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Thread: How to administer my cycle?

  1. #1

    How to administer my cycle?

    I want to know how to administer my cycle, it would be very helpful if someone with more experience guide me.

    Steroids to use:
    Anavar 50mg
    Sustanon 250

    This is going to be my third cycle. first one was anavar, Second was Test E for 1.5 months

    Body Profile:
    height: 5'8
    weight: 150
    BF%: 4.2


  2. #2
    4.2% BF?
    Pics, or it didn't happen... Just, no.

    21, 3rd "cycle"... Hold onto your hat, kid, 'cuz yer gonna get an earful!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by giancarlonatale View Post
    I want to know how to administer my cycle, it would be very helpful if someone with more experience guide me.

    Steroids to use:
    Anavar 50mg
    Sustanon 250

    This is going to be my third cycle. first one was anavar, Second was Test E for 1.5 months

    Body Profile:
    height: 5'8
    weight: 150
    BF%: 4.2

    Besides being wayyy to young to cycle - why so early? You had a sh!t Ton of natty test to make great gains!! Plus your HPTA isn't close to being done maturing(your brain and endocrine system is still developing leaving a life time of problems ahead of you) plus your Epiphyseal plates aren't sealed yet - im betting $$ on that)

    Was that a var only cycle?? Bad news if so.... Also, why'd you run test for a year and a Half??

    Where's your on cycle ancillaries(hCG/AI) and what's your PCT protocol??

    So 3 cycles and still at 150lbs... Look into our nutrition section or you'll be going in circles of gaining then losing... Eating to grow Id the biggest mistake people make! Including myself for many yrs!

    Read these please

    Really think this thru- have you got any bw(blood work)??

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