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Thread: Winstrol + Anavar tablets cycle, recommendations/advices?

  1. #1

    Question Winstrol + Anavar tablets cycle, recommendations/advices?

    Hello everyone,

    I am new here...

    I'm also new in steroids things but i've read a lot in many sites and forums and I listed my 1st cycle and pct like that :

    Stanzolol (Winstrol) + Oxandrolone (Anavar) 10mg/20mg/30mg/30mg + 10mg/20mg/20mg/20mg (yes low doses) 30/20 to do 6 - 8 total weeks

    during cycle : miklthistle + tribulus 1000mg + ZMA + vitamins + Omega oil fish


    Clomid + Nolvadex : 100/50/50/50 + 40/20/20/20
    Herbals mixtures (Prime tribulus aquaticus and other herbals...)
    Tribulus 1000mg
    Maca 3000mg

    What do you think about this cycle?
    Any advices?

    Sorry if i made some english mistakes but i speak french usually

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Tell us about yourself dude. How long have been strength training, age, weight, BF, dietary habits. This will help us determine if cycling is a good option for you right now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    You should use test as your base with any steroid. Dont do an oral only cycle you wont be satisfied compared to injectables.

  4. #4
    I have been training since 2001
    33yrs old
    8-10% body fat
    Workout 7/7 1h30-2h since long time now

    I know about injectables I have friends that explained me that but im just not ready for that , I juste want to try a "light" cycle to motivate me to push harder and to see if I support well steroids...

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    I have been training since 2001
    33yrs old
    8-10% body fat
    Workout 7/7 1h30-2h since long time now

    I know about injectables I have friends that explained me that but im just not ready for that , I juste want to try a "light" cycle to motivate me to push harder and to see if I support well steroids...

    And i eat clean, 5-6 meals per day about 3'000-3'200max calories

  6. #6
    A friend told me that it is not very important to do a PCT for a "light" tabs cycle, is it real?
    I have read that PCT is really really important, i do not want to kill my test levels... and to get my libido to 0

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You would always need a PCT.

    Read this

  8. #8
    I talked to a doctor in m'y gym he said for a low doses it is not extremly important to do pct...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    I talked to a doctor in m'y gym he said for a low doses it is not extremly important to do pct...
    And what type of Dr is he? Of course you don't HAVE TO run a PCT.

    If you've decided you are going to run an oral only cycle without PCT be sure to start a log here of your cycle and if you could include blood results from pre, during and 6 weeks post cycle that would be interesting to see.

  10. #10
    I will see my doctor tomorow and I will ask him different things about that cycle... I will ask him some nolvadex for my pct and other things

    And yes I will do blood checks and put results here, im a little worried about cholesterol

  11. #11
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    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    I talked to a doctor in m'y gym he said for a low doses it is not extremly important to do pct...
    That could be quite possible for TRT but I would have to disagree when cycling.

  12. #12
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    Outside the walls
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    I will see my doctor tomorow and I will ask him different things about that cycle... I will ask him some nolvadex for my pct and other things

    And yes I will do blood checks and put results here, im a little worried about cholesterol
    Unless he's a endo he prob knows less than the majority of the senior members here about hormones there effects and pct..just because he's a doctor doesn't mean you shouldn't get a second or even third opinion..I can understand your probably scared of needles?the 2 big reasons to use test in any cycle are sexual sides that come from lack of the primary male sex hormone and most oral anabolics are not as strong as say you take winni and var your natural test will shut down on any dose of winstrol after a short period of you have no test in your body the gains will be small without the presence of a heavy androgen you have no reason to cut, your already at low bodyfat?so why do it?you really should just take the plunge if you wanna do it right do a small dose test cycle it's only one pin a week..

  13. #13
    Doctor gave me dhea to try it

    But im seriously thinking about starting a stack with winstrol + anavar +dhea
    What do you think?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    Doctor gave me dhea to try it

    But im seriously thinking about starting a stack with winstrol + anavar +dhea
    What do you think?
    Think its nonsense.

    Dont know whats the point of dhea. Do you know whats dhea?

    Cycles without testosterone, dont work for men because men need testosterone. Orals will shut down your natural testosterone, usually in 1 to 3 weeks, it depends on dosage.

    When you try to restart your natural production (you know that its what PCT is for, right?) there is usually a surplus of 5alpha-reductase enzyme producing high amounts of DHT, therefore many guys complain of hairloss after this kind of cycle.

    You will also feel like shit when your testosterone gets to low levels, some guys feel it more than others, some even get erectyle dysfunction from it.

    Good luck.

  15. #15
    What would you recommand if I take anadrol , with what should I stack

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    No stack is recommended for first cycle.

    You need to start by the base fo all cycle: testosterone.

    Have you read this link posted above:

    It will tell you everything you need to know for 1st cycle.

  17. #17
    But I read that a stack like winstrol+anavar should be great for a 1st cycle if wanted to gain a little lean mass&power and getting shredded... i don't understand there are so many differents opinion see for ex steroidly website or many others...

  18. #18
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    But I read that a stack like winstrol+anavar should be great for a 1st cycle if wanted to gain a little lean mass&power and getting shredded... i don't understand there are so many differents opinion see for ex steroidly website or many others...
    Sorry man, but most of other websites are just bro science... You are new here, stick around and you will see for yourself.

  19. #19
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    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    But I read that a stack like winstrol+anavar should be great for a 1st cycle if wanted to gain a little lean mass&power
    That is most likely the opinion of that ONE person. Take it from a lot of experience and knowledge at this board.

  20. #20
    But I dont get it sorry dont get me wrong but if I want just to gain a little lean mass and get more schredded what should I go with a testosterone cycle... I dont want to bulk so much
    Winstrol + anavar will increase a little bit testosterone levels I read that on many many serious websites and forums....

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    But I read that a stack like winstrol+anavar should be great for a 1st cycle if wanted to gain a little lean mass&power and getting shredded... i don't understand there are so many differents opinion see for ex steroidly website or many others...
    I never cycled but I thought orals shut down your natura test production you have to replace that with testosterone injection or you won't have any...

  22. #22
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    Land of the screwed
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    But I dont get it sorry dont get me wrong but if I want just to gain a little lean mass and get more schredded what should I go with a testosterone cycle... I dont want to bulk so much
    Winstrol + anavar will increase a little bit testosterone levels I read that on many many serious websites and forums....
    No they will DECREASE your testosterone levels!
    What you've read is only true when also using testosterone, which is so common many don't mention it because it's just common sense.

    If you use testosterone, THEN winstrol will increase FREE testosterone, by lowering SHBG.

    You can cut on testosterone! Just use adex to control estrogen and you can get shredded.

  23. #23
    OK that seems more clear for me, thanks

  24. #24
    If you do orals only with test as a base you are gonna jack yourself up. Two 17 class orals at the same time is a bad idea also.

  25. #25
    *without test as a base

  26. #26
    What do you mean with the word jack yourself up? Im french and I dont understand the meaning of that...

    I am not ready for injection , do you think if I start with andriol or something oral to boost my test it will be ok?

  27. #27
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    What do you mean with the word jack yourself up? Im french and I dont understand the meaning of that...

    I am not ready for injection , do you think if I start with andriol or something oral to boost my test it will be ok?
    It seems you are still not familiar with steroids side effects. No anabolic steroids (including testosterone) will boost your own testosterone, ALL will supress it or shut it down.

    If you are afraid of a small needle forget about steroids.

  28. #28
    So if I go with the stack winstrol and anavar for 6 weeks even low doses (40/40 max) my testosterone level will shut down and I wont get any good muscles or shredded results?

    I ask you again because my friends that tried that stack have some differents reviews comparing with you on the forum... im a little bit lost if I need to trust you or my dudes....

  29. #29
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    Apr 2014
    Yes, at that dosage, you will be shutdown in 2-3 weeks. From that point you will start feeling like shit, and low test side effects will progress.

    Also running 80mg orals is really stressful on the liver.

    Do your friends do bloodwork?

  30. #30
    I will ask him again but I think yes

    And if I only try anavar with good pct , also shit? Ive bought 2x anavar and 2X winstrol, I would like to use them it costs me a lot..

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    I will ask him again but I think yes

    And if I only try anavar with good pct , also shit? Ive bought 2x anavar and 2X winstrol, I would like to use them it costs me a lot..
    Just use the juice

    You'll be sorry, but don't take our word for it. Try it and keep us posted

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    The bottom line is you are misinformed

    Forget what the other sites said, friends etc. Believe that everyine here is trying to help you get the best results for your FIRST cycle.

    Test only for your first cycle will give you the results you're looking for, and even if you don't trust that and decide to go with the stack you say is what people are telling you is a good beginner stack you will be so bummed that you'll have more side effects than gains. Test should be the base for any stack and should be the only thing you use on your first cycle.

    If you're not ready for the needle then you aren't ready to take drugs, its more than a physical thing you have to be 100% mentally ready for what you're about to do, the risks involved and the science behind it.

    If you cannot mentally bring yourself to use a needle then you haven't fully weighed out the pros and cons of steroid use, you haven't done enough research to fully commit to this next step.

    I'm not trying to be rude or minimize what you want to do but i think its important for you to hear this, so maybe you'll see it from a more realistic perspective.

  33. #33
    Yes I have to admit im not ready for steroids right now
    I will do more ŕesearch and read more about that before doing anything

  34. #34
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    Feb 2017
    I'm definitely no pro at this by anymeans and probably the least qualified person to even offer you my opinion but i do know the guys who have commented do have a ton of experience.

    I haven't even started my first cycle yet, it took me over a year to make this decision and to be sure this is what i wanted to do, literally over a year of research, reading countless studies, forum discussions, talking to guys i know, finding a source, finding another source researching them lol it took over a year for me to say you know what I've got all the info i need to feel as comfortable as I'm going to feel to make this decision.

    Take the time to really assess your goals and why you want to even do this, then research your ass off to get as much information you need and not just from one place or thread but a bunch of places to get a feel for what the standard is, then and only then reassess how you feel about taking this step and realize there are definite pros and cons and none of us are above them

  35. #35
    Thank you for the information
    Last question is about dhea, is it really something helpful or it is something like bullshit herbals that I tried many times? ?

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    Thank you for the information
    Last question is about dhea, is it really something helpful or it is something like bullshit herbals that I tried many times? ?
    It would raise 'll hormones slightly maybe. But its not needed

    Dhea, progestin, and prednisone are the "mothers" of all hormones.

    From these depending on your body's chemistry, testosterone, estrogen, prolactin, etc are created or converted into.

    These supps can raise testosterone slightly, but they also will raise other hormones like estrogen and prolactin

    They will not raise test more than 50 to 60 points, no where near mass building levels, and then your stuck with elevated feminine hormones.

    Its just going to throw the balance out of whack.
    Last edited by Couchlock; 02-05-2017 at 07:07 AM.

  37. #37
    I took 30mg anavar today...
    should I stop it asap?

    I took after speaking with some friends... they have done so many cycles (orals and injections)...

    I don't know what to do?

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    I took 30mg anavar today...
    should I stop it asap?

    I took after speaking with some friends... they have done so many cycles (orals and injections)...

    I don't know what to do?

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Quote Originally Posted by dvnfit666 View Post
    I took 30mg anavar today...
    should I stop it asap?

    I took after speaking with some friends... they have done so many cycles (orals and injections)...

    I don't know what to do?
    For fucks sake, your not gonna listen to us,
    and I get it. It's easier to listen to your friends.

    1 day of anavar doesn't do shit either way. Yes, you can simply stop it and wait.
    But I know you're not gonna do that.
    So just take it all. Do 6 weeks on anavar on whatever dosage you feel is ok,
    or whatever dosage your friend say is ok.
    And just learn the hard way.
    Hope you got PCT outlined at least.

    And yes, you will gain some muscle on 6 weeks of anavar only.
    But it's a serious waste of your first cycle.

    Even though you don't listen to us now,
    You are most welcome to keep us updated on how this cycle is going.
    I'm sure you will think it's great for some time.
    (You don't have anything to compare to except being natural)

    We are simply here to help.
    And we've tried to tell you different.
    But we will continue to help you when you're ready to listen.
    So keep us updated on your cycle, how it goes when you reach PCT,
    and how it feels when you're finished with PCT.

    If diet and training are good, you can certainly gain something.
    It's just not going to be nowhere near what you could have gained,
    and you might feel like shit when the symptoms of low T kick in.
    (But some people tolerate low T better than others)

    Do your thing. We will still be here anyways.

  40. #40
    Thanks for your message...
    I think for my pct i will include nolvadex with clomid, standard dosages, is it ok?
    Do you know if there is any interactions between anavar and dhea, tribulus or 5-htp?

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