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Thread: Test E cylce on SSRIS (Zoloft/Sertraline)

  1. #1
    lilbigjuicy is offline Junior Member
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    Test Cyp cylce on SSRIS (Zoloft/Sertraline)

    I have read and read about SSIRS with anabolics, didn'f find anyone reviews, or logs as they did their cycle. I am prescribed sertraline (25mg) for Panic Disorder, however, I don't have many panic attacks while on the medication (I have lorazapam in hands in case), However, i am not depressed, nor have I ever been. If you think it's a bad idea to do a cycle while on SSRIS, good for you, this is to inform other members/people how it reacts with me or maybe you...

    Just ordered the cycle through local source will be here mid next week, I am going to log, bloodwork, how many lbs I gain, and how the test/pct affected me during the cycle. So I hope this is informational!


    Test Cypionate 250mg 2x a week (500mg) for week 1-10

    Aromasin (extemene) mfd: by NatCo for AI 6.25mg starting off(First Cycle) kinda gotta play around

    Clomid mfd: by Cipla and Nolv mfd: by Franco (Fresenius Kabi) for PCT since I have read that Nolv interacts with the same liver enzymes as SSRIS.. Thus why using clomid with nolv is highly recommended

    Hope this helps you guys, will try to stay as up to date as possible!

    Heres my blood work levels ( only showing Test and estro) baseline

    Testosterone , Serum
    Testosterone, Serum 581 348-1197 ng/dL 01
    Comment: Comment 01
    1 of 2
    Adult male reference interval is based on a population of lean males
    up to 40 years old.
    Luteinizing Hormone(LH), S
    LH 5.9 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL 01
    FSH, Serum
    FSH 3.4 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL 01
    Estradiol 12.1 7.6-42.6 pg/mL
    Last edited by lilbigjuicy; 01-05-2017 at 12:17 PM. Reason: Enanthate to Cypionate

  2. #2
    Jangle is offline New Member
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    Could you elaborate on nolv interacting with the same liver enzymes as SSRIs? Ive done a couple cycles myself, nolv included in PCT, and I've been taking 300mg of sertraline for the past 2 years. No bad side least what I can see/feel.

  3. #3
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jangle View Post
    Could you elaborate on nolv interacting with the same liver enzymes as SSRIs? Ive done a couple cycles myself, nolv included in PCT, and I've been taking 300mg of sertraline for the past 2 years. No bad side least what I can see/feel.
    When you take a drug it gets broken down by enzymes.

    Nolvadex is metabolized primarily by the enzyme CYP2D6.

    Sertraline produces mild inhibition of CYP2D6.

    This means that if you take nolva and sertraline simultaneously then your will reach peak plasma concentration of nolva later than someone who doesn't have a compromised metabolism.
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  4. #4
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    OP SSRIs negatively effecting your your cycle should be the least of your worries when you're 21 years old.

    Your body and sex organs are still developing.

    Shutting down your HTPA at this time greatly increases the chances of having life long side effects.

    It would be unfortunate if you had erectile disfunction or had to be on TRT injecting test for the next 50 years of your life because you wanted faster results in the gym.

    You should consider putting this cycle off until you're in your mid to late 20s.

  5. #5
    lilbigjuicy is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the input. However, I'm aware of the dangers I am risking.

  6. #6
    lilbigjuicy is offline Junior Member
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    Just got my gear in! waiting for AI, and PCT in customs should be here in a couple of days. Also increased my dose of sertraline from 25mg to 50mg

  7. #7
    lilbigjuicy is offline Junior Member
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    Just did my first injection! Super stoked for the ride. So far so good. Will keep updates as far as anxiety and the Aas use with sertraline

  8. #8
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    You dont seem to understand the problem is not sertraline, even 25mg is a real low dosage, the problem is you are too young to mess up your hormones.

    Hope you dont end up here:

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilbigjuicy View Post
    Thanks for the input. However, I'm aware of the dangers I am risking.
    Man I wish I had a dime for every kid who said this.And then yrs down the road he can't understand why his libido is gone he is depressed.All this after that lil bit of muscle you gained has disappeared yrs ago.Good luck bro

  10. #10
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    OP SSRIs negatively effecting your your cycle should be the least of your worries when you're 21 years old.

    Your body and sex organs are still developing.

    Shutting down your HTPA at this time greatly increases the chances of having life long side effects.

    It would be unfortunate if you had erectile disfunction or had to be on TRT injecting test for the next 50 years of your life because you wanted faster results in the gym.

    You should consider putting this cycle off until you're in your mid to late 20s.
    100% agreed.

    op no you dont, even the brain is still developing till mid ish 20's. IMO

  11. #11
    lilbigjuicy is offline Junior Member
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    Well I will had to deal with the repercussions. I'm going to be documenting how I recovered, so I'll have to just wait and see.

  12. #12
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilbigjuicy View Post
    Well I will had to deal with the repercussions. I'm going to be documenting how I recovered, so I'll have to just wait and see.
    Famous last word. Hope it's worth it in the end. Good luck.

  13. #13
    Quester's Avatar
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    21yrs old+Panic Disorder + Testosterone = ?

  14. #14
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Keep us updated.
    SSRIs and AAS, AS i guessed you found out,
    can be used together. As pointed out some SSRI's have inhibitory activity at one or more of the CYP enzymes, which really matters very little with regards to metabolism of all non C17 alkylated AAS, and probably not much with any of the oral/C17 methylated AAS either. But SERMs might be somewhat afffected, like mentioned above; tamoxifen will actually be noticeable affected (if u did a blood test anyways), since it requires CYP2D6 for metabolism into active compounds. (Tamoxifen itself is a prodrug)
    Sertraline will affect this, but other SSRIs like paroxetine even more so, and yet other SSRIs like citalopram have no effect again.
    So, if using any medication one should always check possibility of interactions.
    Inhibiting or stimulating (enzyme inducers) CYP enzymes will influence metabolism of AAS and SERMs, but the AAS won't be affected much. Ofcourse, aromatase is a CYP enzyme, and AIs block this specifically, but SSRIs don't have antiestrogenic properties in any meaningful degree to my knowledge.
    (It is quite easy to check CYP interactions though)

    More of an issue is why one relies on psymeds and if AAS will induce any mood disturbances.

    But enough of that;
    How did it go?
    And keep us updated
    lilbigjuicy likes this.

  15. #15
    lilbigjuicy is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Keep us updated.
    SSRIs and AAS, AS i guessed you found out,
    can be used together. As pointed out some SSRI's have inhibitory activity at one or more of the CYP enzymes, which really matters very little with regards to metabolism of all non C17 alkylated AAS, and probably not much with any of the oral/C17 methylated AAS either. But SERMs might be somewhat afffected, like mentioned above; tamoxifen will actually be noticeable affected (if u did a blood test anyways), since it requires CYP2D6 for metabolism into active compounds. (Tamoxifen itself is a prodrug)
    Sertraline will affect this, but other SSRIs like paroxetine even more so, and yet other SSRIs like citalopram have no effect again.
    So, if using any medication one should always check possibility of interactions.
    Inhibiting or stimulating (enzyme inducers) CYP enzymes will influence metabolism of AAS and SERMs, but the AAS won't be affected much. Ofcourse, aromatase is a CYP enzyme, and AIs block this specifically, but SSRIs don't have antiestrogenic properties in any meaningful degree to my knowledge.
    (It is quite easy to check CYP interactions though)

    More of an issue is why one relies on psymeds and if AAS will induce any mood disturbances.

    But enough of that;
    How did it go?
    And keep us updated

    Thanks for informing everyone. So far so good, no anxiety so far from the first injection. I doubt that even enough to give me anxiety, but second injection is Thursday, started off using 6.25mg of Aromasin . Will keep the post updated.

  16. #16
    chi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilbigjuicy View Post
    Thanks for informing everyone. So far so good, no anxiety so far from the first injection. I doubt that even enough to give me anxiety, but second injection is Thursday, started off using 6.25mg of Aromasin. Will keep the post updated.

    umm why would you get anxiety from your first injection anyways? are you aware that it takes 3 weeks for you to feel cypionate ? Also 6.25 mg of aromasin ? why?

    if you suffer from panic disorders then obviously you suffer from anxiety. it is know that high levels of test increase anxiety in certain users. you are risking panic attacks which will be counterproductive to growth on top of the fact you dont have a fully developed endocrine system. what is your body weight height and bf?

  17. #17
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilbigjuicy View Post
    Thanks for informing everyone. So far so good, no anxiety so far from the first injection. I doubt that even enough to give me anxiety, but second injection is Thursday, started off using 6.25mg of Aromasin. Will keep the post updated.
    I doubt that's enough AI to control e2 for the amount of test your using.

    You would benefit from reading the thread attached below.

    Are you using hcg ?

    Exemestane-The Underdosed AI

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    I doubt that's enough AI to control e2 for the amount of test your using.

    You would benefit from reading the thread attached below.

    Are you using hcg ?

    Exemestane-The Underdosed AI

    this ^^^ thats why i asked why 6.25. its pointless double it to 12.5 and go from there

  19. #19
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chi View Post
    this ^^^ thats why i asked why 6.25. its pointless double it to 12.5 and go from there
    I hope he has enough stane to last him until PCT.

    He might have to use 25mg/d.

  20. #20
    lilbigjuicy is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chi View Post
    this ^^^ thats why i asked why 6.25. its pointless double it to 12.5 and go from there
    Some people don't need an AI at all. Some peoLe need 25mg Ed. This is my first cycle and I read to start with 12mg EOD, which is the same as 6.25mg but keeping e2 more stabilized, if I have to increase it I will but if 6.25mg is doing fine why increase of yet.

  21. #21
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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  22. #22
    lilbigjuicy is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post

    Conflicting answers on Aromasin dosages


  23. #23
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilbigjuicy View Post
    Some people don't need an AI at all. Some peoLe need 25mg Ed. This is my first cycle and I read to start with 12mg EOD, which is the same as 6.25mg but keeping e2 more stabilized, if I have to increase it I will but if 6.25mg is doing fine why increase of yet.
    Hey buddy the people responding in this thread have your best interests at heart and only want to help.

    If you're going to go through with this cycle it would be I your best interest to begin following the advice.

  24. #24
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilbigjuicy View Post
    I wish you the best of luck with this cycle and hope everything turns out for the best.

  25. #25
    lilbigjuicy is offline Junior Member
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    Going on my third week. So far so good, no anxiety. Ready for week 4-5. Haven't really noticed much yet.

  26. #26
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    One a side note, be aware that AAS like test may upregulate serotonin production. This shouldn't be any issue since you got a tolerance to the SSRI,
    but i noticed this when I tried moclobemide (a low start dose, I had use moclobemide before, it's a RIMA; reversible MAO-A inhibitor), and I got a mild serotonin syndrome.
    But for your current situation this shouldn't be any issue.
    Only thing u might notice is a better anti depressant effect while on the test.

    As for AI, only way to know is do a blood test.
    Ofcourse, I know many just go by bloat/gyno signs and adjust from that,
    that's a contended issue to use AIs like that.

    Personally I just use adex, don't see the need for any other AI.

  27. #27
    lilbigjuicy is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the reply brother. I like Aromasin cause it's a suicicide inhibitor. Although I hear just as good of reviews as adex. Just decided to go with Aromasin. Zero symptoms of gyno or high estrogen, been taking 12.5mg Ed from first injection.

  28. #28
    lilbigjuicy is offline Junior Member
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    Coming on my second pin of week 4. Gained 5lbs So far, nothing major. Increased libido, minor strength gains, but way better pumps, feel like my muscles are gonna rip out of my skin. Hoping to put on some mass these next few weeks.

    As far as anxiety...nothing. Haven't noticed a single thing, your thoughts will be far more worse then your actual cycle.

  29. #29
    MMA_Influenced's Avatar
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    I wouldnt cycle on ssris and for that matter I wouldnt even do SSRIs they permanently can change your brain. I have a brother who has been on 11 different types when they were trying to fix his anxiety. Now hes been dizzy for 3 years straight and may never recover. I would get off that crap and never look back.

    As for your panic disorder (dont take this the wrong way) but it may be in your head. After all my brother went through it turns out he really was just clinically depressed and had no self esteem. All his symptons were related to severe sadness and depression.

    What Im saying is exhaust all possible other options before you do ssri and only if it absolutely is necessary to allow you to function and only if there really is no other option. That stuff is DANGEROUS.

  30. #30
    Magglio24 is offline New Member
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    I sold Zoloft for 10 years and worked at Pfizer. 25 mg daily is a just a starting dose...the placebo controlled clinical data with Zoloft for panic disorder shows at 12 weeks 50 mg is more efficacious. 25 mg is such a low dose you have nothing to worry about w/ AAS combo. I know many doctors who prescribed 100 mg to patients for panic disorder indication. Consider yourself lucky you're taking that little amount and anxiety is controlled.

  31. #31
    Magglio24 is offline New Member
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    And panic disorder is a serious and real thing for millions of people not to be minimized. Sertraline will not permanently change your brain lol trust me. At 25 mg you can just discontinue with no titration & after a week it's out of your system. Your neurotransmitter function returns to baseline prior to initiating therapy. I take 100 mg of sertraline for anxiety myself & it's very safe.

  32. #32
    lilbigjuicy is offline Junior Member
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    Going second pin of week 5! Gained 10 Lbs so far....

    Haven't noticed ANY anxiety, really hasn't felt different, people really hype up on how you feel, yeah I have slight changes on mood, and increased libido.

    Just got my bloods in!!

    Testosterone , Total, LC/MS 2268.9 HIGH 348.0-1197.0 ng/dL

    Estradiol 31.4 7.6-42.6 pg/mL 01

  33. #33
    Boneslapper2002 is offline Junior Member
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    Looks like you are hitting a homerun!!!

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