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  1. #1
    shaifire is offline New Member
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    Starting Anavar. Flying? injury?

    New, starting, and traveling!

    Hi there!
    I'm new to AAS. I just started last week. I have 25mg tabs anavar . I take 6.25 doses 2x a day.

    My stats: 28 year old female, 5'9, about 21/22% body fat, 160lbs.

    I have 2 injuries right now and limited to bike/pool/weights. Wasn't sure where to post this because of the different topics in here.

    Looking to drop down to low teens for BF.

    Diet is 1600 calories. Roughly: 20% carbs
    40% protein 40% fat.

    Fitness: HIIT 3-4 days a week bike
    Weights: 3-4 days functional type.
    Daily exercise. Extra 40 min bike rides 3x a week.

    I'm headed on an international flight this friday, I've read a lot on here about options of either shipping your gear or taking it on baggage. Not sure of my best option, but leaning towards postal.. heading to Hawaii.
    How does one mail tabs with it looking discreet?

    Concerning the injury: as a female, what's the best drug for healing a hip issue. Waiting on MRI appointment, so unsure if it's soft tissue. X ray turned up clean.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaifire
    New, starting, and traveling! Hi there! I'm new to AAS. I just started last week. I have 25mg tabs anavar. I take 6.25 doses 2x a day. My stats: 28 year old female, 5'9, about 21/22% body fat, 160lbs. I have 2 injuries right now and limited to bike/pool/weights. Wasn't sure where to post this because of the different topics in here. Looking to drop down to low teens for BF. Diet is 1600 calories. Roughly: 20% carbs 40% protein 40% fat. Fitness: HIIT 3-4 days a week bike Weights: 3-4 days functional type. Daily exercise. Extra 40 min bike rides 3x a week. I'm headed on an international flight this friday, I've read a lot on here about options of either shipping your gear or taking it on baggage. Not sure of my best option, but leaning towards postal.. heading to Hawaii. How does one mail tabs with it looking discreet? Concerning the injury: as a female, what's the best drug for healing a hip issue. Waiting on MRI appointment, so unsure if it's soft tissue. X ray turned up clean. Thanks guys.

    Do u want to risk going to jail? Otherwise ship. I have shipped domestically. Never carry on flight. Rail is ok if they don't inspect bags. Ship in package with some stiffness so can't feel tabs. I shipped some tab overseas in a very thick cardboard large envelope - overkill packaging. .

    So you are planning to take 12.5 in split dosage. U could start with 1/4 pill everyday for first week and then add the other 1/4 for second dose just to see how you respond.

    You may have to run more then one cycle to hit your goal.

    Re injuries. What can't u do and have you considered these might limit the effectiveness of this cycle? Can u wait until there are no limitations. A very good friend would advise against starting a cycle until can get max benefits.

    Re injuries. TB 500 peptide. I used post surgery to improve healing. There is a TB thread that I will give you a link in next response

  3. #3
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    Roman's TB-500 log...........

    Also suggest search TB500 for more recent / active threads.

  4. #4
    shaifire is offline New Member
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    Tempting to just mail the 5 pills lol. But some how that looks suspicious to me.

    It's either that or don't use it for 2 weeks.

    I've been injured since January and it's quite annoying because I can't run. I was limping before, but now I can walk without a limp. I basically jammed my leg in the hip socket. I also still have plantar fasciitis. The reason I am using var right now is because I want to drop this weight! It's really hard to drop the weight when you can't do quite the same cardio as you would be if you were running. I also want the var out of my system sooner than later.

    I also don't know how long this will take to heal?

    I looked in to TB 500. Sounds quite interesting. Not sure how I would fare with needles, but I suppose I could see if naturopath could order and do it for me haha. (Poking myself is not an option)

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I would put 5 pills in my luggage without a thought.
    Mix it into a container with a bunch of vitamins and such.

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Whats the problem of travelling with medication?? I always carry medication to planes on my business trips. My company even gives us a zip bag ready for travel with a bunch of different medication I might need.

  7. #7
    saymass003 is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I would put 5 pills in my luggage without a thought.
    Mix it into a container with a bunch of vitamins and such.
    If it's just 5, I would just put them in my pill case with my other vitamins. I have never had any problems doing that.

  8. #8
    Paden5971 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm on airplanes every week, I take my test and syringes in my travel bag that holds my tooth brush and other toiletry items. I don't worry about it. 5 pills, put them where ever you want.

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