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Thread: Roooiiiiddddd raaagggee!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Roooiiiiddddd raaagggee!!!!!

    Idk about you guys but I'm pretty calm and feel at peace on my cycle, my mood is great i feel motivated and energetic.

    I watched a video with CT Fletcher talking about him having roid rage and it bothered me for a few reasons, reason 1 he made it seem as though he's natural now and it was a lame attempt in him trying to separate himself and his brand feom what happened in Florida which seems pointless considering he franchised the name and thats his only affiliation.... the fact that a steroid user would perpetuate the negative sterotypes of steroid use just to cover his ass is irritating to me, he's not the only one just the most recent, but it seems that everyone i know who uses gear is pretty mellow and in good spirits, the aggression is usually only in the gym towards the weights.

    Thoughts? Have any of you experienced "roid rage"?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    No I don't believe in it.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    No I don't believe in it.
    Neither do i honestly

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I don't believe in it. I think AAS will enhance your mood/personality based off of what you are. If you're meek and humble, you'll be super meek and humor. If you're a dickhead, you be s super dick head.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    I don't believe in it. I think AAS will enhance your mood/personality based off of what you are. If you're meek and humble, you'll be super meek and humor. If you're a dickhead, you be s super dick head.
    Do you think its a behavioral thing like whatever makes that person angry or imbalanced is chemically enhanced or do you think its a "confidence" arrogance thing? I honestly believe its a arrogance and ego thing, and not so much an enhancement from the hormones. I could be totally wrong because i can't relate but it just seems that with me personally i fucking feel great and I'm somewhat of an irritable dude but lately ive been much calmer and patient, my confidence is high and stress low i guess I'm just trying to gauge how "normal" this is and if its attributed to my cycle or maybe just feeling better cause i look better and am performing better and am achieving goals ... so many factors

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    Do you think its a behavioral thing like whatever makes that person angry or imbalanced is chemically enhanced or do you think its a "confidence" arrogance thing? I honestly believe its a arrogance and ego thing, and not so much an enhancement from the hormones. I could be totally wrong because i can't relate but it just seems that with me personally i fucking feel great and I'm somewhat of an irritable dude but lately ive been much calmer and patient, my confidence is high and stress low i guess I'm just trying to gauge how "normal" this is and if its attributed to my cycle or maybe just feeling better cause i look better and am performing better and am achieving goals ... so many factors
    I think it's the first part. If you get angry, you can really get angry! Same goes for other emotions we let get in our east.

  7. #7
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    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    Idk about you guys but I'm pretty calm and feel at peace on my cycle, my mood is great i feel motivated and energetic.

    I watched a video with CT Fletcher talking about him having roid rage and it bothered me for a few reasons, reason 1 he made it seem as though he's natural now and it was a lame attempt in him trying to separate himself and his brand feom what happened in Florida which seems pointless considering he franchised the name and thats his only affiliation.... the fact that a steroid user would perpetuate the negative sterotypes of steroid use just to cover his ass is irritating to me, he's not the only one just the most recent, but it seems that everyone i know who uses gear is pretty mellow and in good spirits, the aggression is usually only in the gym towards the weights.

    Thoughts? Have any of you experienced "roid rage"?
    Personally the rage is the side i fear the least. Its easilly controllable and my mood is far better when on. Personally i dont get mad at more things, but feel its more difficult to take shit when cycling.

    I also settle for a couple of agreements with my wife. When i feel its coming, im supposed to dont argue anymore, just stay stil and go into my homegym where ive got my things, TV, pc etc. Works well.

    If the argue is important, i write it down and face her with it when my test is less than 800 ng/dl...
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-12-2017 at 03:58 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Load of shit imho, ppl will say this who have no idea what they are talking about just to make AAS look bad and to use roid rage as an excuse if they are genuinely angry.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Load of shit imho, ppl will say this who have no idea what they are talking about just to make AAS look bad and to use roid rage as an excuse if they are genuinely angry.
    I can agree to a certain point until these last 2 experimental Cycles.

    Cycle 1
    Test 500mg ew
    Tren a 100mg eod
    Oral trenavar 80mg ed
    Now when I would take the oral 30mins later I would be extremely edgy. I'm a mellow dude 95% of time but I'll tell u there would be days were I took the oral tren I could feel myself wanting to fight or yell. I had 2 major blow outs in the 19days I did that cycle

    Cycle 2
    I was using high dosage of test, tren,mast,Winny and anadrol.
    I didn't realize it but when I would take the anadrol I would look straight through people. Emotionalless. A drone u could say. I had no time to talk to pay attention to anyone if they weren't pay me. I was snappy. But after jumping off the adrol I I'm back to my happy go lucky self.

  10. #10
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    There are many legitimate reasons for "roid rage" but in general the steroid is not the cause imho. The three items that cause temper tantrums in life from my view is Hunger/blood sugar, Blood Pressure, lack of sex. A weight lifter on a cutting cycle cutting his calories way too far or a bad macro + not checking blood pressure regularly and a bitcaz girlfriend with me me me syndrome to top it off...Roid rage like a mofo.

    I left out other drugs as a reason...that is common sense. MANY people with issues on cycle or just using PEDs comes down to something they are doing wrong outside the pinning of the substance.

    So in conclusion, roid rage needs to be defined. Rage experienced from just a chemical reaction from testosterone...I bet it would be hard to find. Roid rage from stacking of sides and life issues....examples can be found.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Personally the rage is the side i fear the least. Its easilly controllable and my mood is far better when on. Personally i dont get mad at more things, but feel its more difficult to take shit when cycling.

    I also settle for a couple of agreements with my wife. When i feel its coming, im supposed to dont argue anymore, just stay stil and go into my homegym where ive got my things, TV, pc etc. Works well.

    If the argue is important, i write it down and face her with it when my test is less than 800 ng/dl...
    What is your blood pressure when the rage comes on?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Nah, roid rage is mostly BS.
    Yes, with halo and some other compounds aggression can increase,
    but it's easy to control mostly.
    If it isn't, then it's something in my life stressing me.

    Lately I've had some issues as some of you know,
    but coincidentally I've also been on my low cruise dose.
    With low T I really notice a shorter fuse,
    and when I did DBOL only and suffered low T I was a bit unstable.
    (But again, life circumstances and other drugs played their part,
    I was so drugged some days I didn't remember a whole lot. And I still never hurt anyone, though I did in one instance almost throw a moronic seller into the pool, during a holiday in Egypt. But that would have been justified almost)

    Higher doses can for sure make you more unstable,
    but IMO aggression have to be there allready.
    I'm usually calmer on high doses than low doses actually.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    Idk about you guys but I'm pretty calm and feel at peace on my cycle, my mood is great i feel motivated and energetic.

    I watched a video with CT Fletcher talking about him having roid rage and it bothered me for a few reasons, reason 1 he made it seem as though he's natural now and it was a lame attempt in him trying to separate himself and his brand feom what happened in Florida which seems pointless considering he franchised the name and thats his only affiliation.... the fact that a steroid user would perpetuate the negative sterotypes of steroid use just to cover his ass is irritating to me, he's not the only one just the most recent, but it seems that everyone i know who uses gear is pretty mellow and in good spirits, the aggression is usually only in the gym towards the weights.

    Thoughts? Have any of you experienced "roid rage"?
    Its a myth, it makes it feel good when i do get mad but I channel it into drive.

  14. #14
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    Complete myth and one that needs to die.

    Alcohol and certain drugs cause far more people to do violent things than AAS. Yet we accept it when someone gets drunk and picks a fight at a bar or is high on PCP and runs through a brick wall...

  15. #15
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    It's just an excuse for people that wanna act like a$$holes.

  16. #16
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    I have to agree with Doc on this and I hate the way TV pushes it.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    It's just an excuse for people that wanna act like a$$holes.
    Kind of like women and pms perhaps?
    "You dont understand, my hormones are all out of whack" lol

    I can not imagine what that must be like dear. Now if you will excuse me I am going to go milk myself and Jerk it 5 times.
    Last edited by Obs; 03-12-2017 at 12:35 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    I agree with just about everyone on it being BS ..... I'd love to hear a womans perspective, men who use steroids are demonized in the media for roid rage but what about the ladies ?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    Idk about you guys but I'm pretty calm and feel at peace on my cycle, my mood is great i feel motivated and energetic.

    I watched a video with CT Fletcher talking about him having roid rage and it bothered me for a few reasons, reason 1 he made it seem as though he's natural now and it was a lame attempt in him trying to separate himself and his brand feom what happened in Florida which seems pointless considering he franchised the name and thats his only affiliation.... the fact that a steroid user would perpetuate the negative sterotypes of steroid use just to cover his ass is irritating to me, he's not the only one just the most recent, but it seems that everyone i know who uses gear is pretty mellow and in good spirits, the aggression is usually only in the gym towards the weights.

    Thoughts? Have any of you experienced "roid rage"?

    Its definitely over exaggerated and over hyped. People use it as an excuse to act like an a**hole.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Load of shit imho, ppl will say this who have no idea what they are talking about just to make AAS look bad and to use roid rage as an excuse if they are genuinely angry.
    The only "roid rage" I get is on prednisone, lol

  21. #21
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    A doc once gave me a really old brand of allergy/anti-anxiety drug. Made me feel irritated at everything, I was irritated at being irritated. I got so irritated I just stopped taking it.

    My TRT makes me feel more calm and observant of things. I don't engage as much. When I do, I enjoy and don't question. Nobody seems to have noticed the difference in me. However, now when I talk a person into their place, I don't think it causes them to feel as much it causes them to think.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    A doc once gave me a really old brand of allergy/anti-anxiety drug. Made me feel irritated at everything, I was irritated at being irritated. I got so irritated I just stopped taking it.

    My TRT makes me feel more calm and observant of things. I don't engage as much. When I do, I enjoy and don't question. Nobody seems to have noticed the difference in me. However, now when I talk a person into their place, I don't think it causes them to feel as much it causes them to think.
    Was that periactin (cyproheptadine)?

  23. #23
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    Not as experienced as these guys on here, but some cycles I have had severe mood swings. None to the point where I'm physically abusive but very short tempered.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchy93 View Post
    Not as experienced as these guys on here, but some cycles I have had severe mood swings. None to the point where I'm physically abusive but very short tempered.
    Just more agitated and irritable or full on aggresive as fuck? Did you have any blood pressure issues or anything else that could have contributed? I'm only asking because I'm curious if hormones play a big role in increased aggression or if its other underlying issues mixed with the boost in hormones

  25. #25
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    Someone once made the point ten years ago that it kinda takes a naturally agressive/assertive person to order illegal substances and inject them in hopes of becoming bigger and stronger.

    I did and I do. I am also extremely aggressive/assertive in daily life. Before October when I started back into this I was about to have to leave the construction industry because I was chasing citizens that honked at us or flipped us off etc. Gear calmed me down enough I left on excellent terms.

    I ripped a lot of asses and chased a lot of cars before I encountered gear. Hormone imbalances can make you feel really whiney and irritable but your agression is something created by oneself and not gear.

  26. #26
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    Land of the screwed
    Hormones are psychoactive. That's pretty clear to me.
    But roid rage, as the name implies should mean uncontrollable rage,
    caused by steroids. And I just don't see that.
    IV every case I've heard of someone on steroids being violent,
    other drugs like alcohol were also present in high amounts.
    AAS may have contributed, but it's like saying:
    I need coffee in the morning, today I was empty,
    so I drank a shot of whisky and head to the store and
    then some asshole cut me off at the counter and I couldn't contain myself.

    It's like: was it lack of coffee? Having a bad day? The whisky? Or the rude idiot?
    Or a mix of all of the above?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Someone once made the point ten years ago that it kinda takes a naturally agressive/assertive person to order illegal substances and inject them in hopes of becoming bigger and stronger.

    I did and I do. I am also extremely aggressive/assertive in daily life. Before October when I started back into this I was about to have to leave the construction industry because I was chasing citizens that honked at us or flipped us off etc. Gear calmed me down enough I left on excellent terms.

    I ripped a lot of asses and chased a lot of cars before I encountered gear. Hormone imbalances can make you feel really whiney and irritable but your agression is something created by oneself and not gear.
    This sounds spot on. You gotta be atleast a little crazy to inject yourself with gear to begin with. Also i think the newfound confidence for beginners is a contributor to "roid rage". With the sudden increase in strength, its easy to feel invincible. especially silly youngin's who dont use an AI and their e2 is off the chart. They begin to think emotionally, not logically

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Hormones are psychoactive. That's pretty clear to me.
    But roid rage, as the name implies should mean uncontrollable rage,
    caused by steroids. And I just don't see that.
    IV every case I've heard of someone on steroids being violent,
    other drugs like alcohol were also present in high amounts.
    AAS may have contributed, but it's like saying:
    I need coffee in the morning, today I was empty,
    so I drank a shot of whisky and head to the store and
    then some asshole cut me off at the counter and I couldn't contain myself.

    It's like: was it lack of coffee? Having a bad day? The whisky? Or the rude idiot?
    Or a mix of all of the above?
    Always blame the inconsiderate prick. My entire life I have wanted to strangle people for not saying thanks or aknowledging when I hold the door. I hate rude behavior.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Hormones are psychoactive. That's pretty clear to me.
    But roid rage, as the name implies should mean uncontrollable rage,
    caused by steroids. And I just don't see that.
    IV every case I've heard of someone on steroids being violent,
    other drugs like alcohol were also present in high amounts.
    AAS may have contributed, but it's like saying:
    I need coffee in the morning, today I was empty,
    so I drank a shot of whisky and head to the store and
    then some asshole cut me off at the counter and I couldn't contain myself.

    It's like: was it lack of coffee? Having a bad day? The whisky? Or the rude idiot?
    Or a mix of all of the above?
    I know after I shredded my knee, the ER gave me tramadol which made me uncontrollably in a bad mood. I was just mean and couldn't fight it. AAS has never once caused me to not be able to control my emotions or my actions like that compound did.
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  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I know after I shredded my knee, the ER gave me tramadol which made me uncontrollably in a bad mood. I was just mean and couldn't fight it. AAS has never once caused me to not be able to control my emotions or my actions like that compound did.
    Thats true as can be. Me and my brother reacted the same way to tram.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I know after I shredded my knee, the ER gave me tramadol which made me uncontrollably in a bad mood. I was just mean and couldn't fight it. AAS has never once caused me to not be able to control my emotions or my actions like that compound did.
    I had the same reaction to tramadol, it made me a fucking psycho

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    Just more agitated and irritable or full on aggresive as fuck? Did you have any blood pressure issues or anything else that could have contributed? I'm only asking because I'm curious if hormones play a big role in increased aggression or if its other underlying issues mixed with the boost in hormones
    Nope, blood pressure was fine. Some time I would get verbally agressive and had a short fuse at work.

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