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  1. #1
    Ironth1313 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    My dilemma need advice ASAP

    So I have this problem, my 8 week NPP/test p bulk cycle was suppose to end the last week of March, however my supplier didn't get me the gear on time so I had to start late and it ends week after next so I've been on for 6 What the plan was to end the bulk cycle in March and wait till June and do a cut cycle with tren e/test e. My question is can I just go ahead and jump into the Tren/test cycle for 12 weeks since I've been on this cycle for only 6. Or could I at least do a PCT for a few weeks then wait till the first week of June to use the Tren e/test e? Or should I continue with the NPP/ test p through June and still cut on it?

    The cycle is:

    NPP 150 eod
    Test p 100 eod

    The cut cycle:

    Tren e 400 ew
    Test e 300 ew


    Stop NPP cycle after 6 weeks and jump into Tren cycle for 12 no break?
    Stop NPP cycle after 6 weeks and do pct for 2 then wait 2 weeks and start Tren cycle first week of June
    Keep going with NPP through June and still cut while on it with more Cadio and diet

    This would be basically a 18 week cycle just NPP for 6 weeks then Tren for 12, pct two weeks after last pin of Tren.

    Please help doing a small local show in sept

    A big concern is I would like to have kids within the next 2 years I've only heard a large amount of gear say 800+ a week of a substance would possibly cause fertile problems.

  2. #2
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    May 2014
    A 2 week long PCT and then beginning another cycle in 2 weeks is just silly.

    An 18 week cycle ending with tren e is long cycle

    I think you should just ride out this npp cycle and then go into PCT.

    A lot of guys have run much less then 800mg/week and have libido issues.

    There are literally dozens of factors that govern the state of fertility after cycling.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    23 yo, NPP/Test cycle, no break (2 weeks break), 12 week Tren cycle? Sounds like a train wreck.

  4. #4
    Ironth1313 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Thank you for your advice, could you please elaborate on how it would be a train wreck and the reason? I wouldn't do this usually I would have 8-12 weeks Inbetween the cycles. But with this time crunch I was curious if just 6 weeks of NPP and 12 weeks of Tren would be okay to run with HCG in the cycle for it being so long.

  5. #5
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    May 2014
    At your age no amount of AAS is okay to use.

    You'll be really lucky if you can function normally in the bedroom after this cycle.

    ***Cycles going wrong for the young**

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