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Thread: My cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    My cycle

    Well I'm 18 atm nothing you say will stop me js but I'm thinking of running test e 500mg for 10wks shot on Monday then Thursday 250 each etc 0.5mg of Adex eod clomid for pct 100/75/50/25 i think that's what you do still learning pcts also was thinking of running hcg on cycle so my nuts wouldn't shutdown and make it easier to recover but I've read I don't need to with that short of a cycle but have it on hand just in case? Just basically don't talk shit just give me advice if anything here is wrong or you think something needs to be altered I know I'm young but I'm a damn ecto sick of taking time been lifting for a year 110 to 135 6'0 waist 28 chest 36 arms 13.5 quads 19.5 Calfs 13s neck is 14 that's my stats any idea on how much weight id gain off this? Max bench 180, squat (chiro told me stay away till done growing slight scoliosis) leg press is 658 though 2 reps. Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Here's a tip, don't come on a site for help with an attitude like that.

    You weigh 135lbs at 7 foot am I reading that right? And steroids are the answer why?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Tell us why you need to gain 20 pounds now in 2 months? Some bullies you? A girl? Well, muscles make you a worse figther and 90% of the girls do not like it.
    Headturns? Well, thats ok. I wanted that too, but why dont you read the books and gain 10 punds naturally? It can b done at your age. That will be beef you carry for the rest of Your life almost. Gain 20 pounds from Your cycle in two months and you will loose 22 pounds 3 months after + big psycological problems.

  4. #4
    Gday guys im currently cycling sustaton 350 and equipoise eod almost to the end of the 10mm bottles (1 of each ) , a buddy of mine is getting his hands on bayer schering primo and prop can i finish my bottles and go the the bayer or should i contiune with the sust and eq ?

    Thanks in advance

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by shredz98 View Post
    Well I'm 18 atm nothing you say will stop me ......... Just basically don't talk shit just give me advice .......
    Wrong attitude!

    So you've been training for one year and gained 25lb, what were you expecting? Doesn't sound like ecto to me, this sh1t doesn't happen overnight.

    Nobody here will want to help you screw yourself up for life, no matter how belligerent you are. Since you don't want to hear it, I'm out!

  6. #6
    U need a foundation. ATM ur seem to have no knowledge as u have only been doing it a year. Wait bud

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Middle Earth
    One year lifting? 15lbs in one year? Can I STILL get those natty gains?!?!

    My man, eat some damn food! In my years of nutritional counseling, people who "say" they eat a lot actually don't at all. They think they do. Gaining weight, especially as a lifter, means eating even when your not hungry. Eating clean, eating smart, and building a solid foundation is key before doing this.

    I've been lifting since I was 16, so 12 years now, and I still have a) a lot to learn about AAS, and b) have the dedication to be spot on with all of it so I don't F*** up my body.

    IMO, someone in your position is using this as an "easy" way out and lazy. Sorry if that offends you but its true. Ask any of these guys on here, you still have to work and work hard for this to work and to see results. You get what you put out my friend....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Moodz View Post
    Gday guys im currently cycling sustaton 350 and equipoise eod almost to the end of the 10mm bottles (1 of each ) , a buddy of mine is getting his hands on bayer schering primo and prop can i finish my bottles and go the the bayer or should i contiune with the sust and eq ?

    Thanks in advance
    Are you responding to the thread or jacking his post??????

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    That is actually 25pounds I gained in a year lol not 15 but I'm not starting then right now prob around March so not at this exact moment but eating normally is my weak point prob the reason I'm even saying I'm doing roids what do you mean by eat clean I've been told I just need to eat everything doesn't matter what also is this a good cycle you guys never once said anything about it just that I need to eat get a foundation lazy etc

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    And sorry for the wrong attitude say what you want and reason is I just hate being small looking a for a quicker way

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Middle Earth
    Eating clean mean to not get sucked into eating donuts and other sh**. Eat clean means to eat the foods meant for solid growth (chick titties, fish, meats, rice, potatoes, etc). Honestly man, your young and at the peak of normal test levels. Get yourself an established routine, get your diet in check, and take advantage of your newbie gains and your high test now. Your first year in the iron game, your still trying to find you. Your bones, tendons, muscles, etc are still trying to adapt to all of this, adding AAS will lead to injuries quicker, some of which will take you out of the game for good. Be patient man, learn all that you can, take the free advice we give you, and you'll grow. Promise

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    You may have just caused me to wait long than March hahaha but can someone atleast say something about my cycle so when I do it I do it right

  13. #13
    Ur cycle seems ok. Doing test only is good for first cycle as u can see the sides you get from test alone.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Is my pct right? And should I run HCG or no

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by shredz98 View Post
    You may have just caused me to wait long than March hahaha but can someone atleast say something about my cycle so when I do it I do it right
    This is the most significant problem with regards you doing a cycle, you are not going to want to read this, but I urge you to!

    Then read a selection of these

    At your age your chances of doing permanent damage to your HPTA is significantly higher than someone who is ~25 y/o or older, because the HPTA is still developing until ~25. Put simply, you run a very high risk of having lifelong erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, difficulty holding muscle mass, depression etc.

    At your age, you have the highest natural production of testosterone of your life, after 25 it begins to decline. Use your natural testosterone and don't damage your HPTA for short term goals. As said above, learn to eat, it isn't easy and takes work, in fact more work than in the gym, really put the time to learn to eat well, understand macros, calories, good fats, bad fats.

    If I could have the testosterone levels of an 18 y/o again, I'd never cycle ever again.

    I know this isn't what you want to hear, but it is what you need to hear, good luck with your decision.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by shredz98
    Is my pct right? And should I run HCG or no
    no your pct is not right you should run 2 serms for pct and yes always run hcg during your cycle. Honestly hopefully you decide to wait. At your age you can make great gains natty and rob yourself out of gains down the road

  17. #17
    I used nolvadex as well as clomid on my first cycle . Also I did not use hcg and was alright haha

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Waiting till 25 is not going to happen haha I may wait longer though cause I wanna try and make myself eat which I've never done even though I gained that 25 pounds in a year but I'm waiting longer bc I wanna see how much I'll gain off eating and when I do that cycle I'm taking a break for awhile then back at it

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    So how much of clomid and nolva should I do and how much HCG do I inject each week also is HCG super expensive or what I can't find a price

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by camo1997
    I used nolvadex as well as clomid on my first cycle . Also I did not use hcg and was alright haha
    Let's see alright you are in 5,10, 20 years plus. Glad you think it's funny.

  21. #21
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    Apr 2015
    And if I do my cycle right HCG and all that I shouldn't mess my self up because I'm taking all he precautions I need to I'll be telling my doc too what I'm doing and have him watch me I'm doing this all right so I'll be safe hopefully

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by shredz98 View Post
    I shouldn't mess my self up because I'm taking all he precautions I need
    No amount of AI, HCG or PCT or any other protocol will protect or resurrect a developing HPTA that's been shut down.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    It wouldn't shut down though because the HCG right? Tells my testes to keep producing so they never shutdown am I right ?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by camo1997 View Post
    I used nolvadex as well as clomid on my first cycle . Also I did not use hcg and was alright haha
    I hope you are not advising this. Though it may have worked for you we all know there are much better ways to run a cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by shredz98 View Post
    So how much of clomid and nolva should I do and how much HCG do I inject each week also is HCG super expensive or what I can't find a price
    I suggest you take some time and read the sticky Planning abd executing my first successful cycle. All the info you need is in there

    Quote Originally Posted by shredz98 View Post
    And if I do my cycle right HCG and all that I shouldn't mess my self up because I'm taking all he precautions I need to I'll be telling my doc too what I'm doing and have him watch me I'm doing this all right so I'll be safe hopefully
    It still stops you from producing lh as hcg mimics lh function helping you maintain some testicular function during the administration of exogenous androgens

  25. #25
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by shredz98 View Post
    It wouldn't shut down though because the HCG right? Tells my testes to keep producing so they never shutdown am I right ?
    HPTA = Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis

    There is more than just your testes to think about. There is so much more to this than you appear to understand, please take the time to learn what you will be doing to your body.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    I'm right behind you..
    Dude, I (and probably most people here) understand being eager. My biggest concern is that--and I'm not saying this to offend you--you seem lazy. All of the questions you are asking are in the sticky posts in this very forum that, apparently, your time is too fvcking precious to "waste" time reading. Having questions is fine but not when you've made no attempt to find the answers on your own. You want everyone else who HAS done the work to do your work for you.

    Get your food right for your goals (you can read how on this site); get your resting right; get your lifting right for your goals. Learn about gear; LEARN ABOUT ANCILLARIES; LEARN ABOUT PCT.

    I, personally, have my entire next cycle/PCT on hand and it's burning a fvcking hole in my pocket. BUT, I've learned in these forums and been advised from kind folks via PMs, to get my BF<15%. I'm even close enough right now that I could probably get away with doing the cycle, BUT it's not the correct way to do it, so I'm going to wait. The world is full of short-sighted people who believe that they deserve everything they want RIGHT NOW. Don't be another one. You'll be a better person for practicing this discipline.
    Last edited by bloodchoke; 08-09-2015 at 12:31 PM.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Thanks for that link on HCG and all that really helpful I see now how important that is and I will admit I am lazy when it comes to eating it's hard to make myself do it lifting wise I am not lazy but eating is the only thing I have a problem in but I won't be doing steroids for awhile I'm gonna make myself eat and everything first and see how that works but is there a forum where it tells me how much nolva and clomid I should take? Also HCG how much of that

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I can't find this anywhere but how much nolva and clomid do I take ? Is it nolva 100/75/50/25 clomid 40/40/20/20? All this cycle info I'm gonna have written down so when I do this in the future I'll have everything I need to know

  29. #29
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  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Thanks for that man really informative

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Middle Earth
    Dude, you wanna cycle and you have no idea what your doing? Spend the next few months (preferably years) to read up on the pros/cons, types of PCT's, Steroids, etc before even taking the plunge. Also spend that time to learn to eat, train, and rest properly. You will be much better off waiting and doing it right this way.

    I don't care how much info you get from here, these guys will tell you this as well: Only YOU knows you! Everyone will react to the same cycle differently. You need to learn your body first and be "in-tune" with it.

    From here on out, read, take notes, log your food, workouts, etc and go from there. Good luck

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    at 18 your not finished development and using these things can screw you for life. dont do it man... wit till about 25

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    You all say wait till about 25 but I bet majority of you didn't I'm close to being done growing height wise anyways got xrayed today at chiro he said I may grow another inch or two at the most so I'm close to being done height wise and idk if I'll be able to wait if I have the money idk if I'll be able to stop myself reason I haven't done it yet I don't have the money

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I'm 39, I started cycling at 37.

    Your height and growth plates have nothing to do with HPTA maturity.

    At 18, you should be spending your money on girls, drinking, college, getting into trouble, having fun and more girls. Not sticking your body with substance unknown.

    There is so much more to this than just sticking a pin in your ass and gettin' swole, it is not a game.

    At the end of the day it is your body and it makes no difference to me whether you do or you don't. When you come back to the site in 6 - 12 months time asking why your dick doesn't work and you've lost all your hard earned gains, it will still make no difference to me, but to you it will be catastrophic. You came here asking for advice and you've been given it in bucket loads. What you do with that advice is up to you.

  35. #35
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    Apr 2015
    I've read and watch vids with guys saying you won't lose you're gains unless you go past you're genetic limit lol if I **** up my hptas oh well I'm not waiting till I'm 25 or 30 like you did I'll prob wait till 20 at the latest and I wanna do some comps here and there and so why would I wait till then?

  36. #36
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    Apr 2015
    And spending my money on drinking? Lolol that's worse than steroids I'm focused on my future in the fitness industry not ****ing around like the rest of the guys my age.

  37. #37
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by shredz98 View Post
    I've read and watch vids with guys saying you won't lose you're gains unless you go past you're genetic limit lol
    You really don't get it do you. This is not about passing your genetic limit, which by the way is very unlikely starting at 135lb, it is about your chances of recovery. If you don't recover it will be months before you can get prescribed therapeutic TRT by doctors after they've run all their tests to try to identify why you have low T at such a young age. During that time you will be permanently catabolic, eating away at your muscles and replacing them with fat. Not to mention how horrible it feels to have low testosterone. Even if you manage to recover to a "reasonable" level, it is very probable you'll have low T later in your 20s.

    Quote Originally Posted by shredz98 View Post
    if I **** up my hptas oh well...... .....I'm focused on my future in the fitness industry.....
    I'll just leave these here, for you to see together. Oh the irony!

  38. #38
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    Why do people like Jeff seid bostin loyd and all the young guys don't have these problems? I get what you're saying bro I really do but you started lifting at 37 you don't understand about being in love with this and wanting to do this stuff and being small like I am you'd have to go through it you can't get anywhere in comps if you start as late as 25 you just won't be able to catch up I've never once heard of anyone messing up there hptas crap I've looked this up so much and not once heard of it till you said something so it must not be the popular of a problem because I would of found it by now

  39. #39
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    Jeff Seid has carved out his career young, and fair play to him, but I doubt his HPTA will ever work again. This may be great at the time, but what about the future? Married to a needle for the rest of your life? Insurance/medical costs? Fertility issues, you want kids in the future, I'll bet the future Mrs Shredz98 will? It's a life long decision that cannot be reversed. Lots of kids want to be professional footballers when they are adults, but how many actually make it? Its the same in this game. If you were genetically gifted and had already reached your genetic potential and had possible contracts lined up, I wouldn't be being so resistant, but unfortunately you aren't in this position.

    And if you've never heard of young people messing up their HPTA look no further than this thread.
    These are just the guys that came back to this site asking for help, many many more won't come back because of shame. In fact many carry on with their life, not even making the connection that the cycle they did when they were young is the reason they are now depressed with ED etc.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Holy. Steroids won't help you at all if you don't know how to eat or train man. At least train for another year or 2 before thinking about juice. You need A LOT more info and experience on natural lifting first. And those other guys (Jeff, Boston..) they started training real young. Rich Piana started at 13/14 lifting with his bodybuilder parents naturally, then hopped on the juice at 18. My advice, and please seriously consider it, wait a few more years

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