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Thread: First Cycle: Looking for critisism (NOT TEST ONLY?!)

  1. #1
    SePz is offline New Member
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    First Cycle: Looking for critisism (NOT TEST ONLY?!)

    So after roughly 4-5 years of lifting religiously, and years lurking these forums about AAS/PH usage; I have come to the conclusion that I am ready to do my first cycle.
    Yes, while I agree that test cycles are superior (SWIM completely changed his physique from skinny to huge in 2 months) I have my own reasons against pinning test for my first cycle. (In medical school so don’t have time to deal with ‘test-flu’, don’t trust the purity of non-pharm test to inject it bypassing the bodies filtering mechanisms, don’t want to put on an absurd amount of muscle in short period of time, prone hairloss/gyno and don’t want to completely shut down.)

    Anyway, I started my workout journey at the age of 18 when I was an obese 220 lbs. I compulsively and wrongfully lost 90 lbs of that weight in under 5 months due to running the elliptical for 90 minutes daily then lifting (poor form/poor routine/basically just used any machine in site /was afraid of free weights) coupled with what I consider now a form of anorexia where I was only eating salad (no dressing) twice a day and egg whites for breakfast. Once I dropped down in weight to 130, I mentally was satisfied of being considered skinny then realized I was bitch-weight and could be tossed around like a middle school boy in the back of subway. So ever since then I paid for an array of trainers, hopped on what ever lifting plans I could fish out the internet, and gradually learned the ins and outs of it all. I now stand at about 175 lbs 5’10 at age 24 with approximately 15% bf. Gaining muscle for me has seemed like a very slow process, and my arms are my weak area of growth. I read online before that running for extended periods (60 mins+) actually screws with test levels and gains obviously, and considering my unorthodox weight loss I feel I may of tweaked my endocrine system. My game plan is to lose some fat (SOME, this is not my main objective) whilst gaining lean, retainable muscle. If there’s a smarter route to achieving my goals I’m all ears. Last points I would like to lay out to give full perspective: cardiac disease is hereditary for my family (two grandparents had open heart surgery and my father passed from an unexpected heart attack at 44), rotator cuff was torn last year and is almost back to full potential, need to have the good ole Johnson working for my girlfriend and budget isn’t my main concern as I believe anything that is put into your body should be the highest quality.

    From my current knowledge (undergrad pharmacology major, forum hopping and one year in medical school) I put together a cycle I figured would suit my needs.

    1-6 WEEKS VAR 50mg ED
    2-6 WEEK PROVILON 50mg ED
    6-10PCT with nolva and clomid along with an OTC PCT (vital labs)

    Other Supps that will be running:
    Cycle Support (blockade by assault labs)
    Taurine (as needed for back pumps)
    Multi V
    Anti-E (eradicate- bc most of my fat deposits in my lower chest and lower stomach)
    Flax Oil & RYR/COQ10 pills (paranoia of keeping lipids in check)
    Maybe HCGEN on PCT if needed
    Protein & Creatine

    Diet and training ill have in check and enforced strictly, moreso worried about the cycle itself.

    PS I am here to learn and open to ideas/opinions. Ive noticed a lot of these type of posts get replied with a cookie cuter response about how considering Var alone makes someone idiot, or how TEST ONLY FIRST CYCLE, or GET OVER UR FEAR OF NEEDLEZ BRUH, or with some sort of troll. I am getting bloods ran this week just to have an understanding of my natty test and lipid profile.

  2. #2
    Bodacious's Avatar
    Bodacious is offline Productive Member
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    To much for me to read. I have been here long enough and people is going to tell you Test only for your first cycle man. Anyways good luck with what you choose.

  3. #3
    SePz is offline New Member
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    Hahaha ik i have an issue with getting what i want to say out without typing up a novel, appreciate the response though!

  4. #4
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    I would wait until your rotator is 100% and see what gains you can make before trying a cycle. Always good to be at your peak. Also Var is faked a lot.

  5. #5
    djgreen's Avatar
    djgreen is offline Senior Member
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    that is the worst cycle iv seen this month you need test as a base for any stack and you don't run hcg on pct don't do it you need to stick around and do some reading

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Read this: Cycles without Testosterone: Why you should avoid them at all costs

    Nobody here will tell you to do it. Its wrong.

  7. #7
    SePz is offline New Member
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    My main concern is pinning potentially contaminated/bunk test and getting sick or worse. Correct me if I'm wrong but since its not undergoing the bodies normal filtration system, a sketchy test vial could be fatal? Also, as i repeat myself I'm here to learn and fix any mistakes that i misinterpreted from the web. Theres no other way of doing that besides posting or just learning from ****ing myself up. Ik that test boosters aren't worth the time of day in sites like this, but would it be beneficial to run HCGenerate ES on a cycle that hinders libido? (Run from week 1 through end of PCT, possibly replacing Proviron ?)
    And 'test-less' anavar logs iv read still put 10-15lbs on people in 6-8 weeks while cutting bf%; so if I have a properly lined up PCT why is the NO TEST NO CYCLE mentality dominant in forums? (Trying to decipher legitimate reasoning from people acting like parrots and regurgitating anything they read without support)

  8. #8
    SePz is offline New Member
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    My main concern is pinning potentially contaminated/bunk test and getting sick or worse. Correct me if I'm wrong but since its not undergoing the bodies normal filtration system, a sketchy test vial could be fatal? Also, as i repeat myself I'm here to learn and fix any mistakes that i misinterpreted from the web. Theres no other way of doing that besides posting or just learning from ****ing myself up. Ik that test boosters aren't worth the time of day in sites like this, but would it be beneficial to run HCGenerate ES on a cycle that hinders libido? (Run from week 1 through end of PCT, possibly replacing Proviron ?)
    And 'test-less' anavar logs iv read still put 10-15lbs on people in 6-8 weeks while cutting bf%; so if I have a properly lined up PCT why is the NO TEST NO CYCLE mentality dominant in forums? (Trying to decipher legitimate reasoning from people acting like parrots and regurgitating anything they read without support)

  9. #9
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    So #1 You are scared to pin.
    #2 What makes you think anyone is parroting? Your getting advice from experienced members. If you dont like it then disregard. No need to rail about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by SePz View Post
    My main concern is pinning potentially contaminated/bunk test and getting sick or worse. Correct me if I'm wrong but since its not undergoing the bodies normal filtration system, a sketchy test vial could be fatal? Also, as i repeat myself I'm here to learn and fix any mistakes that i misinterpreted from the web. Theres no other way of doing that besides posting or just learning from ****ing myself up. Ik that test boosters aren't worth the time of day in sites like this, but would it be beneficial to run HCGenerate ES on a cycle that hinders libido? (Run from week 1 through end of PCT, possibly replacing Proviron ?)
    And 'test-less' anavar logs iv read still put 10-15lbs on people in 6-8 weeks while cutting bf%; so if I have a properly lined up PCT why is the NO TEST NO CYCLE mentality dominant in forums? (Trying to decipher legitimate reasoning from people acting like parrots and regurgitating anything they read without support)
    BG likes this.

  10. #10
    SePz is offline New Member
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    Scared to pin, no. Scared to get some Chinese cocktail running in my veins where i don't wakeup, yes. And its not that I'm trying to argue there points, I'm just trying to understand why people are so anti Var only cycles when others have claimed them to be successful. Im moreso trying to find out if I'm missing anything. Ik if/when shutdown occurs libido is ****ed and lethargy creeps in; but if thats the only reason to NEED a test base than why wouldn't substituting Proviron (lethargy can be combated via multiple avenues) suffice?

  11. #11
    SePz is offline New Member
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    And wouldn't substituting test in along with Var cause complete shutdown? Assuming that partial shutdown is easier to restore, wouldn't complete shutdown take longer thus making one almost completely dependent on synthetic test and making natural gains nearly impossible for months following PCT?

  12. #12
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Run hcg during your cycle.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Who the hell is "Swim?"
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  14. #14
    Bodacious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SePz View Post
    Hahaha ik i have an issue with getting what i want to say out without typing up a novel, appreciate the response though!
    Hey man. I was just giving ya a hard time. I do the same all the time. I have to write a lot also. Stick around here and read. A lot of good info on here.

  15. #15
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    Dont know. Heard hes a monster.

    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Who the hell is "Swim?"

  16. #16
    SePz is offline New Member
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    And does anyone want to put their 0.02 on the HDL/LDL issue with Var? I read different perspectives online how some people say that if it goes out of whack for a short period of time it isn't dangerous, iv read people lowering their dosages on non training days, and iv read that some people don't even check their bloods till a month post PCT.
    [Keep in mind i will be running Cycle Support, RYR, & CoQ10..&possibly niacin if danger is eminent with ****ed HDL]

  17. #17
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am not parroting here, but making a simple promise. If you take var only, and you actually have real var, which you will only know if you test it, I promise you will not lose bf and put on 15lbs of muscle. You simply wont. It is not even possible and if anyone thinks they did, they are wrong too. I do not care what they wrote, I do not care what they think. It is not possible; period.
    There is a lot about steroids that I do not know, and I only consider myself moderately knowledgeable in this area. But, I have taken steroids for more than 20 years, and almost every type of steroid I have ever heard of. Now, you did not say that someone stated that they put on 15lbs of muscle, but rather 15lbs of whatever. Well, if you are not talking about muscle then it should not even matter. If I ate four Arby's french dip sandwiches in between my regular meals, which I would love to be able to do, I could easily put on 20 pounds of fat in less than 4 weeks. But, you did say that they lost bf and put on 15 pounds, so are you assuming it was muscle? The only other thing it could be is water weight, and who cares how much extra water you are carrying during a short cycle if it is going to go away after the cycle?
    You are right though, some of us, including me do parrot on occasion. But it is usually because someone we know, who we trust has told us something in the past, and we are just relaying their information because we know they are sick of telling people over and over. You are right in that it does not make it true. But just because I might not know why something is the truth, if some of our highly respected members say something, you really should take their advice. We are lucky they provide it and I would bet money on their knowledge. I have seen too many people ignore them and then come back looking for help with the exact problem they were warned about.
    Of course you need to do your own reading and research. This is just one place to gather some of your info. But after a few decades of learning I have found this place offers more solid advice, with peoples health coming first and foremost than any other place I have ever seen.
    But it is like anything, you could do a var cycle and gain a little and be very happy with it and have no sides. Can you do it and be happy with it? Maybe. Could you do it and have a problem? Maybe. Could you do exactly what we suggest and still have a problem? Of course. But, we are simply trying to provide what we believe to be the safest and smartest way to cycle based on years of personal experience.
    The end.
    Last edited by Oki-Des; 09-09-2015 at 08:31 PM.

  18. #18
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SePz View Post
    In medical school so don’t have time to deal with ‘test-flu’
    Nor does anyone else, test flu is rare and only lasts a few days at worst. Also without exogenous test, your going to feel like crap once the Anavar has shut you down.

    Quote Originally Posted by SePz View Post
    don’t trust the purity of non-pharm test to inject it
    Then get pharma grade

    Quote Originally Posted by SePz View Post
    don’t want to put on an absurd amount of muscle
    Trust me, you won't. By the end of any cycle you do you'll be wishing you'd gained a bit more, this isn't magic.

    Quote Originally Posted by SePz View Post
    prone hairloss/gyno and don’t want to completely shut down
    Then don't take steroids period. You will be shut down with Anavar, but with test at least you'll have exogenous test in your body to keep it functioning properly

    Quote Originally Posted by SePz View Post
    Scared to get some Chinese cocktail running in my veins where i don't wakeup
    Lets be real for a minute, you're not buying some dodgy **** from the homeless guy behind the library on a Saturday night. You buy from a source, preferably one who is recommended to you. And at the end of the day, even if your doctor handed you the vial, you still don't know for sure what the contents is. I've not read about anyone in all the time I've been interested in this subject who died because of dodgy gear. You're not mainlining this stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by SePz View Post
    And 'test-less' anavar logs iv read still put 10-15lbs on people in 6-8 weeks while cutting bf%
    This simply isn't true. If you did a perfect advanced cycle with an immaculate diet, you're going to gain 5-10lb of muscle after. These people who base their results off the water and fat they gained at the end before pct skew the perception for everyone else. I am at present 9kg(20lb) up on my start with 6 weeks to go, but there is no way in hell all that weight is muscle. I'll be lucky if 1/3 is muscle.

    Read the link provided by Mr.BB in post #6

    If you are not prepared to use steroids safely then you shouldn't be using them.

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