Thank you, sounds
related to my question and something I can use in the future, but I'm in the situation I'm in now and trying to figure out what to do given I already went a different direction. Priming seems to be something I hadn't seen before which is used to prep your body for gains.
Looks like it should be done in this order....
1) cut (amount of time as necessary)
2) get back to maintenance (this is the part my main question was about)
3) prime for 6-8 weeks at that maintenance level
4) go on cycle
After this, don't do cutting any more because you can just do priming.
"You can spring board out of a cutting diet into a cycle and see similar results the only problem is you would of altered your metabolism and you will probably increase in bf quickly due to your metabolism running slower."
So I'm in that situation near the end of an effective cut in preparation for a cycle, and looks like if I try to prime I will miss my current window for doing a cycle (won't have time for bloods to recover for doc). So I can either:
1) hop right on a cycle immediately after the cut at lean bulk calories amount, in which case I'll probably gain higher fat levels because my metabolism has slowed
2) gradually get back to maintenance to give my metabolism time to adjust and not gain as much fat, then hop on a lean bulk cycle
3) skip cycling, work out natty for 4 more months, spend two months priming and then hop on a cycle
My metabolism has probably changed from being in a caloric deficit. So it sounds like
I should slowly introduce calories back in to get to maintenance no matter if I'm priming or going on the cycle, right? (essentially option #2 above)
Essentially, you're doing the same as reversing out of a diet after a show. Last 4 to 6 is crunch diet time and the goal of the diet is to lean out as much as you can before the show. As soon as the show is done you must reverse out of the diet gradually or you'll run into all sorts of trouble.
All this is pointing back to that, but I haven't seen anyone explicitly state it. Want to make sure I understand and ask a question that may help someone else out in the future who has a similar question.
So it all boils down to this (answer seems obvious, but I'm not sure how AAS factors in): Should I get my calories back to maintenance level before hopping on a cycle, or can I spend the first few weeks on cycle going back to maintenance and the rest of it bulking?
Finally, sorry for all this typing and this frickin' novel. Writing it out and trying to see the different angles helps me organize my thoughts and understand better.