (250 mg 2-3 times a week)
    -Aromasin aprox. 10mg a day. Will start after week 3
    -Nolva and Clomid week 13-17. open to suggestions on dosage info for these.
    130 pounds and you think steroids will help that? come on dude i hope you're trolling. You will gain absolutely nothing from any amount of steroids till you learn how to eat food. Not trying to be a jackass but that's just crazy, and you will be mad in the end when you're the same size you were before you started. It's impossible, yes "impossible" for you to gain from steroids where you're at right now without knowing how to eat food, steroids aren't magic and they don't build muscle for you, food builds muscle.

  13. #13
    130? **** outa here :-P

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by n1ge1991 View Post
    130? **** outa here :-P
    I think some people don't know what food is.

  15. #15
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    Just realize that you got the best possible advice, from some very Respected and Knowledgable members... Though its not what you wanted to hear! Remember Diet & Training = 90-95% of all gains!!!

  16. #16
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    If this ain't an awesome forum i don't know what is. Every one that replied to the OP cares more about him than he does! I really hope he listens.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    If this ain't an awesome forum i don't know what is. Every one that replied to the OP cares more about him than he does! I really hope he listens.

  18. #18
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    Great advice... If he listened.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Motardpdx View Post
    Great advice... If he listened.
    Yeah... hopefully..

  20. #20
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    you're 58 kilos.

  21. #21
    alright. sucks i already bought the stuff though. definitely had my mind set on starting next week. but your all probably right. thanks for the advice

  22. #22
    If your set on doing something, have a look into 5a hydroxy Laxogenin and or Ostarine? :-)

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by colema3t View Post
    alright. sucks i already bought the stuff though. definitely had my mind set on starting next week. but your all probably right. thanks for the advice
    Good call!!!! It ain't like getting rid of it is difficult :-)

    One thing jumped out at me, in your post - "I just started my diet....." Even IF you weren't gonna listen to the guys here, at least give the diet you just started a chance to prove its worth. Ya get what I'm saying? You said you just started it, ya jump on the gear, you won't even know whether it is the food or the AAS creating the gains. Give the food a chance to do what food does, bro :-)

  24. #24
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobuddy
    Good call!!!! It ain't like getting rid of it is difficult :-) One thing jumped out at me, in your post - "I just started my diet....." Even IF you weren't gonna listen to the guys here, at least give the diet you just started a chance to prove its worth. Ya get what I'm saying? You said you just started it, ya jump on the gear, you won't even know whether it is the food or the AAS creating the gains. Give the food a chance to do what food does, bro :-)
    Suggest OP jump over to nutritional forum and create new thread. Post up diet and training. Guys will be happy to help!!!!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by colema3t View Post
    alright. sucks i already bought the stuff though. definitely had my mind set on starting next week. but your all probably right. thanks for the advice
    I'm sure it wont be hard to get rid of but it will also keep for several years with out any problem.

  26. #26
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    I sent you an email regarding the use of AAS at your current stats.

    If you have any questions regarding absolutely everything and anything I'm happy to answer them or provide links to educational articles.

  27. #27
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    Colema3t, don't listen to iMVP, he's a scammer!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    Colema3t, don't listen to iMVP, he's a scammer!
    ^^^^ what his said. It's a good think he isnt bright enough to realize he can PM either.

  29. #29
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    LOL! like what the hell can he tell him more than what's already been said?! beside the OP made a smart decision, so no need to privately PM him unless he wants to change his mind!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    LOL! like what the hell can he tell him more than what's already been said?! beside the OP made a smart decision, so no need to privately PM him unless he wants to change his mind!
    It's like you said, he is a scammer and will try to sell the OP product or just take his money but either way a scammer. No other reason to go PM.

  31. #31
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    What on earth are you on about? I'm not selling anything you silly goose. I tried to post what I PM'ed him but it didn't let me post certain words for being under 25 posts and cbf editing restricted words. Don't go attempting to destroy my already non-existent reputation on the boards please.. xox

  32. #32
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    Also, he may have made up his mind and he may of not. If he's dead-set in using, there's nothing knowledgeable you can say or do for him that would convince him otherwise, so you're either going to decide to help him with the cycle or you're not, that's up to you. I for one would rather help him if he's definitely going down that road, the same way I did.

  33. #33
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    we don't help anyone under 24 to do a cycle, if we do what's the point?!

  34. #34
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    I know what you mean, and the reason I PM'd him was to ask if he really was reconsidering or not, if he's going through with it then I'm helping him. But it definitely was cute how I somehow acquired the "scammer" title I guess anyone with 2 posts sending PM's looks sus but anyway. What I PM him is between sender and receiver, please don't go calling me a scammer.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by iMVP View Post
    I know what you mean, and the reason I PM'd him was to ask if he really was reconsidering or not, if he's going through with it then I'm helping him. But it definitely was cute how I somehow acquired the "scammer" title I guess anyone with 2 posts sending PM's looks sus but anyway. What I PM him is between sender and receiver, please don't go calling me a scammer.
    yes it does look suspicious and more than not we are right.

    Dont be so sure it's just between you and him. If you are a scammer you will be found out soon enough, even if you stick to PM.
    Have a nice day.

  36. #36
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    I agree, but I thought you already claimed that I was already in fact a scammer but now state that until I'm found to be one, I'm not? Now I'm confused, am I a scammer or not?

    Let's play semantics shall we?
    Have a nice day.
    Last edited by iMVP; 01-24-2015 at 10:43 PM.

  37. #37
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    If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck then it's a duck.

    If you dont want to be categorized as a scammer then done act like one.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 01-24-2015 at 11:59 PM.

  38. #38
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    No don't worry I've already put you in a category of my own already. Going by your statements I don't even think this is worth discussing, you seem to be contradicting yourself more than once and I will be more than happy to elaborate where you have contradicted yourself, if you'd like.

    Now, me informing the OP I've sent him a PM regarding Q&A's/Educational Articles seems quite normal to me, as it would to anyone else not saturated with anabolics to the point of paranoia.

    Now, If I had instead said, hi OP reply to my PM I have some compounds i'd like to offer you" THEN OK - that looks dodgy and raises 85,000 red flags, 500 moderators 903384893 FBI agents and CSI Miami

    How in the actual F can you call me a scammer, then acknowledge I'm not a scammer but warn me in-case I am a scammer and then tell me I am one because I seemed like a scammer, I've never wrote these three letters together before because I hate acronyms but, LOL.

    Sure, if you thought I was a scammer then go ahead, your opinion is your opinion, however, don't be childish and call me out for scamming, instead, warn the OP about scammers sending PM's. That approach is what separates the mature from the forum and post submitting warriors instead of going OH MY GOD BASS LOOK THIS GUY IS A SCAMMER OP BE CAREFUL MAN HOLY SH**! WTF!? HE SENT A PM!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm not mad by the way, I just love using your mentality against you, it feels as good as the lower back pumps you get from Dianabol, sweet and crippling pain.

    bass, get ready to hit lovbyts Like button after he's responded bro, support his posts!

  39. #39
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    Forward me the email.
    I know judge Judy I will let you know what I think

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by michigan9620 View Post
    Open to any ideas on how i should do things differently. Will be starting my first cycle next week. I am 19 y/o 5'6" and about 125-130lbs. I have been wrestling for 6 years in great shape little to no body fat. and my wrestling career is now over but have still been working out. i have just started a diet with very high protein and calories.

    My cycle will be

    -250mg Test E twice a week. (10 weeks)
    -HCG for whole 10 weeks (250 mg 2-3 times a week)
    -Aromasin aprox. 10mg a day. Will start after week 3
    -Nolva and Clomid week 13-17. open to suggestions on dosage info for these.
    Apparently you have done NO research. Little to no body fat, so your body fat is consistenly 3-4 %? Doubtful. DO YOUR REASEARCH THEN ASK QUESTIONS.

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