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Thread: 40 years young and looking for ALL feedback on upcoming cycle.

  1. #1

    40 years young and looking for ALL feedback on upcoming cycle.

    I posted this in 40+ but it's been 5 days and 100+ views with no response. I thought I would try my luck here.

    Greetings all.... So I am about to embark on a 16 week cycle. First of all, I know you're all not doctors and not treating me, I am not looking for a prognosis, just feedback. That being said...

    I had an injury to my bicep in the middle of my cycle last year so training wasn't up to par and on my pct I went very light on working out so that I could heal. I've been back at training, full blast, for about a month now. I had a few problems as well in the middle/end of my cycle which has since, caused me pain in my inguinal area. I went to the doctor because I thought the Tren in my previous cycle may have caused me prostate problems. I ended up seeing two different doctors and both stated, basically, "You're 40 now, that will come and go". They did tests but everything came back normal.

    I have since started to have to go to the bathroom at least once in the middle of the night. The pain in my inguinal area comes and goers, but is fairly consistent every day. Some days worse than others. In the morning while getting ready for work, by the time I get in my car I am in pain. Sitting down and laying down take the pain away. Standing always brings it back. I have had my labs done last week and everything looks to be normal. My Hematocrit is a tad high, but then again it always runs high. I just need to get in and donate blood more. I am carrying a bit more fat than I have in the past as the last two months, after being on a strict too clean diet, I was eating WHATEVER I wanted whenever I wanted. I have been off that and back on a clean Chicken, Turkey Rice, Red Potatoes and Veggies diet. I seem to shed fat fairly quick as I have always been leaner than not. So these are the facts. Now to the questions, and sorry it took me so long to get there. Thank you for your patience.

    So my questions are these

    1. Like I said, I am carrying a tad more fat than I am used to. Do you think I am ok to start my cycle or should I lean out more? By fat, I mean I am 6'3/6'4 207lbs right now. As per being 40, most is around my mid section.

    2. Should these pains I am having concern me or my cycle if all of my labs look good and two different doctors said everything is normal?

    3. My cycle I have mapped out is going to be 16 weeks. It looks like this. Feedback on this would be great as well
    Week 1-16 Test Enth 300MG Monday, Wed and Fri
    Week 1-8 Dbol 50mg ED
    Week 1-8 Deca 250MG Mon, Wed, Fri
    Week 1-infinity Sermorelin 4 iu/ED
    Week 9-16 EQ 250 MG Mon, Wed, Fri
    Week 9-16 Anavar 80MG/ED
    Week 9-16 Tren Ace 100MG EoD
    Week 10-16 Mast Prop 100MG EoD
    Week 1-16 Arimidex .5mg EoD
    Week 16 HCG 5000 iu EoD
    Week 17 HCG 2500 iu EoD

    As always, I thank you all for your input and advice.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    To be blunt, are you really serious with all those compounds in one cycle? If so, why?
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  3. #3
    I am serious. I put together a cycle based off of one of the advanced cycle stacks here and changed up a few things with the continuation on going of the Sermorelin. I'd like to have a solid bulk phase and then lean out towards the end. If you think it's overboard, I'd love your feedback and suggestions. My goal is to pack on as much lean muscle mass as possible in the 16 weeks. Like I said, I am thankful for all feedback good or bad.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well, unless you are actually "advanced" I really don't see the need for such a large cycle. More isn't always better and you just increase the chance for side effects. Your goals will be determined by your nutrition and training far more than AAS. Especially whether you keep them or not. IMHO, you could run your test / deca / dbol @ 16 / 14 / 8 weeks and do just fine. And if you don't, it's your nutrition and training.

    Also two oral's during one cycle is never advised. Very rough on your liver! Running a progestin (deca) I'd suggest you have caber available as well to combat prolactin sides. I'd suggest .25 x 2 per week and at your deca dose I'd run it from the start in case your estrogen gets out of hand.

    HCG should be run during your cycle, not after. 250 iu's x 2 per week is fine. Afterwards is old school. It's far better to maintain testicular function throughout your cycle than to be completely shut down. Think about it. HCG is also suppressive to LH production, which is why it's not run during PCT when you're trying to restart pituitary function. You need Clomid and Nolva for your pct.
    Last edited by kelkel; 03-21-2016 at 05:47 PM. Reason: fat fingers
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    That makes quite a bit of sense. What do you think about just doing Test/Deca/dbol/mast 16 weeks HCG throughout. Also, cut out the Sermorelin as well? Thank you as always. You're always on point.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Mast works best when already lean.
    You do not want to run an oral for 16 weeks. 8 is fine and much healthier for your liver. You also need to run NAC along side all of this for liver support.
    I decreased Deca by two weeks as it takes longer to clear your system for pct.
    No issue with Sermorelin as it won't impact any of the above. Run it if you have it.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  7. #7
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    Kelkel mentioned it but I'm going to stress it. Nutrition and Training is the key here. I see you very methodically planned out your cycle but I see nothing about your nutrition or macros. How about your training? Have you planned that out? You will get out of it what you put in. Look at my first post on this forum and you will see my transformation and what that took in terms on nutrition and training. I didn't introduce AAS until I had dialed in solid nutrition and training.

  8. #8
    TThank you both for your input. I believe I only put in the dbol for a total of 8 weeks. I didn't plan to do it for more than that. I was going to run animal after that but have since seen the light. As for nutrition and training, I have that dialed in. I work with a nutritionist and I have my macros laid out and a meal plan already in place. I'm currently at 5 8oz meat portions and a mixture of rice, red potatoes and yams with veggies in each meal. I cook twice a week all my meals so I never miss a meal. I do 2 cups of egg whites two bananas a table spoon of peanut butter 1 cup of oatmeal and 2 scoops of protein for breakfast. I do the same with casin before bed with cla morning and night. I train 6 days a week hitting all body parts two times a week.

    That being said, maybe I will start off with test/deca/dbol and add in mast when I drop off dbol on week 8. I will run the ser throughout the cycle and beyond. Would you recommend the same with that cycle of 250 ius of HCG throughout that cycle? I'll also be running arimidex .5mg every other day. What would you recommend for the liver? Thank you guys again. I value this input.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by xpL1H View Post
    That being said, maybe I will start off with test/deca/dbol and add in mast when I drop off dbol on week 8. I will run the ser throughout the cycle and beyond. Would you recommend the same with that cycle of 250 ius of HCG throughout that cycle? I'll also be running arimidex .5mg every other day. What would you recommend for the liver? Thank you guys again. I value this input.
    For liver I take 1200mg of NAC ED while cycling and 600 while off. HCG should remain at 250iu 2-3x per week. Remember that for Mas to be effective, you need to be lean - 10% or less. You should also take 600mg per week - that seems to be the consensus on Mas.

  10. #10
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    Oh... And I also take Milk Thristle for liver support along with NAC.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Can you post a pic? 'Fat' at 207lbs at 6'4 with cycles under your belt do wanting to run a multi multi compound bulking and cutting cycle doesn't sound right at all.

  12. #12
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    Sorry, not even going to address your proposed cycle as it is a complete mess. You think you are in your twenties to do 8 weeks of dbol at 50mg ED, together with tren and more?? Looking at liver cirrosis IMHO.

    Just going to ask if you fixed your bloodwork from last year?

    Also agree with BiB, either you are a powerlifter or you should be packing a lot more mass. Your problem is not the AAS, is the nutrition.
    Last edited by Mr.BB; 03-22-2016 at 04:51 AM.

  13. #13
    Hey BB, Yes, I did fix blood work from last year. I went off that long, horrid cycle and got everything leveled out. Like I stated earlier, the only thing a little high was my Hematocrit (20%) and my Prolactin (20ug/L) other than that everything was in normal range. I'll take a picture at the gym before working out today and upload it after the gym. It's not like I feel "fat", I just know I am carrying a tad more than I would like. That is the other reason I have been holding off on pinning. I'm not dead set on any cycle in particular. I just wanted to do some solid gains this year. I'm going to be 41 in April. You once asked my reasoning for being on gear in the first place. One of my bucket lists was to do a beach body show once in my life. Long story short, as per my old thread from last year, life past 65 isn't an option for me. I have a lot going on that is ultimately going to make my life as I get older much harder and I won't stick around for anyone to take care of me.

    I know my last cycle was a hot mess, to say the least. I took a friends advice why has been on gear for 25 years straight with no pct and thinking that just because it worked for him would work for me. I know that was wrong and a very naive way to look at things, but that is what brought me here and where I have actually learned a lot of things from all of you guys who take the time to provide feedback both good and bad. I'm thankful for it. So that being said, maybe it's best if I address what I am trying to accomplish. You can tell me how far off track I am or offer any advice. I know it's my choice on what to do and you all don't know my body and what may be best, but you all know what I shouldn't do and I am very appreciative for the feedback.

    I want to bulk. I'm 209lbs as of this morning. I would really like to hit 245. Now that may not even be realistic. I'm currently eating 6 meals a day and I'm going to work myself up to 10 meals a day. I have my macros at Protein 310 Carbs 160 Fat 60. This is current. Obviously as I add meals this is going to adjust. This is what my current meal plan looks like at the macros I listed.
    Meal 1 - 1 cup of oatmeal, 2 cup of egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 2 scoop whey, banana, 1T peanut butter
    PW - 2 scoops whey
    Meal 2 - 6oz beef, 8oz white potato
    Meal 3 - 6oz chicken, 1/2 cup brown Rice, vegetable, 1T olive oil
    Meal 4 - 6oz meat, 4oz yam or brown rice, 1T olive oil
    Meal 5 - 6oz meat , vegetable
    Meal 6 - 1 cup of egg whites, 1 scoop casein, 1T peanut butter

    I am training hard every day 6 days a week hitting all body parts twice. I do the following
    Monday - Chest, Tri's
    Tuesday - Back Bi's
    Wednesday - Shoulders, Legs
    Thursday - Back, Bi's
    Friday - Chest, Tri's
    Saturday - Shoulders, Legs
    I do 20 minutes of stair climber after every workout except for leg days. Remember, I stated I worked out very little for two months (end of Dec-Mid Feb) while healing my arm. I've only been back at it hard for the last month.

    In closing, even though I have the gear as listed, I don't need to take it and won't take it if it isn't the right cycle. If you have some feedback on what you think might be a better option, I am more than open to what you guys say. As always, I am very thankful for all of you guys and your input and feedback. I listen to what you guys say and strive to learn more. I always spend time reading what others say and their input. Thank you all again for taking the time to read my rants and providing feedback both good or bad. Have a great day guys.

  14. #14
    Anymore insight would be greatly appreciated. Still waiting to pin a cycle on some more feedback. Thanks guys

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Can you post a pic? 'Fat' at 207lbs at 6'4 with cycles under your belt do wanting to run a multi multi compound bulking and cutting cycle doesn't sound right at all.
    Post a pic we can give you much better advice.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    More feedback:
    Week 1-14 Test Enth 300MG 2x per week
    Week 1-12 Deca 300MG 2x per week
    Week 1-16 Arimidex .5mg EoD
    Week 1-16 HCG 250 iu 2x per week

    Week 1 Clomid 75mg, tamoxifen 40mg, ED
    Week 2, 3 & 4 Clomid 50mg, tamoxifen 20mg, ED
    Week 5-6 Tamoxifen 20mg, ED

    After week 8 if you stop growing, throw in the dbol for max of 4 weeks, this means only use the dbol when hitting a wall. After finishing the dbol its better to cut the cycle short as you wont grow anymore, better to stay on test only for 1-2 weeks and PCT after 2 more weeks.
    No cutting needed if you havent achieved the size you want. Cutting will always make you lose some muscle mass, leave it for when you reach the weight objective (245?).
    Bloodwork before cycle, and check your liver also before cycle (ultrasound), you need an efficient liver to grow muscle. Keep you nutrition clean but 500cals above TDEE, that will be somewhere near 3800, you need high carbs to grow muscle, adjust cardio to control bodyfat (not reduce it, control it).
    You also need to have caber (or some DA) on hand for prolactin control,check it on mid cyle bloods.
    Last edited by Mr.BB; 03-26-2016 at 06:13 AM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    More feedback:
    Week 1-14 Test Enth 300MG 2x per week
    Week 1-12 Deca 300MG 2x per week
    Week 1-16 Arimidex .5mg EoD
    Week 1-16 HCG 250 iu 2x per week

    Week 1 Clomid 75mg, tamoxifen 40mg, ED
    Week 2, 3 & 4 Clomid 50mg, tamoxifen 20mg, ED
    Week 5-6 Tamoxifen 20mg, ED

    After week 8 if you stop growing, throw in the dbol for max of 4 weeks, this means only use the dbol when hitting a wall. After finishing the dbol its better to cut the cycle short as you wont grow anymore, better to stay on test only for 1-2 weeks and PCT after 2 more weeks.
    No cutting needed if you havent achieved the size you want. Cutting will always make you lose some muscle mass, leave it for when you reach the weight objective (245?).
    Bloodwork before cycle, and check your liver also before cycle (ultrasound), you need an efficient liver to grow muscle. Keep you nutrition clean but 500cals above TDEE, that will be somewhere near 3800, you need high carbs to grow muscle, adjust cardio to control bodyfat (not reduce it, control it).
    You also need to have caber (or some DA) on hand for prolactin control,check it on mid cyle bloods.
    Thank you again. I am posting pictures. I look at all of you and look at my pictures and feel horrible, so be easy on me! Thank you again for the advice. I had my labs done and everything was good except for the two numbers I posted were a tad high. I am donating blood tomorrow and will continue to do so every week? two weeks? Thoughts on that? Click image for larger version. 

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  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Don't worry about pics man. It's all about moving forward. Donate blood for sure but they won't let you do it that often. I think it's 1 x every 2 months.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGenRit View Post
    Don't worry about pics man. It's all about moving forward. Donate blood for sure but they won't let you do it that often. I think it's 1 x every 2 months.
    Well said^^!! We all started somewhere so do not think this muscle tissue was/is built overnight -- it's a marathon here not a sprint... Sprinting in this sport will lead to injuries, overtraining, no NRG, and many others,....

    I think a whole RBC donation(WRBC donation) is 52(ish)days(it's close to that if not) and for a DRBC(Double RBC donation) I believe it's 104ish days

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by xpL1H View Post
    Thank you again. I am posting pictures. I look at all of you and look at my pictures and feel horrible, so be easy on me! Thank you again for the advice. I had my labs done and everything was good except for the two numbers I posted were a tad high. I am donating blood tomorrow and will continue to do so every week? two weeks? Thoughts on that? Click image for larger version. 

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    The pics are just to for us to be able to better advice you, and for you are the best way to assess your gains.

    Donations Nach has already covered.

    Have you considered the cycle I layed out? Because you dont need that many compounds to have gains.

    Now I want to tackle your training. You need to reduce the volume down and increase the intensity, theres no need to train 6-7 times per week, it is actually impossible to have the necessary intensity and no days of rest, unless your a pro with every detail covered. Start reading the Marcus HIT dungeon and take notes, if your nutrition is the way you posted 500 cals above TDEE and you incorporate a at least a few HIT directions you will grow from the the above cycle.
    Just dont expect to get 20lbs of muscle in every cycle, thats only possible on first cycle or if you cycle once a year primed. 5-10 lbs is an excellenct result, so you are looking at least 3 years to get to your 245lbs objective.
    Back to training, I would increase cardio on rest days (30-45 minutes) till you reduce a bit your bodyfat.

  21. #21
    I did consider your cycle and that is what i am going to do. Thank you all so much for your time and feedback. Very encouraging to have a board like this with everyone's knowledge. I will read that HIT article and look at incorporating that as well. By the way, Happy Easter to you all. Hope you all have a fantastic day.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Have you considered the cycle I layed out? Because you dont need that many compounds to have gains.

    Now I want to tackle your training. You need to reduce the volume down and increase the intensity, theres no need to train 6-7 times per week, it is actually impossible to have the necessary intensity and no days of rest, unless your a pro with every detail covered. Start reading the Marcus HIT dungeon and take notes, if your nutrition is the way you posted 500 cals above TDEE and you incorporate a at least a few HIT directions you will grow from the the above cycle.
    Just dont expect to get 20lbs of muscle in every cycle, thats only possible on first cycle or if you cycle once a year primed.
    5-10 lbs is an excellenct result, so you are looking at least 3 years to get to your 245lbs objective.
    Back to training, I would increase cardio on rest days (30-45 minutes) till you reduce a bit your bodyfat.
    ^^^ this is right on the money! I very much agree!

    Remember we don't grow in the gym but rather when we rest/& recover from the assault we put on our bodies(plus cycling your training so you don't overtrain or just totally tax your CNS without pulling back) <-- this type of training and the intensity needed is far more than any protocol out there... By increasing your intensity and shortening the rest periods(when doing full bore HIT) - your stressing the body more and more, which is exactly what growth is!! Growth = stressing the body... Give it no other choice but to grow!
    You'll get it once you read the link BB gave you(Marcus' HIT Dungeon) - BB covered it... I just wanted to chime in

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Imo you need to lower your body fat little more but if you still want to do it go with test e 600/primo 600/mast 500/var60mg. Adex depend on your body start with 0.25 eod. Blood work is wise before you start the cycle

  24. #24
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    In all honesty even a test deca cycle is, IMO, too advanced for your current physique.

    I'd peg you at over 20% bodyfat and think you should drop 12-15lbs before you run a test only cycle on a lean bulking diet plan.

    Follow Mr BBs advice re training and the extra cardio which should help you drop that weight before you cycle.

  25. #25
    Ok.... So I am confused again. I am carrying too much fat to do even the test/deca cycle? How much should I cut out before doing that? I took the advice and was going to do the cycle that BB recommended. As well as have been reading through the HIT dungeon as well from the link posted. I knew starting a cycle with too high fat could lead to higher estrogen problems. I just didn't think I was that bad, but I trust you guys if you say I am. Now for the bad news.... I pinned on Sunday 1/2 cc of test 1/2 cc of deca. Do I stop? Hit hcg and cut more? Feeling pretty discouraged right now. Thankful for all the advice and feedback, just more discouraged about my body.

  26. #26
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    If you are going to get discouraged everytime things dont go your way might as well sit on the sofa and watch f***ing tv. WTF is this discouraged thing anyways??
    Eat it up and turn it into rage in the gym. Man up. Apparently you took a decision, with deca is too late to go back.

    Make it work, you are the only one responsible.

    Now wtf is 1/2 cc???

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    If you are going to get discouraged everytime things dont go your way might as well sit on the sofa and watch f***ing tv. WTF is this discouraged thing anyways??
    Eat it up and turn it into rage in the gym. Man up. Apparently you took a decision, with deca is too late to go back.

    Make it work, you are the only one responsible.

    Now wtf is 1/2 cc???
    I will make it work. I was just a tad discouraged that I may be carrying too much fat to start. I started week one at 1/2 cc test/deca eod for the first week. I always did it that way. I guess I should have stated that to avoid this confusion. Yes it's too late. I'll roll with it and be just fine. I'm excited and ready. Thanks for the support as always.

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