Hey, i'm pretty new to this webpage, and i just got some questions!
I'm at age 21, 1995.
No im not doing steroids, and i dont know if i every will try them.
But i have read and seen alot of movies that at my age you should not use steroids.
Atleast not using TEST, or maybe even HGH?
Do younger guys on steroids do cycles without Test or hgh?
If we take like the Men's Physicue competitors at Mr.Olympia, Good With, small waist and i dont see any bubble guts on them, how does their cycle looks like etc.
Ps, I'm a more smaller guy with high metabolism and staying lean all the time, pretty hard to put on weight even with force eating, should i lower carb's and try more fat?
Have trained for some years now, i get alot of "forms" dno how to say it, you see the muscle's well, but not getting big enough.