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Thread: First Cycle. Full log with pictures. Test Cyp 400mg pw

  1. #1
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Post First Cycle. Full log with pictures. Test Cyp 400mg pw

    Short Bio/Stats:
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'8
    Starting Weight: 173.5 Current: 179
    Body Fat: around 15%? (Will post a picture for estimate in the proper section and update this if incorrect)
    Cycle Goal: Size,Strength (Original i know)
    Training Experience: Working out for over 3 years but have gotten more serious in the past year or so.

    Cycle: 400mg per week. 200mg injected Thurs Morning and 200mg Sunday Night. .5mg anastrozole Mon/Wed/Fri. Started Cycle November 5th. and I am looking to cycle for 12 weeks.

    About me/My situation: I have felt fatigued, depressed, had no drive (in more than one area ) for the past 4-5 years. No matter how well I dieted or how much I trained it was incredibly difficult to gain muscle or lose weight or stomach fat really. I had skeleton arms and a abnormally huge belly and from the looks of me you would laugh if I told you I had been working out for years. Here is a pic at around 185 lbs. and the next is me at 155lbs 2 1/2 months into TRT
    First Cycle. Full log with pictures. Test Cyp 400mg pw-jan15.jpg First Cycle. Full log with pictures. Test Cyp 400mg pw-20150822_193002123.jpg
    Anyways, I went to my family Doctor and told him I thought I might have low t, he told me "no way, not at your age. you just need to change your lifestyle and diet/exercise." even after I told him I have been working out/exercising and eating well for years. But he still gave me a blood test and the results came back as Total T: 162! He then said that I should wait a couple of months and test again to see if my levels come back up naturally. I did so and months later the results came back Total T: 138. He then sent me to a specialist who also told me to wait to get tested again in a few months etc. I did so and the results came back basicly the same Total T: 144. So, long story short I am now on TRT. 200mg of Test Cyp. every week and .25mg anastrozole Mon/Wed/Fri. I got prescribed a 10ml bottle of Test Cyp and then had an appointment about a week after I had it filled to show me how to inject etc. and for some reason they gave me another prescription to another pharmacy and basicly I have a 10ml Watson Test Cyp I havent touched yet along with about 5-6ml of extra Test Cyp from the new compound pharm that I have saved up along with my regular 200mg a week I am prescribed. I had my last appointment Nov. 2nd and started my cycle (400mg a week) on Nov. 5th. injectining 200mg on Thursday morning and 200mg on Sunday night. My next appointment is March 2nd so I think from what I have read I can get away with a 12 week cycle and have my normal levels back to what they should be by then. (Correct me if I am wrong please! Last thing I need is to get in trouble with my Doc and have them stop treating me) I am also upping the anastrozole to .5mg Mon/Wed/Fri because I had borderline high e2 with 200mg a week taking .25 mg M/W/F. (Let me know if upping to .5 M/w/f is going overboard) Any other questions about my situation or anything I might have missed feel free to ask, I am happy to answer and any/all opinions are welcomed.


    Meal 1: 1 Whole Wheat bagel, 1 banana, 2 scoops protein powder
    (62g protein, 3g fat, 71g carbs,590 calories)

    Meal 2: 1 Whole Wheat Bagel, 4 whole eggs, 5 slices bacon
    (44g carbs, 13g fat, 625 cals, 51g protein)

    Meal 3: 2 slices of whole gain bread, 4 oz. turkey breast, 1 tbsp mayo, 2 slices sharp cheddar, 1/2 large avocado, 1 hard boiled egg
    (38g carb, 32g fat, 40g protein, 607 calories)

    Meal 4: 6 oz chicken breast, 2cups brown grain rice, 1/2 avocado
    (58g protein, 72g carbs, 15g fat, 675 calories)

    Meal 5: 1 whole wheat bagel, 8 oz of 96% lean ground beef, 1/2 avocado
    (62g protein, 610 calories, 20g fat, 50g carbs)

    Meal 6: Protein shake (only drink this before bed on a day I am not working out, if I am working out I drink it 30mins post workout before meal 4 or 5),1 Banana, pecans
    (580 cals, 55g protein, 34g carbs, 7g fat)

    Daily Total: 268g protein, 3680 calories, 90g fat, 310g carbs

    I know the fat grams are high, I am thinking about cutting the mayo off the sandwitch and maybe cutting out 1/2 an avocado. Let me know what you guys think, I know this is where I am going to need the most help. To be clear, I do not mind adding a little extra fat because now that I am on TRT cutting/losing weight is very easy for me to do, and I want to get as much size as possible during this cycle.

    Let me know if I left any info out or if you guys have any questions about anything, I will be happy to answer. I am making this post for a personal log and for you guys to give me advice/criticism and for people in the future to learn from my good doings and mistakes as well. I am going to post a few pictures to show how far I have come so far. I know that I am by no means even close to my maximum natural potential and I do not pretend to be. The reason I decided to do this cycle is because I am going to be on TRT for the rest of my life and I have access and will continue to have access to extra testosterone to run cycles in the future and I have been on TRT long enough to know enough about injecting, side effects, e2, anastrozole, etc. The way I see it is why not run a cycle in my position? I am basicly running the same risk almost as I am doing TRT anyways, I might as well do a "blast" every once in awhile as long as it doesn't show up on my blood work at my Dr. appointment. I will be getting blood tests for total t/free t/e2 ultra sensitive/hematocrit in 3 weeks to make sure everything is in check. Here is a picture taken November 2nd and a picture taken tonight, and a picture taken right after my last workout (full pump etc.) The first 2 are taken with no pump (obviously). I am almost 3 weeks into cycle. I will post some body/back/leg pics tomorrow. Thanks in advance everyone and feel free to comment whether its negative or positve.
    First Cycle. Full log with pictures. Test Cyp 400mg pw-nov2.jpgFirst Cycle. Full log with pictures. Test Cyp 400mg pw-nov25.jpgFirst Cycle. Full log with pictures. Test Cyp 400mg pw-nov15pump.jpg
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails First Cycle. Full log with pictures. Test Cyp 400mg pw-20141213_181955.jpg  
    Last edited by Dj Screw; 11-25-2015 at 06:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    Great job on the weight loss. On the nutrition portion I think your eating to much bread. I would replace the bagels with oatmeal and other complex carbs. Sweet potato, brown rice and Ezekiel bread etc. you should spend more time training and working on your nutrition before cycling. You should be able to make great gains with your training nutrition and especially now that your on trt. You need to build a solid base and you could make amazing gains for done time before jumping in to a cycle. This is a marathon not a race. Good luck and keep up the hard work
    InternalFire likes this.

  3. #3
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the quick reply and the advice Bio. I am going to pick up some oatmeal and sweet potatoes tonight.

  4. #4
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Congrats on the fat loss

    Looks like you have just rushed into cycling steroids though, before the cycle you dont even look like you have ever lifted a weight, let alone enough to warrant cycling.

    Steroids arent miracle workers, get your training and diet regimented and then cycle.

  5. #5
    fxrjuiceman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan
    Congrats on the fat loss Looks like you have just rushed into cycling steroids though, before the cycle you dont even look like you have ever lifted a weight, let alone enough to warrant cycling. Steroids arent miracle workers, get your training and diet regimented and then cycle.
    Crazy man

  6. #6
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Jumped into cycling steroids ? I have been on TRT for almost a year, but you probably didnt even read the entire post and just read what Bio said lol. Please do not post if you havent even read the thread, thanks. As for the fat loss, thanks a lot but if you read the thread you would see I am back up to 180 with a lot less fat. I just havent posted a picture of my front yet. The picture of me at 150 is from months and months ago and was just showing an example. I have lifted weights for years as I also listed in the post you didnt read. Also I know steroids arent miracle workers lol, I have been prescribed Testosterone for almost a year. I didnt make this post to ask for permission to run a cycle or to ask "should I cycle?" Like I said I have been on TRT for almost a year now and have put on a lot of weight/muscle since the 150 picuture. I am not by any means close to my "max potential, full natty base" etc. but I am on TRT so its not like I am "jumping into cycling steroids" I am only using one compound (the one i am prescribed) I know all about the side effects, dosage, injecting etc. It's not like I am going for 1000mg of test or 3 different compounds from 3 different underground labs from all over the world and just shooting them in cheek. I am simply upping my prescribed dose for 12 weeks and wanted to get advice on how to maximize the results with diet etc. and make a personal log for myself and whoever else wants to read it. I'm not some 18 year old kid rolling the dice who doesnt need TRT. I know you are coming from the right place and 9/10 times you would be correct posting that, but you are incorrect here and didnt even read the entire post. Why not up my dose a little bit of what I am already taking for the rest of my life and make a log about it? Lol, frustrating when someone says "Looks like you jumped into cycling steroids" when they didnt even read my thread. Next time don't post unless you have read it, and hopefully at least give some worthwhile advice like Bio did.

  7. #7
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Wether or not one is on TRT, a blast imo is still a cycle. Your cycling a higher dose for a period of time.

    You on TRT, and my natural test say matches your TRT dose.
    then we increase our test for 12 weeks
    Its still a cycle no?

    I think you could have got gains on TRT before increasing the dose.
    Same as one should try and get gains naturaly before cycling.

    And the point im making is work on your nutrition and regime before cycling wether one is on TRT or not.

    Never once said your asking for permission, i dont think anyone asks for permission, we are all adults and make our own choices.

    I gave my advice and opinion, if you dont like that then dont post in a public forum.

    And yes i did read the full thread, and it states at the end, please leave feedback wether positive or negative.

    Apologies if i offended you because that wasnt my intention.
    Good luck
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 11-26-2015 at 03:37 PM.
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  8. #8
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Not saying it isn't a cycle. To spell it out I am not taking the same risk as someone who isn't prescribed testosterone injections for life. Pretty weak cycle as far as risks go for someone who is already on TRT. Could I have got gains on just TRT? Of course lol. As far as my dosing regime, I have that down pat and I posted my diet looking for some feedback, feel free to give some...You did not offend me by the way but the saying "jumping into steroids " proved to me you didn't read the thread originally. I like that you gave your opinion though whether or not it was helpful.

  9. #9
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    The diet does look good btw, nice amount of food there, take bios advice on dropping some of that bread, your probably wanting to lean bulk? and bread will hinder that, id also ditch the mayo

    look forward to reading how you get on the next run, once again, GL!
    Dj Screw likes this.

  10. #10
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Thats more like it I picked up some oatmeal and sweet potato's yesterday. To be honest a full clean bulk is what I thought would be most effective for someone like me because I can drop weight pretty easily now but a lean bulk sounds good to me if I am not going to sacrifice too much size gain at the end of the cycle. I ditched the mayo as well. Thanks a lot, I will be updating and adding more pictures soon

  11. #11
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Also, is it normal to drop some weight after upping the anastrozole dose? I have been going slightly above the macros I posted above except for fat the past 2-3 days but I actually went down 1/4 a pound which is confusing to say the least. I weigh myself in the morning everyday to be consistent

  12. #12
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Im full of hormones and flu this week, apologies if i sounded like a bitch

    Oats are great, very cost effective too

    Some like to dirty bulk and eat anything they can get

    But its just delaying the problem and requires a drastic cut to get shot of the fat they gained

    Steady lean gains is the way IMO
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  13. #13
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Your probably weighing yourself too often, 1/4 of a lb? LoL i wouldnt give it a second thought buddy

    You could fluctuate by a couple of lbs and its still normal, try weighing yourself weekly or fortnightly

    Upping an AI will usualy combat more water retention so yea you could drop some weight and appear leaner

    But i still think 1/4lb notice/worry is slightly too obsessive.

    I use the mirror to monitor my gains, i weigh myself every 2 weeks

  14. #14
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    No problem bud, happens to the best of us. I am going to definitely look into a leaner bulk plan in the diet section. Lol, and yeah I weight myself every morning. I am a perfectionist (or try to be) Thanks agian

  15. #15
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    You have to be obsessed and a perfectionist to get the results.

    But weighing daily can have a negative impact on the mind and mood, "why have i dropped a lb, or in your case 0.25 of a lb?" "Why is my weight not going up a lb everyday?" etc.

    No problem

  16. #16
    MrFreshmaker's Avatar
    MrFreshmaker is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Screw
    Jumped into cycling steroids? I have been on TRT for almost a year, but you probably didnt even read the entire post and just read what Bio said lol. Please do not post if you havent even read the thread, thanks. As for the fat loss, thanks a lot but if you read the thread you would see I am back up to 180 with a lot less fat. I just havent posted a picture of my front yet. The picture of me at 150 is from months and months ago and was just showing an example. I have lifted weights for years as I also listed in the post you didnt read. Also I know steroids arent miracle workers lol, I have been prescribed Testosterone for almost a year. I didnt make this post to ask for permission to run a cycle or to ask "should I cycle?" Like I said I have been on TRT for almost a year now and have put on a lot of weight/muscle since the 150 picuture. I am not by any means close to my "max potential, full natty base" etc. but I am on TRT so its not like I am "jumping into cycling steroids" I am only using one compound (the one i am prescribed) I know all about the side effects, dosage, injecting etc. It's not like I am going for 1000mg of test or 3 different compounds from 3 different underground labs from all over the world and just shooting them in cheek. I am simply upping my prescribed dose for 12 weeks and wanted to get advice on how to maximize the results with diet etc. and make a personal log for myself and whoever else wants to read it. I'm not some 18 year old kid rolling the dice who doesnt need TRT. I know you are coming from the right place and 9/10 times you would be correct posting that, but you are incorrect here and didnt even read the entire post. Why not up my dose a little bit of what I am already taking for the rest of my life and make a log about it? Lol, frustrating when someone says "Looks like you jumped into cycling steroids" when they didnt even read my thread. Next time don't post unless you have read it, and hopefully at least give some worthwhile advice like Bio did.
    Taxman had a point when he said you jumped into the cycle,you know why?You say you lift for several years,but my friend,judging from your pics,it looks like you never lifted any weights!So by "jumping into the cycle" you gain more strength,and by that you can hurt your ligaments or tendons.By cycling doesn't mean only hurting your self by shutting down HPTA,but also by damaging ligaments,muscles,tendons etc!

  17. #17
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Good point and duly noted. I will watch out for that for sure. Thanks

  18. #18
    fxrjuiceman's Avatar
    fxrjuiceman is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Screw
    Jumped into cycling steroids? I have been on TRT for almost a year, but you probably didnt even read the entire post and just read what Bio said lol. Please do not post if you havent even read the thread, thanks. As for the fat loss, thanks a lot but if you read the thread you would see I am back up to 180 with a lot less fat. I just havent posted a picture of my front yet. The picture of me at 150 is from months and months ago and was just showing an example. I have lifted weights for years as I also listed in the post you didnt read. Also I know steroids arent miracle workers lol, I have been prescribed Testosterone for almost a year. I didnt make this post to ask for permission to run a cycle or to ask "should I cycle?" Like I said I have been on TRT for almost a year now and have put on a lot of weight/muscle since the 150 picuture. I am not by any means close to my "max potential, full natty base" etc. but I am on TRT so its not like I am "jumping into cycling steroids" I am only using one compound (the one i am prescribed) I know all about the side effects, dosage, injecting etc. It's not like I am going for 1000mg of test or 3 different compounds from 3 different underground labs from all over the world and just shooting them in cheek. I am simply upping my prescribed dose for 12 weeks and wanted to get advice on how to maximize the results with diet etc. and make a personal log for myself and whoever else wants to read it. I'm not some 18 year old kid rolling the dice who doesnt need TRT. I know you are coming from the right place and 9/10 times you would be correct posting that, but you are incorrect here and didnt even read the entire post. Why not up my dose a little bit of what I am already taking for the rest of my life and make a log about it? Lol, frustrating when someone says "Looks like you jumped into cycling steroids" when they didnt even read my thread. Next time don't post unless you have read it, and hopefully at least give some worthwhile advice like Bio did.
    Your post was read fully. Bro there's no way "you've been lifting weights for years" cmon that's all we're saying, by seeing your body we can tell your diet or training is off if you have in fact "been training for years". But ya congrats on the weight loss it's always good to see positive changes. If I were you I'd be eating 40-60 grams of protien every 2 1/2 hour a day to gain size

  19. #19
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Believe it or not "bro", I have. As you fully read in the original post I had a total testosterone level of around 150 for about 5 years, which makes it not impossible but very difficult to gain muscle. The 2 full body pictures are from a long time ago. I started TRT and lost about 30 pounds within 2 1/2 months of starting it and now I am back at 180 again with a lot less fat, I will post a photo later after my Thanksgiving dump and if i can I will just take down the weight loss photos from ages ago because they seem to be confusing people. I am indeed very far from my "natural potential" regardless but I have been lifting for a long time. I have been following the diet I listed in my original post for months and I recently removed the bagels and added in oatmeal and I also have sweet potato's on hand now. Thanks for the...advice?

  20. #20
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    You will always get advice here buddy. But you will also get feedbsck, opinions and criticism. Try not to get offended and just take it on board. The "thanks for the.... Advice?" At the end of your last post there indicates sarcasm lol

    We all never do things perfectly or correctly and all could improve but you can learn from it and help other members from the feedback/critique etc. It also helps any newbies or others in your situation who could be reading but not replying.

    Keep us posted how you get on buddy

  21. #21
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    You will always get advice here buddy. But you will also get feedbsck, opinions and criticism. Try not to get offended and just take it on board. The "thanks for the.... Advice?" At the end of your last post there indicates sarcasm lol

    We all never do things perfectly or correctly and all could improve but you can learn from it and help other members from the feedback/critique etc. It also helps any newbies or others in your situation who could be reading but not replying.

    Keep us posted how you get on buddy
    Yeah, I appreciate all of the good advice don't get me wrong, I am using it as well. I welcome the feedback/criticism. I have read hundreds of these cycle threads and 75%+ is non beneficial criticism so I expected a lot of it, especially with my situation but I will continue to respond to it to help others or explain myself. As far as my sarcasm (Lol) I really couldn't find anything to thank him for, I guess advice but after he "bro'd" me he said "post read fully" then gave me some diet advice which was EXACTLY what my diet was that I had typed out in the original diet post he fully read (Lol)
    Hopefully we have established the fact I am not at my full potential and people will move forward. I will continue to log and post pictures and ask questions as well. Tried to goto the gym tonight "24 hour fitness" and it was closed LOL (Thanksgiving) so I don't have much of an update to post. Will post pictures tomorrow so people won't focus as much on the weight loss ones from ages ago.
    Last edited by Dj Screw; 11-27-2015 at 02:17 AM.

  22. #22
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    We all do things wrong or shall i say could do them better, and we all get some bashing if its not done the perfect way possible,

    If you get time read my log theres a plenty of punches and kicks i can still feel its just the nature of a steroid forum im afraid

    It might seem hypocritical that i give advice but didnt take advice myself but thats how ive learnt and progressed over the last few months which i can pass on to fellow members

    At least your taking it without spitting out the dummy, channel it into your workouts, thats what i do
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 11-27-2015 at 02:21 AM.

  23. #23
    wellshii is offline Member
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    Out of curiosity,did you ever find out why your testicles and or pituitary were not performing well? To add,yea drop the bread. Oats,yams,more natural carbs.Add some veggies in too . Looking forward to the pic
    Last edited by wellshii; 11-27-2015 at 03:12 AM.

  24. #24
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    We all do things wrong or shall i say could do them better, and we all get some bashing if its not done the perfect way possible,

    If you get time read my log theres a plenty of punches and kicks i can still feel its just the nature of a steroid forum im afraid

    It might seem hypocritical that i give advice but didnt take advice myself but thats how ive learnt and progressed over the last few months which i can pass on to fellow members

    At least your taking it without spitting out the dummy, channel it into your workouts, thats what i do
    Wow, I am reading your thread and I have learned a lot. I am only on page 5 but you did good ignoring and not letting those kids with the 12 year old school yard comments get to you. People like that who take shots at people ALWAYS have bigger problems than the people they are going after, remember that. I am going to finish reading the thread, a lot of good info in there so far, thanks bud

  25. #25
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wellshii View Post
    Out of curiosity,did you ever find out why your testicles and or pituitary were not performing well? To add,yea drop the bread. Oats,yams,more natural carbs.Add some veggies in too . Looking forward to the pic
    Wellshii, I got every kind of test/blood test you could think of and probably most of them more than once lol. It is for sure not Primary Hypogonadism (testicular failure) and that was ruled out early. I was tested for everyhing from Aids/HIV to diabetes and they could not find the cause of it. They kept asking me to wait months at a time to get my testosterone free & total to get tested again to see if it would come back to normal levels since they couldn't find a root cause thinking it was a temporary drop, due to stress or something else that wasn't permanent. After about 5 or so months and enough blood tests to keep a lab busy for a year my Urologist suggested either TRT or a round of Clomid plus a few other things to try to get me back online naturally, but he said from experience and how my levels weren't changing over time it most likely wouldn't help. It was all and still is very confusing because I was fertile, my testicles functioned fine and they tested everything trying to find the root cause. I did use opiates for a period of time after a surgery when I was 19 but I don't think it was enough to warrant perma secondary hypogonadism (low t). Hope that answers your question. Thanks for your diet advice too. I am deff missing veggies in the diet
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  26. #26
    wellshii is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Screw View Post
    Wellshii, I got every kind of test/blood test you could think of and probably most of them more than once lol. It is for sure not Primary Hypogonadism (testicular failure) and that was ruled out early. I was tested for everyhing from Aids/HIV to diabetes and they could not find the cause of it. They kept asking me to wait months at a time to get my testosterone free & total to get tested again to see if it would come back to normal levels since they couldn't find a root cause thinking it was a temporary drop, due to stress or something else that wasn't permanent. After about 5 or so months and enough blood tests to keep a lab busy for a year my Urologist suggested either TRT or a round of Clomid plus a few other things to try to get me back online naturally, but he said from experience and how my levels weren't changing over time it most likely wouldn't help. It was all and still is very confusing because I was fertile, my testicles functioned fine and they tested everything trying to find the root cause. I did use opiates for a period of time after a surgery when I was 19 but I don't think it was enough to warrant perma secondary hypogonadism (low t). Hope that answers your question. Thanks for your diet advice too. I am deff missing veggies in the diet
    Man that's crazy. No serious head injuries in the past? Idk,but it just bothers me that the root of the problem was never found.
    Your welcome on the diet. All organic as well,if possible.

  27. #27
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wellshii View Post
    Man that's crazy. No serious head injuries in the past? Idk,but it just bothers me that the root of the problem was never found.
    Bothers me as well. At such a young age there's usually a root cause. DJ maybe I missed it but were you ever given an MRI to check for pathologies? Did they do a thorough thyroid evaluation? Seldom is it idiopathic at your age. What were your LH & FSH values pre-TRT?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  28. #28
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wellshii View Post
    Man that's crazy. No serious head injuries in the past? Idk,but it just bothers me that the root of the problem was never found.
    Your welcome on the diet. All organic as well,if possible.
    Nothing too serious. Only thing I can think of was when I got into a fight when i was 21-22ish someone came up behind me and cracked me really good. The back top right of my head right where the back of my head turns into the top of my head (Not sure if that is going to make sense lol) is about a 1 inch scar that I still feel everyday when I take a shower.

  29. #29
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Bothers me as well. At such a young age there's usually a root cause. DJ maybe I missed it but were you ever given an MRI to check for pathologies? Did they do a thorough thyroid evaluation? Seldom is it idiopathic at your age. What were your LH & FSH values pre-TRT?
    Never got an MRI, it was discussed but never went through with it. I forget if it was because of insurance or what the problem was with not getting it. As for the thyroid I have gotten it checked multiple times and they continue to check it about every other appointment (about every 6-8 months, give or take) and they said the levels are fine but they want to keep an eye on it. I am positive I got tested for LH & FSH, I keep all of my paperwork/blood test results. I will do some digging and post the results for you.

  30. #30
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Congrats on the fat loss

    Looks like you have just rushed into cycling steroids though, before the cycle you dont even look like you have ever lifted a weight, let alone enough to warrant cycling.

    Steroids arent miracle workers, get your training and diet regimented and then cycle.
    sounds like someone we know dosnt it taxman? give the op a break imho...just saying brother...

  31. #31
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Here are the pictures as promised, as well as a little update.
    First Cycle. Full log with pictures. Test Cyp 400mg pw-180lbsnovember26.jpgFirst Cycle. Full log with pictures. Test Cyp 400mg pw-nov26pump.jpgFirst Cycle. Full log with pictures. Test Cyp 400mg pw-nov26pump2.jpg

    These are taken right after my workout so its 100% pump.

    Exactly 3 weeks into cycle

    Weight: 179.5 (actually down a little bit, could that be because I upped my Anastrozole (AI) dose?) I havent been cutting calories and probly had close to 4500 calories yesterday (Thanksgiving lol)

    I know these pictures are not impressive, especially to the monsters on this forum but if you look at the weight loss pictures of me at 180 with a lot of bf and the 150 until now I think there is a noticeable difference so keep that in mind please.

    As far as workout and strength: Start of my workout was not great tonight in my opinion, I felt tired and weak for some reason?! I could've put more weight on my lifts at the start... Maybe Thanksgiving food hangover? lol. My left wrist was also extremely tender is the only way to describe it and really felt it when i was doing incline pushups but about half way through the workout it was gone and even now about an hour after workout it is not tender anymore (cant think of another word to describe it other than tender, I hope that makes sense) By the end of the workout I was doing max weight for sure and deff felt satisfied. By the time I was done I was dripping sweat and no way I could do any more reps lol. When I got home my muscles were so tight and exhausted it was difficult to take off my shirt lol. Tomorrow I will post pics of back/legs... I wouldve posted those tonight but didnt have anyone to take them for me and I wanted them to be done right. Tomorrow is leg day. Thanks to everyone who has posted advice or questions. Let me know if I am being vague or leaving anything out, I will be happy to fix it. Also any guess on bf%? I know a lot of me weight is water most likely at the moment.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    sounds like someone we know dosnt it taxman? give the op a break imho...just saying brother...
    Ive cycled in the past. had a few year break and could have conditioned myself better before getting back into the lifestyle yes, but when you have been in the game before its hard to give into the temptation.

    does that mean i cant advise anyone the same as i was advised just because i did somethig wrong?
    Have you done everything by the book throughout your full life? I doubt it!
    But you still give the correct advice.

    Nobody on this board is perfect and i bet everyone has made mistakes, its just good to learn from those mistakes and try to inform others no? My reply was pretty much the same as your reply in my log, so its hypocritical for you to say give the OP a break, when you pretty much wrote a similar response to my log.

    Anyway, I have gave the OP a break, as well as an apology, some morale boost and some advice.

    read the rest of the thread brother.

    Sorry for the long rant Ghetto, i just thought you gave a cheap dig there
    and i wanted to make those points.
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 11-28-2015 at 08:30 AM.

  33. #33
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Ive cycled in the past. had a few year break and could have conditioned myself better before getting back into the lifestyle yes, but when you have been in the game before its hard to give into the temptation.

    does that mean i cant advise anyone the same as i was advised just because i did somethig wrong?
    Have you done everything by the book throughout your full life? I doubt it!
    But you still give the correct advice.

    Nobody on this board is perfect and i bet everyone has made mistakes, its just good to learn from those mistakes and try to inform others no? My reply was pretty much the same as your reply in my log, so its hypocritical for you to say give the OP a break, when you pretty much wrote a similar response to my log.

    Anyway, I have gave the OP a break, as well as an apology, some morale boost and some advice.

    read the rest of the thread brother.

    Sorry for the long rant Ghetto, i just thought you gave a cheap dig there
    and i wanted to make those points.
    I thought you where the one being hypocritical by telling someone not to do something you have just done but that's just my opinion but I don't see how my response was hypocritical at all I was just pointing out as you and another member where piling on this new guy that you just did the very same thing I just didn't want to spell it out for all to see I was trying to put you in check discreetly, guess that backfired...anyway I wasn't saying what you where saying was wrong at all just the kettle calling the pot black I guess...peace brother lets drop it...

  34. #34
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    A lot of members on here are on TRT for cycling at a youg age, but they advise not to cycle at a young age, hypocritical? I see it as making mistakes and trying to pass the advice on.

    Agreed tho lets leave the animosity.
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 11-28-2015 at 09:58 AM.

  35. #35
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Anyone have a good Multi-Vitamin they recommend along with any other supplements? Im happy with my protein and my creatine but I am about to run out of my GNC Men's Multivitamin and I was wondering if there was a better option then getting that again? Thanks

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Screw View Post
    Anyone have a good Multi-Vitamin they recommend along with any other supplements? Im happy with my protein and my creatine but I am about to run out of my GNC Men's Multivitamin and I was wondering if there was a better option then getting that again? Thanks
    I just take a men's once a day. Twice haha.

    Maybe post that question up in the supplement section.
    U will get more responses.

    2nd, order supplements only. Most if not all stores cost to much compared to only supplements

  37. #37
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr View Post
    I just take a men's once a day. Twice haha.

    Maybe post that question up in the supplement section.
    U will get more responses.

    2nd, order supplements only. Most if not all stores cost to much compared to only supplements
    Alright cool, thanks 73rr thats a good idea, I'm going to try and find some protein online as well

  38. #38
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Screw View Post
    Anyone have a good Multi-Vitamin they recommend along with any other supplements? Im happy with my protein and my creatine but I am about to run out of my GNC Men's Multivitamin and I was wondering if there was a better option then getting that again? Thanks
    Dont waste your time with multis, buy real stuff that proven to work, like B12 Methylcolabamine by Jarrow, Zinc P. Magnesium Citrate + Magnesium Orotate, Iron, MSM, CoQ10, Vit D ~10.000IU, Vit C (1000mg purest version), Maca powder, NAC, Theanine, Tryptophan, Leucine, Lysine and buy yourself some fresh liver, freeze it for 14+ days prior consuming and just shoot some 20g/day. You should really research to what these do and at what dosages, as to most everything else in multis and such you should get plentiful with your diet, considering you eat right

  39. #39
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    I do take vitamin d3 as well but that's it.

    Protien whey, when I just can't get in the food I need for a day. (Very Rear to happen).

    Rest is all food! Good luck.

  40. #40
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    Have you made the changes to your nutrition that we discussed. Post up what your meal plan looks like now? I would also like to see what your training looks like? What lifts and the rep ranges?
    TheTaxMan likes this.

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