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Thread: Dbol Only first cycle questions

  1. #1

    Dbol Only first cycle questions going to do it as an intro to steroids as ive heard from many people that it's ok to do and you can get decent results, i dont care if i only keep 2kg of muscle from it post cycle, im mainly doing it to see what steroids are like and want to look good for this particular event im going to.

    2x15 mg dbol per day for 4 weeks
    (anyone suggest AI's during cycle?)
    (may up to 2x20mg if suggested)

    200 mg clomid 1 day after cycle
    150 mg next day
    100 mg next day
    50 mg every day after that for 2 weeks

    4.Am currently 20 years old training 7 days a week and have been for the past 5 months and have put on some decent size in that time. although before that 5 month period i did little to no exercise for about a year(took a break from gym).

    5.Just did a blood test and am getting results back soon.

    6. im 5'7 160lb

    Any comments on the cycle?
    Last edited by TheAssMan; 07-12-2016 at 12:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAssMan View Post going to do it as an intro to steroids as ive heard from many people that it's ok to do and you can get decent results, i dont care if i only keep 2kg of muscle from it post cycle, im mainly doing it to see what steroids are like and want to look good for this particular event im going to.

    2x15 mg dbol per day for 4 weeks
    (anyone suggest AI's during cycle?)
    (may up to 2x20mg if suggested)

    200 mg clomid 1 day after cycle
    150 mg next day
    100 mg next day
    50 mg every day after that for 2 weeks

    4.Am currently 20 years old training 7 days a week and have been for the past 5 months and have put on some decent size in that time. although before that 5 month period i did little to no exercise for about a year(took a break from gym).

    5.Just did a blood test and am getting results back soon.

    6. im 5'7 160lb
    First you're to young and you've only have been training 5 months? Are you serious, you've barley even touched a weight and want to start a cycle. How about you eat right and train right and give it a few years. You have so many possibilities of things going wrong just based off the fact of your little training experience.

    You have to either be a troll or you're down right dumb and lazy. Not even going to sugar coat it.

    I didn't even mention how a oral first cycle is stupid. But Idk even want to get into that based off of all the other chit.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Staynattybruh View Post
    First you're to young and you've only have been training 5 months? Are you serious, you've barley even touched a weight and want to start a cycle. How about you eat right and train right and give it a few years. You have so many possibilities of things going wrong just based off the fact of your little training experience.

    You have to either be a troll or you're down right dumb and lazy. Not even going to sugar coat it.

    I didn't even mention how a oral first cycle is stupid. But Idk even want to get into that based off of all the other chit.
    im aware it's not ideal. but what would be the safest way to go about it? also what are these dangers considering i might go through with it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Wow bro this really sounds like a nightmare.#1 Your age is really too young(Read the young and steroids sticky)#2 You have not even been training that long.#3 Oral cycles are NO good.You need test in every cycle.1st cycles are test only.#4 you did no research! Educate before you medicate.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2015
    nope..u dont need test when running testbased drugs. Its better but you dont need it.

    dbol only cycle is far better than people think. Done it many times. Easy recovery also. No psycologial issues. And at your doses liver will be fine.

    BUT...drop the thought. You are too young for steroids.!!

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Drugs are not the answer for you, even though you may think they are they are not. Your here asking question to people who know and we are telling you not to touch them so please listen.

    Taking steroids will shut down your natural testosterone which could have a huge impact on your future natural testosterone levels, do you really want to struggle getting a hard one at your age and going to the doctors for help because it can happen even with all the precautions you may put in place at 20yrs old you have enough testosterone floating around to transform your body. The trouble is you haven't found out how to make things grow yet and you wont with only 5 months under your belt and taking drugs will not make the process faster it will only hinder your progress.

    If you learn the basics of how to build muscle you can build far more than any dbol cycle ( which by the way isn't a wise choice, no matter which prick tells you it is) and in the next few months you will build a base, a solid foundation without shutting down your own testosterone production and all the consequences what comes along with that.

    Learn how to train properly, learn how to eat correctly and learn how to listen to the body and let it grow. This doesn't come within 5 months even though you may think you know everything, you don't and you need to listen otherwise your going to hurt yourself and could end up with big problems and in all honesty its not worth the risk.

    A good training session would put you in hospital and eating what you should to promote growth would make you sick but these are the areas you need to look at. Your a beginner and you need to take baby steps, you can be a sprinter straight away because you will run out of gas.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    drugs are not the answer for you, even though you may think they are they are not. Your here asking question to people who know and we are telling you not to touch them so please listen.

    Taking steroids will shut down your natural testosterone which could have a huge impact on your future natural testosterone levels, do you really want to struggle getting a hard one at your age and going to the doctors for help because it can happen even with all the precautions you may put in place at 20yrs old you have enough testosterone floating around to transform your body. The trouble is you haven't found out how to make things grow yet and you wont with only 5 months under your belt and taking drugs will not make the process faster it will only hinder your progress.

    If you learn the basics of how to build muscle you can build far more than any dbol cycle ( which by the way isn't a wise choice, no matter which prick tells you it is) and in the next few months you will build a base, a solid foundation without shutting down your own testosterone production and all the consequences what comes along with that.

    Learn how to train properly, learn how to eat correctly and learn how to listen to the body and let it grow. This doesn't come within 5 months even though you may think you know everything, you don't and you need to listen otherwise your going to hurt yourself and could end up with big problems and in all honesty its not worth the risk.

    A good training session would put you in hospital and eating what you should to promote growth would make you sick but these are the areas you need to look at. Your a beginner and you need to take baby steps, you can be a sprinter straight away because you will run out of gas.
    ^ gold ^

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin
    nope..u dont need test when running testbased drugs. Its better but you dont need it. dbol only cycle is far better than people think. Done it many times. Easy recovery also. No psycologial issues. And at your doses liver will be fine. BUT...drop the thought. You are too young for steroids.!!
    I also agree, and also agree that your a bit young.

    A bunch of my buddies all jumped on in highschool and causes some sides. One being the potential to limit your growth by prematurely fusing your growth plates they actually stay open into the 20's. Secondly you haven came close to maxing out your natural growth potential. True if you jump on it you will put on some weight, but you really have to be consistent and have a diet down 100% of the time or you will lose all your gains and shrink your nuts for no good reason.
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