So I have been on TRT for quite awhile and I am currently 10 weeks into a 400mg pw test cyp blast. Started at 170 lbs and I am now 194 lbs (food intake/diet is not a problem, i eat very clean and more than enough....unless eating too much possibly a problem?) I have gained a bit of body fat but nothing exponential.
My training is setup as such (and I think this might be the problem) I train eod and do light cardio or abs on the days between. So basicly I do upper body every 4 days and legs every 4 days. (almost 4 times a week weight training)
The strength/size gains have been incredible the first 8 or so weeks but the last 2+ weeks they have slowed down and it feels like my muscles are constantly sore/tired feeling. even after 4 days recovery with good rest and diet! it seems like overtraining has to be the reason? I have hit a brick wall.
For instance: I have gotten much stronger but when I try to do pull ups on upper body day I actually do less than I could before my cycle? They don't feel the same as they did before (sorry if that sounds strange but I dont know how else to describe it) I have been stuck doing the same weight/reps give or take for the past 2 weeks and it seems almost MORE difficult to maintain that each time I train now...let alone add more weight to my reps
So my question is am I overtraining?
Should i split up my muscle groups to different days to kind of give each muscle group more days to recover?
This is a ruff draft plan, let me know if this isn't optimal
Day 1: shoulders/back
Day 2: Legs
Day 3: bi's/tri's
Day 4: chest/ core
Day 5: cardio
Add a day or 2 of rest in when needed
The reason I havent had a plan like this before is because I really didnt need it. 4 days rest has always been fine and I had no problem getting a good solid upper body and lower body workout each session...but maybe overtraining isnt the problem? You would think on a blast my recovery would be quicker? I am lost and it is very frustrating. I switched up my routine completely when I started my blast by the way so I don't think doing the same routine for 10 weeks in a row is a problem yet?
All comments/advice are appreciated good and bad. (my blast/cycle thread)
Thanks in advance, the information I have learned from you guys on this forum is incredible.