I posted this in 40+ but it's been 5 days and 100+ views with no response. I thought I would try my luck here.
Greetings all.... So I am about to embark on a 16 week cycle. First of all, I know you're all not doctors and not treating me, I am not looking for a prognosis, just feedback. That being said...
I had an injury to my bicep in the middle of my cycle last year so training wasn't up to par and on my pct I went very light on working out so that I could heal. I've been back at training, full blast, for about a month now. I had a few problems as well in the middle/end of my cycle which has since, caused me pain in my inguinal area. I went to the doctor because I thought the Tren in my previous cycle may have caused me prostate problems. I ended up seeing two different doctors and both stated, basically, "You're 40 now, that will come and go". They did tests but everything came back normal.
I have since started to have to go to the bathroom at least once in the middle of the night. The pain in my inguinal area comes and goers, but is fairly consistent every day. Some days worse than others. In the morning while getting ready for work, by the time I get in my car I am in pain. Sitting down and laying down take the pain away. Standing always brings it back. I have had my labs done last week and everything looks to be normal. My Hematocrit is a tad high, but then again it always runs high. I just need to get in and donate blood more. I am carrying a bit more fat than I have in the past as the last two months, after being on a strict too clean diet, I was eating WHATEVER I wanted whenever I wanted. I have been off that and back on a clean Chicken, Turkey Rice, Red Potatoes and Veggies diet. I seem to shed fat fairly quick as I have always been leaner than not. So these are the facts. Now to the questions, and sorry it took me so long to get there. Thank you for your patience.
So my questions are these
1. Like I said, I am carrying a tad more fat than I am used to. Do you think I am ok to start my cycle or should I lean out more? By fat, I mean I am 6'3/6'4 207lbs right now. As per being 40, most is around my mid section.
2. Should these pains I am having concern me or my cycle if all of my labs look good and two different doctors said everything is normal?
3. My cycle I have mapped out is going to be 16 weeks. It looks like this. Feedback on this would be great as well
Week 1-16 Test Enth 300MG Monday, Wed and Fri
Week 1-8 Dbol 50mg ED
Week 1-8 Deca 250MG Mon, Wed, Fri
Week 1-infinity Sermorelin 4 iu/ED
Week 9-16 EQ 250 MG Mon, Wed, Fri
Week 9-16 Anavar 80MG/ED
Week 9-16 Tren Ace 100MG EoD
Week 10-16 Mast Prop 100MG EoD
Week 1-16 Arimidex .5mg EoD
Week 16 HCG 5000 iu EoD
Week 17 HCG 2500 iu EoD
As always, I thank you all for your input and advice.