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Thread: Welcoming Helpful Advise

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Welcoming Helpful Advise

    Alright guys im going to provide you with everything that should be needed for me to get the best advice as possible. im hoping to benefit a lot from this but even better im hoping that others could use this thread as a resource to fall back on. i ask that everyone stays positive and understands that we all may not be as experience as the one typing it. im going to do my best in dividing up each category so feel free to comment on any or all of them. my goal is to pack on as much weight as clean as possible. i dont want to just shovel food down my throat and get big and fat.

    To start things off is basic information:
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 185lbs
    BF: roughly 15%
    Workout experience: over 3.5 years

    Next is my current cycle (havent started yet. waiting on Arimidex):
    week 1-12: Test E 400mg/week pin 200mg EOD
    week 1-8: Tren Ace 300mg/week pin 100mg EOD
    week 1-14 (stopping 2 days before start of PCT) Arimidex .5mg EOD
    week 14-20 Nolvadex 40mg ED for the first week 20mg ED for next five
    week 14-20 Clomid 100mg ED for the first week 50mg ED for the next five

    My current workout regimen (typical "bro-Split"):
    Monday: Chest w/ light Back
    Tuesday: Biceps w/ light shoulders
    Wednesday: Triceps w/ Squats & Abs
    Thursday: Back w/ Bench (light chest)
    Friday: off
    Saturday: Deadlifts w/ light Biceps
    Sunday: Legs w/ light triceps

    I spend about 10-15 minutes on the stair climber 3-4 times a week where my heart rate is never under 130BPM. on Thursdays "light chest" i pretty much pyramid from 135 to about 315 then back down. the rep range for most of the exercises is 10-12 reps however i like to do a lot of super sets with those rep ranges so the exercises like bench press, straight bar curl, skull crushers, and leg extensions on my light leg day typically have a lower rep range and much heavier weight. i normally do 4-5 sets per exercise on my heavy weight and about 3 sets on the lighter super sets. in all honesty the only thing i ever feel like is under worked is my delts but they are coming a long good.

    My diet (my weakest area) is upwards of 3200 calories:
    Meal 1: 1 cup egg whites, 2-3 whole eggs, a slice of toast
    Meal 2: 1 cup of veggies, 6 oz of protein (chicken,fish,beef) 1/2 cups of rice
    Snack: Protein Shake, fruit or nuts
    Meal 3. 1 cup of veggies, 6oz of protein (chicken, fish, beef), half a sweet potato
    Meal 4: Shake consisting of 1 cup of vanilla protein yogurt, 1 cup mixed veggies, 1 cup of 2% milk
    Meal 5: (post workout) 1 cup of rice, 2 cups of veggies (mostly broccoli) 8oz of protein with protein shake
    Meal 6: if needed late night ill have a bowl of cereal or something

    Again guys, please feel free to comment, give advise, criticizes just be respectful. we are all here to learn. if i forgot something to add to this post feel free to ask. i expect to gain a lot from all of you. thank you!

    Not to spam but this post will be in both the nutrition thread as well as the anabolic Q&A thread.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    The Trap
    Everything looks pretty good.
    I would run the tren alone with the test

    And for your last meal id get some kind of cassein protein.
    Either a drink or something like cottage cheese

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    The Trap
    ALso maybe consider switching the milk to almond milk

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Your doses are messed up

    Test 400mg per week pinning 200mg eod - to me that adds up to 800mg per week not 400mg

    Tren 300mg per week pinning 100mg eod - to me that adds up to 400mg per week bot 300mg

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Fort Pierce Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Your doses are messed up

    Test 400mg per week pinning 200mg eod - to me that adds up to 800mg per week not 400mg

    Tren 300mg per week pinning 100mg eod - to me that adds up to 400mg per week bot 300mg

    first off taxman. ive been following some of your threads and i just noticed your new avatar picture and all i can say is WOW bro you look great compared to about 6 months ago. good job. and your right i was thinking that pinning EOD would be 3 times a week. so how do you suggest i pin it?

  6. #6
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    Fort Pierce Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Trapology View Post
    Everything looks pretty good.
    I would run the tren alone with the test

    And for your last meal id get some kind of cassein protein.
    Either a drink or something like cottage cheese
    cottage cheese is great so ill definitely take you up on that sound advice. ill go get some tonight after my workout

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Your doses are messed up

    Test 400mg per week pinning 200mg eod - to me that adds up to 800mg per week not 400mg

    Tren 300mg per week pinning 100mg eod - to me that adds up to 400mg per week bot 300mg
    Because of the rotation being 4 days one wk and 3 days the following
    Test = 700mgs wkly
    Tren 350mgs wkly

    Run your AI from start and where is your HCG and DA(dopamine agonist) at least on hand for your prolactin?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Because of the rotation being 4 days one wk and 3 days the following
    Test = 700mgs wkly
    Tren 350mgs wkly

    Run your AI from start and where is your HCG and DA(dopamine agonist) at least on hand for your prolactin?

    i didnt order a HCG simply because i wasnt sure what to get but i do have a source i could go to. i have caber on hand.

  9. #9
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    and what do you guys think about adding winny for about 4 weeks at 40mg ED at the end of the cycle

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    More isnt always better bro.
    Adding a bunch of compounds when you have simplistic goals isnt needed, you want to a lean look at a weight which isnt much different then your own now

    You get that from diet and work in the gym, not adding a bunch of compounds

  11. #11
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    thats true i would be on winny simply to get a learner and harder look. not to mention the pump is great. i would like to end this cycle closer to 200lbs though rather then 185

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeeStung View Post
    thats true i would be on winny simply to get a learner and harder look. not to mention the pump is great. i would like to end this cycle closer to 200lbs though rather then 185
    Your nutrition will dictate this or not!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeeStung View Post
    first off taxman. ive been following some of your threads and i just noticed your new avatar picture and all i can say is WOW bro you look great compared to about 6 months ago. good job. and your right i was thinking that pinning EOD would be 3 times a week. so how do you suggest i pin it?
    Thank you

    id do 100mg or 150mg test eod
    75mg tren eod

    How many cycles have you done?
    Is it your first tren cycle?

    Sorry if its written ive scanned your post but cant find any cycle history

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Thank you

    id do 100mg or 150mg test eod
    75mg tren eod

    How many cycles have you done?
    Is it your first tren cycle?

    Sorry if its written ive scanned your post but cant find any cycle history
    ive done 2 other cycles but yes this is my 1st tren. and as i said i followed your post. you started at 200mg of tren but went to 300 and you seem to like it better. thats what i was thinking

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeeStung View Post
    ive done 2 other cycles but yes this is my 1st tren. and as i said i followed your post. you started at 200mg of tren but went to 300 and you seem to like it better. thats what i was thinking
    Everyone's different and for your first tren cycle you'd see good results on 150mgs wkly(training and nutrition dictates your gains)... You could go up to 250 but you have to know how you react first - othwise side effects are very real and harsh with tren... Start low and grow into your cycles

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeeStung View Post
    ive done 2 other cycles but yes this is my 1st tren. and as i said i followed your post. you started at 200mg of tren but went to 300 and you seem to like it better. thats what i was thinking
    I stuck with 200mg tren the whole way buddy
    Id recommend that as a first tren cycle dose, get a taste of the sides etc
    Like nach said you can always increase it slightly each cycle
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 12-30-2015 at 01:21 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeeStung View Post
    thats true i would be on winny simply to get a learner and harder look. not to mention the pump is great. i would like to end this cycle closer to 200lbs though rather then 185
    Just like everyone said and im saying again you being lean and hard is completely based on your diet
    Im telling you right now and everyone will agree, if you diet is not up to par and you dont do your cardio I dont care what you take youre not gong to get the look that you want. Thats 100% fact

    With as much test and tren as youre taking 15lbs isnt necessarily out of the question. To accomplish that as small as you are you still dont even need to add the winny

  18. #18
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    I dont think winny is needed either
    Tren and test is already a good cycle if not a jump to soon for a 3rd cycle.
    Test, tren and an on point diet with cardio will get you there just fine

  19. #19
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    how much cardio are you guys thinking? like i said i do about 10-12 minutes of steady cardio about 4-5 days a week

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    What is it youre doing for cardio?
    I personally do 30-60 minutes on the elliptical in the morning on an empty stomach, and then work out in the afternoon or the evening, I try to do cardio everyday

  21. #21
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    Never done cardio for 10 years work, weights, diet, running a part time business and family is hard enough to fit in

    Just up your cardio when required, its hard to say

    If your dropping fat at agood rate your fine, if you want to drop it quicker keep tweaking the diet and/or upping the cardio

  22. #22
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    @Traps, im doing 10-12 minutes on a stair climber. my heart rate is never less then 135BPM and i changed the fan above me to blow up so theres no cold air on me. i typically workout with sweat pants and atleast a t shirt but the past few days i wear a heavy sweater during the cardio.

    @Taxman, i remember in your thread about people suggesting early morning cardio and i take it you never did it lol. but when you say that weight is dropping fast. whats ur idea of "fast" about a pound a week should be good right?

  23. #23
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    Try not to rely on the star stepper, its good but maybe only do it once or twice

    Try to do something lengthy that does better for you in terms of burning fat

    Also if you wanna do something for 10-15 minutes you might want to look into some kind of HIT

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Hey, from your first 5 meals it doesnt look like you will get full 3200 calories, how are you planning to fill the remaining calories?

    And when you say cereal or "something" hope it doesnt mean junk calories?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trapology View Post
    Try not to rely on the star stepper, its good but maybe only do it once or twice

    Try to do something lengthy that does better for you in terms of burning fat

    Also if you wanna do something for 10-15 minutes you might want to look into some kind of HIT
    HIT & HIIT(which I think your referring to) are two different types of training... Both High intensity but HIT(heavy High a Intensity Training) = Mentzer/& Yates - look under Marcus' signature for a few quotes like(one working set taken to true positive failure and beyond is all thats required to stimulate growth... Don't hold back reps & this type of training recruits both type 2a & 2b muscle fibers(which grow 4x the size of 2a muscle fibers) and so on...

    I agree tho HIIT is a great way to get past sticking points that LISS cardio will not provide(more cardiovascular endurance) but burning BF is best at keeping Target HR down in your fat burning zones...
    Last edited by NACH3; 12-30-2015 at 05:14 PM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    The Trap
    Also bee, did you look at that link I posted for you about nutrition?

  27. #27
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    @Beestung no i never done it

    Id love to do fasted cardio but still getting sleepless nights with my son and life is busy and my job is also manual and physical so i dont really "need cardio" i think i burn enough calories, il add cardio when i stall.

    Its hard to say exactly whats classed as dropping fat fast, if your cycling and dropping 1lb a week fat thats good but its hard to judge by weight as your gaining muscle etc

    Its best getting accurate bodyfat % measurements done every week to see if your fat is coming off, and compare pics as well

    Being on cycle and monitoring your weight for fat loss will be total guessing as your weights going to be jumping all over if not going up
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 12-31-2015 at 08:49 AM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    @Beestung no i never done it

    Id love to do fast cardio but still getting sleepless nights with my son and life is busy and my job is also manual and pyysical so i dont really "need cardio" i think i burn enough calories, il add cardio when i stall.

    Its hard to say exactly whats dropping fat fast, if your cycling and dropping 1lb a week its hard to guess by weight as your gaining muscle etc

    Its best getting accurate bodyfat measurements done every week to see if your fat is coming off, and compare pics as well

    Being on cycle and monitoring your weight for fat loss will be total guessing as your weights going to be jumping all over if not going up

    @Taxman that makes a lot of sense! im ordering a good scale and calibers next week.

    @Nach thank you for putting in your input. your advice and opinions are very well appreciated. the reason i do the stair stepper is because i can eailer get my heart rate to the THR Zone and maintain it. at the same time i getting a good pump in the legs. the way i see it is that when i do cardio i want to be building muscle as well as cardiovascular health. elliptical training just gets me tired. i mean yea im out of breath but thats about it. on the stair stepper i feel my legs and calves burn as well as drip in sweat.

    @Trap. no but im going to read it now.

    @Applips looking back into my log on Myfitness pal from when i was counting calories. i would add things like cheese and milk and everything and for about 3 weeks straight i hit my 3000 cal mark. but thats part of the reason i posted my meals; so that i could get some adivce. its a very basic outline that i provided

  29. #29
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  30. #30
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    Use the stepper! But I would rotate either every month or so between machines, just so your body doesn't get too used to one thing... I know LISS cardio sux... You can try walking on a steep incline for just as long and you'll feel it in your anterior tibialous, calves, and your legs if on say a hike or very hilly area(walking up)...

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Use the stepper! But I would rotate either every month or so between machines, just so your body doesn't get too used to one thing... I know LISS cardio sux... You can try walking on a steep incline for just as long and you'll feel it in your anterior tibialous, calves, and your legs if on say a hike or very hilly area(walking up)...
    yea thats another good exercise. we have a couple treadmils in the gym that are elevated so the incline is very steep. i like doing things that will get my heart rate up. i hate being there on cardio for a long time.

  32. #32
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    I'm sorry I totally forgot to look at your profile... But being 22 and and already have run 2 cycles and Planning a tren cycle... Could go very wrong and shut you down harder than any other cycle you've ran... Never ran Nandrolone b4 either so no experience of running a 19nor(progestin)?

    Are you making $$ doing this, or off your body? If not the risk reward isn't damn near high enough! Do you have any BW? Tbh - you would/could still have good natural T levelss still but I doubt it'll stay like that long, on the path your going on!

    Why jump into a tren cycle? You hav no idea really how to control your E2 which could potentially Beverly bad for your prolactin(as one follows the other - E2^-->PRL^ as well)!

    Do you know the risks involved with starting as young as you have? I'm not your parents but I do care when I see young kids think it's ok(it won't happen to me etc) to cycle with underdeveloped endocrine systems which lead back to your brain not being fully developed... Your gonna do what your gonna do but at least listen to the experience's and what it's done to people your age!

    Since no one linked these I suggest you read them first, as well! Best of luck you may need it!

  33. #33
    I'm a beginner to this type of stuff and doing research on starting, but how do you all keep track of dosage and things to take, etc.? OP's rundown made my head spin. All good info on here, thanks guys.

  34. #34
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    Welcome to the forum Alvara

    Please start your own thread with any questions you have

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