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Thread: First Cycle Thoughts

  1. #1

    First Cycle Thoughts

    A month away from starting my first cycle. how does everything look? Also, should I not take adex until i have symptoms or should I use from day 1. have read way too much conflicting info

    Hawthorn Berry – 2-3 a day 2 week preload
    Multi – 1 a day every day
    Fish oil – 4-6 a day every day
    Trip Strength Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM – every day dose on bottle
    N Acetyl Cysteine (liver support antioxidant) – 1800 mg ed first 6 weeks then 1200 mg next 11-14 weeks taken in 2-3 doses Morn Aft Night
    Arimidex - .25 mg eod day 3-day 1 pct .25 mg ed if needed anytime
    DBOL – 30 mg ed week 1-6 split up one dose 20 min preworkout no later than 6pm
    Test C – week 1-12 500mg in 2 250 shots every 3.5 days (mon morn/thurs night) rotate
    HCG – week 2-16 (4 shots in clear out) 2 250 iu shots a week subq

    Weeks 13-15 clear out body

    Taurine – take 6 as needed
    Pre workout – take as needed
    BCAA – take as needed

    Creatine – load first week pct and continue use after
    Clomid – week 16-18 100 mg ed split dose no later than 8 pm
    Nolva – week 16-19 20 mg ed before bed

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I would consider reading the young and steroids thread before you go any farther.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken

  5. #5
    I know I'm an idiot and all that you can say whatever but the gear has already been bought and has been in my house for the last week. For the record I'm not some kid trying to take short cuts a year after lifting. I've been lifting 5.5 years, 4 of them seriously. I know at my age i can still fuck up my natural test and endocrine system but I'm taking my chance. Could anyone let me know if this protocol needs fixing

  6. #6
    As an experienced user, this is my advice:

    1. Begin with short cycles and very moderate doses, as in 4-5 weeks. Your doses look fine for now.
    2. Take time to see how your body responds in those first weeks. I respond a bit faster to gear than many and I recover fast from a short cycle. That fits my personal desires for gear better than long cycles with long recovery.
    3. Dbol is wonderful. I use it now as much for the general feeling of vitality as much as gains. But for me, 50 mg PD means digestive issues. I use 25.
    4. Long esther test may not he great for short cycles, but if you can add prop you'll be glad you did. A small dose of prop mixed with the long esther is what I do.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    1st cycle test only READ our STICKYS BEFORE YOU CYCLE! This way you know wat to expect.And hit the diet section to make sure your diet is ok.More cycles have been messed up do to a bad diet than you can shake a stick at.Good luck.
    Last edited by songdog; 07-29-2016 at 11:16 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Training in crocs & socks
    OP; This thread got 105 views and 6 responses. Why? Based on post #5 you're going about this in a very reckless way. No one wants to contribute to that.

    Just because you have AAS doesn't mean you have to use it. if I have a gun and bullets that doesn't mean I go up to the clock tower and start picking people off.

    Songdog & Nach know their stuff and are great resources, listen to their advice. Listen to what they are saying.

    No one wants to see you do any possible long term damage to your body.

    Stay safe and make the right choice.

  9. #9
    You guys did give good advice and I am grateful for that. Now if someone could just answer my question about arimidex

  10. #10
    Also this morning I had 0 responses and 56 views at one point...sadface

  11. #11
    Arimidex is one of those things you learn to use or not use. In my cycles, I don't need it. Most beginners get the idea that estrogen is evil. In fact it is very important to your body chemistry. Start light, short run, and healthy cycles and see how your body responds. In my opinion, first time users should plan cycles short enough that AIs are not necessary.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    The thing is guys like you give aas a bad name.You lifted a whole 5 yrs.But in the end when you get messed up thats all the public will see.You aint the 1st and wont be the last.

  13. #13
    Yes but keep in mind I would not blame aas if something gets fucked up in me. I understand I took a calculated risk and it's my fault. I would not come to these boards bitching and blaming aas. I may explain my symptoms and get some advice on the way to go but I know any issues fall on me taking a chance messing with aas early

  14. #14
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    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ingerandtimb View Post
    Arimidex is one of those things you learn to use or not use. In my cycles, I don't need it. Most beginners get the idea that estrogen is evil. In fact it is very important to your body chemistry. Start light, short run, and healthy cycles and see how your body responds. In my opinion, first time users should plan cycles short enough that AIs are not necessary.
    A ai should always be used elavated E2 levels isnt a good thing.So I have no clue on wat you are talking about on short cycles.Beacuse as soon as you inject your body is going through changes.And you need to keep your E2 under control.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisali View Post
    Yes but keep in mind I would not blame aas if something gets fucked up in me. I understand I took a calculated risk and it's my fault. I would not come to these boards bitching and blaming aas. I may explain my symptoms and get some advice on the way to go but I know any issues fall on me taking a chance messing with aas early
    Well I can see you aint the brightest star in the sky.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    how about a pic so we can truly see if you at least appear to be ready to cycle...I know guys that come to the gym everyday for years and they look the same as they did from day one so 5 yrs doesn't mean anything...and I lol at your "calculated" risk man...10 years from now when your priorities change you may be dealing with issues that will make you wish you never tried the stuff...good luck...

  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by ingerandtimb View Post
    Arimidex is one of those things you learn to use or not use. In my cycles, I don't need it. Most beginners get the idea that estrogen is evil. In fact it is very important to your body chemistry. Start light, short run, and healthy cycles and see how your body responds. In my opinion, first time users should plan cycles short enough that AIs are not necessary.
    That's absolutely ridiculous.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Training in crocs & socks
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    how about a pic so we can truly see if you at least appear to be ready to cycle...I know guys that come to the gym everyday for years and they look the same as they did from day one so 5 yrs doesn't mean anything...and I lol at your "calculated" risk man...10 years from now when your priorities change you may be dealing with issues that will make you wish you never tried the stuff...good luck...
    Great point....I would love to be able to go back in time and make a few better decisions.

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