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Thread: First injection.

  1. #1

    First injection.

    Is there any solution I can inject in my glutes to see if I'm okay with injecting myself.

    Also I need some needle help, any tutorials out three?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    What are you planning on running? Also, what do you mean about needle help?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    Welcome to the forum. A great place to begin is to start reading all of the educational threads provided so you start to get some knowledge then ask questions.

  4. #4
    Thank you, already read them. Doing test 500w/k, I've read most of austinite topics.

    Needle help in regarding what siringe to use and needle gauge, I don't even know what to ask to my local farmacy when I'm going to buy. I live in Europe so the measurements might be different.

    Looking to try inject myself with a solution that can be bought from the farmacy and won't harm me at all, to see if I can do it, I want to make it easier before buying the gear.

    Also needle/seringe tutorials.
    Last edited by Nomatterwat; 02-26-2015 at 06:09 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Nomatterwat View Post
    Thank you, already read them. Doing test 500w/k, I've read most of austinite topics.

    Needle help in regarding what siringe to use and needle gauge, I don't even know what to ask to my local farmacy when I'm going to buy. I live in Europe so the measurements might be different.

    Looking to try inject myself with a solution that can be bought from the farmacy and won't harm me at all, to see if I can do it, I want to make it easier before buying the gear.

    Also needle/seringe tutorials.
    You tube....and this site too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Lubbock, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Nomatterwat
    Thank you, already read them. Doing test 500w/k, I've read most of austinite topics. Needle help in regarding what siringe to use and needle gauge, I don't even know what to ask to my local farmacy when I'm going to buy. I live in Europe so the measurements might be different. Looking to try inject myself with a solution that can be bought from the farmacy and won't harm me at all, to see if I can do it, I want to make it easier before buying the gear. Also needle/seringe tutorials.
    23g 1.5 inch should be good for glutes. This is all pretty basic stuff my man. What are your stats, training history and what's your proposed cycle? I realize you said 500mg of test but you didn't mention anything about an AI or PCT.

  7. #7
    Im following austinite first cycle guide. regarding cycle/pct

    Looking to find a solution to try inject myself before injecting real gear.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nomatterwat
    Im following austinite first cycle guide. regarding cycle/pct Looking to find a solution to try inject myself before injecting real gear.
    Solid answer.

  9. #9
    Sterile grape seed oil.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    AZ Side
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog
    Sterile grape seed oil.
    Or b12

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Its not oil but for injection procedures might help, bare in mind that the viscosity is very different.

    Edit: opps Sam

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    Solid answer.
    Already covered the cycle/pct part, got everything in place. Age/weight/workout/diet is not something to worry about.

    All I need is some seringe/needle information and a solution that can be injected to test if I'm okay with it. Don't want to pass out when trying to get some gear in my system lol.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Sterile grape seed oil.
    Couldn't find any youtube tutorials.

    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Or b12
    Might try it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Its not oil but for injection procedures might help, bare in mind that the viscosity is very different.
    Yeah that sucks. But if I get through the pinning part, the injection won't be a problem, I guess.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Bacteriostatic water, but why go thru the trouble of injecting something that's not going to do anything? It's going to be sketchy, you're going to be sweating and your heart will be pounding from fear...then you just man up and do it.

  15. #15
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    Nor Cal
    How to Inject Steroids

    Click the link and watch the videos

  16. #16
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    Jan 2015
    If you live in europe, ask for natural saline (NS 0.9%) or water for injection (WFI), both designed as vehicles for injectables.
    Here we use the inch system for needles, so you just ask for 1 1/4" or 1.5" for glutes. One of the few occasions we don't use the metric.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nomatterwat View Post
    Age/weight/workout/diet is not something to worry about.
    Strongly disagree. But you're gonna cycle 'Nomatterwat' right.

    At least be honest with the people trying to help you.

  18. #18
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    He's only asking about injection technique and for a substance that he can "practice" with not cycle assistance. His personal info is really not needed to assist in that circumstance. Other than if his body fat is to excessive that he needs a inch and a half for glutes or if he is thin enough to get by with a 1 inch.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by tectime View Post
    He's only asking about injection technique and for a substance that he can "practice" with not cycle assistance. His personal info is really not needed to assist in that circumstance. Other than if his body fat is to excessive that he needs a inch and a half for glutes or if he is thin enough to get by with a 1 inch.
    Nope, he says he is going to be doing test e at 500mg per week. Just because he wants to practice means it's a precursor to a cycle.

  20. #20
    Thanks for all the advices.

    Quote Originally Posted by tectime View Post
    He's only asking about injection technique and for a substance that he can "practice" with not cycle assistance. His personal info is really not needed to assist in that circumstance. Other than if his body fat is to excessive that he needs a inch and a half for glutes or if he is thin enough to get by with a 1 inch.
    My glutes are tiny lol, should I go for 1 inch?

  21. #21
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    May 2013
    Correct but he didn't ask for any info that pertains to his personal stats. He already said doses and he already said he read Austins first cycle stickies, he didn't ask for your advice on any personal cycle questions which would warrant the necessity for personal stats only for injection technique. How will his personal stats help you to assist him in manning up to be able to inject himself.

  22. #22
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    And to Op Yes just use 1" 23 ga. needle.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by tectime View Post
    Correct but he didn't ask for any info that pertains to his personal stats. He already said doses and he already said he read Austins first cycle stickies, he didn't ask for your advice on any personal cycle questions which would warrant the necessity for personal stats only for injection technique. How will his personal stats help you to assist him in manning up to be able to inject himself.
    If he can't man up then he isn't ready. And at 20 years old 136lbs at 6' tall even 1" is going to be too long for him.

    You want to give him encouragement, tips and advice based on that info? Or do you just give advice to anybody that says they have read up accordingly?

  24. #24
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    I'm not trying to give him any encouragement or advise. I'm only answering his question. I don't care if he's 8 foot tall and 900 pounds or 4 foot tall and 65 pounds it's not my business. I'm not his personal doctor. He asked about practicing injections not about how to cycle and get the most benefit out of it. I agree stats are necessary if you are dealing on a personal basis with someone or their situation this is only about how to inject safely.

  25. #25
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    And also I wouldn't give any advice to someone just because they read those stickies. I have no idea what those stickies even say! I've never read them and have no need or desire to. And dude even at 135 pounds it have enough meat on his vast for a 1 inch.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by tectime View Post
    I'm not trying to give him any encouragement or advise. I'm only answering his question. I don't care if he's 8 foot tall and 900 pounds or 4 foot tall and 65 pounds it's not my business. I'm not his personal doctor. He asked about practicing injections not about how to cycle and get the most benefit out of it. I agree stats are necessary if you are dealing on a personal basis with someone or their situation this is only about how to inject safely.
    He wants advice on how to inject safely so he can cycle. Not so he can just learn to inject. To me, that's like giving cycle advice, it's giving somebody a tool with something they aren't ready for. You don't see it that way, I see that.

    I stand by my request for his stats especially as he said his stats are nothing to worry about, that's a huge red flag right there.

  27. #27
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    And I can see your point of view and I can respect that. Personally I don't know why someone wouldn't put their stats out there I'm proud of mine! But not everyone is. Plus half the time people stats aren't exactly accurate. Body fat being probably the most inaccurate. Too much in the eye of the beholder. But hey man you work it the way you need to. Me I'm good with it all.

  28. #28
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    Not butting in but my take on the younger guys is to try to educate them and sway them away from early cycling. Often they follow up with " well I am going to do it anyway so you might as well tell me". I take the stance that you are responsible for yourself and after good advice is given and not taken then I will not aid in helping them make further poor ones. Besides ........most are already smarter then the older guys anyways, just ask them. I agree with B&B.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    He wants advice on how to inject safely so he can cycle. Not so he can just learn to inject. To me, that's like giving cycle advice, it's giving somebody a tool with something they aren't ready for. You don't see it that way, I see that.

    I stand by my request for his stats especially as he said his stats are nothing to worry about, that's a huge red flag right there.
    After careful consideration, I have to agree with BiB. Good call.
    There is no neutral information, these pieces of advice can be used constructively by the right person in the right time, or destructively by the wrong person in the wrong time. It is the duty of the one giving the advice to discern each situation.

  30. #30
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  31. #31
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    Oh my ! Ok for starters you don't know if he's young or old. The little info on his profile says 25 so in my opinion he's still too young but we are all free to make our own decisions at least here in America or at least in my part of it. Also I didn't give him any personal cycle advice I simply stated that his stats are not necessary to tell him where to find out how to inject properly and if there's a substance that he can practice with. I didn't even tell him where to find that information. I did state that a 1 inch is all he would need because he said he was thin. Again like I stated his stats are not necessary to point him in the direction of educating himself.

  32. #32
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    And there is plenty of neutral information when dealing with this subject. He asked about injection procedure.
    I'm not his judge or jury its not for me to discern whether he should be doing anything. Though I do feel like it is my duty as a human being to help him properly educate himself.

  33. #33
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    Spiking is def an acquired taste

    If it wasn't for my crazy ass woman I'd never do it. . . After seeing her do it, it's nothing. I srsly do this whenever - One of my friends is like, I can't watch. . . The other, ehh it ain't no biggie.

    I swear I'll answer the damn door to the UPS man or something one of these days with a spike still stuck in me.

    Needles are a way of this sport. I get poked with some sort of needle more than once almost every day this week. BW, more BW, home blood letting, HCG

    Yeah, it's something to get used to

  34. #34
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    [QUOTE="< <Samson> >"]Spiking is def an acquired taste If it wasn't for my crazy ass woman I'd never do it. . .

    Ha right you are there ! I prefer when my ol lady/ sweet wife sticks me too! But hey if she's not handy.... Boom ..... No problem ! Not like I look forward to it but I don't shy away ! As a matter of fact it's close enough to thurs eve for me Oh maybe I do look forward to it ! Haha!

  35. #35
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    Oh yea much better ! There's 3 cc's pure sweet loving goodness mmmm mmmm !

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Shit, nothing is like a shot of strong ass ace right next to a vein

    That shit is like the cleanest fvcking hit

    I'm like - there it is right thur

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    I'm like - there it is right thur

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