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  1. #1
    klaytron is offline New Member
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    Aug 2015

    Mixaflex and enanth

    I'm currently 174 cm, so like 5ft7/9 not sure of the conversion and I'm 84 kilos.
    I'm looking to run mixaflex and I'm looking for advice on dosage and what not from anyone who has run it.
    It's a blend of sust, prop, and tren acetate.
    I was thinking of running 500/750 mg of test E. Per week, 250/500 of boldenone per week and incorporating the mixaflex somewhere along the line. I want to do 10-15 weeks.
    Also chasing some adequate pct and even during coarse therapy to suit.
    Any advice would be welcomed this will be my 3rd coarse. I had 1 half ass one in 2012 and 1 good one in 2014 with good results from the 2014 one....

  2. #2
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Welcome to the forum Klayton!

    5'7'' 185 pounds seems like a solid base

    How old are you?

    What is your body fat percentage?

    Will you please list your previous cycles in detail?

    Including compounds, dosages/frequency and ancillaries.

    Deca , sust, tren a, test e , and eq are a lot of compounds for one cycle. Why do you think you need so much?

  3. #3
    klaytron is offline New Member
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    Aug 2015
    Just testosterone enanth. Not tren enanth.
    Um the tren a, deca and sust come in a vial as a compound called mixaflex. I've never heard of it before so was wondering if anyone has and what their experience was.
    As for age and previous cycles.
    I'll be 23 on Sunday 16/8.

    First cycle I ran 250mg bold, 500mg of test compound (first cycle and just did what ever old bud selling it said as he runs the same cycle just higher dose at the time and got good resultS) and I ran clomid as a pct. it lasted 10 weeks then waited 2 weeks and ran pct. liquid clomiphine citrate. Can't remember dosages.

    Second was 750mg test e, 500 mg bold. And at week 10 I started running tren acetate 50mg eod. I had arimidex on hand but didn't need it and I ran clomiphine citrate as pct again, can't remember dose. (Was probably a wrong dose, a guy on forum was talking me through the coarse and pct times)
    Had good results, blew up good maintained a bit. Just had time off to a knee injury and surgery from motorbike accident and started training 8 weeks ago but just looking to get back into it hard and get cycle down pat before I rush out and buy the gear.

  4. #4
    klaytron is offline New Member
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    Aug 2015
    Body fat % is about 15 maybe less I'm fairly active and don't seem to get fat on no matter what I eat/how much I do which is a advantage

  5. #5
    klaytron is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

  6. #6
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    May 2014
    Hey man this likely isn't what you want to hear but to be totally honest your previous cycles have been very poorly planned, and you are too young to be using AAS.

    You're solid build and previous cycle history doesn't negate the fact that your brain is still under development. Using steroids at this time in your life will likely cause permanent damage to your body.

    Please do yourself a favor and read a few of the threads in the attached database below. I believe the most recent ones are still ongoing.

    ***Cycles going wrong for the young***

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