Alright, so I was in a very serious motorcycle accident involving a car 5 months ago. Basically I was hit head on and to make a long story short I shattered the right side of my body and spent 2 months in a hospital bed and a month in a wheelchair before I started being able to walk again.
Therapist is very adamant that I push as hard as I can to recover as much as possible in 15 months because this is when you are going to make the most recovery and after that progression slows. I was in terrific shape at the time which they said was wonderful and I have been making leaps and bounds in my recovery but I wondered if getting a little "extra boost" would benifit me. I enquired with my doctor and she said since I'm now 35 they could test to determine if my levels are getting low and then supplement as need be but it sounded kind of minimal. Asked my therapist about it and he was on the fence and said he would run it by some people but overall thought it wasn't a good idea.
Some trainers at the gym swear by story's they have heard of a buddy of a buddy making crazy progress while on cycle.
Just trying to get some second opinions if anybody has direct experience with something like this.
The only time I used anibolics was when I was in my late 20's and had a reoccurring shoulder injury. Did a short stint of Var and I was good as new in a month. Problem which had plagued me for months disappeared and never returned so I still have that idea in my head that this could really aid me.