I turn 35 tomorrow and I just received results of a CAT scan that indicated a mass on my neck, a nodule on my thyroid with calcification, and lower back mild arthritis - more specifically a rare form associated with pregnant women (lol). The reported results are in the attached pics below along with my blood results. ENT consult next week with repeated blood labs; the following week I have an Ultrasound of the Thyroid.
Do you have any advice regarding these and the possible connection to any AAS or Ancillaries? Just want to make sure nothing in a cycle could adversely affect these issues.
Furthermore, would you recommend an increase in cruise testosterone or cruise Deca? I take Deca at 60/week for ongoing joint pain during my cruises. I cruise at 140/week of test cyp. So, yes, I am on TRT/HRT and never need to do PCT as result.
My 20 week athletic-focused Cycle is due to start in 2 weeks - it will be EQ, NPP, periodic Clen (mtb race days only), and Winstrol (last 6 weeks only). Test will stay at cruise dose (140/week).
My last cycle was Tren, Deca, Test, and Anavar as a 4 week bridge/finisher into this current cruise.
Thanks for any input or advice, brothers! The cropped results from the Doctor and CT Scan interpretation are below:
Attachment 162833Attachment 162834Attachment 162835Attachment 162836Attachment 162837