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Thread: Safest first cycle

  1. #1
    NoobBuilder is offline New Member
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    Safest first cycle

    Hi everyone, i’m Matthew, i'm 24, 6" and 183lbs at 13%bf and i train since i was 18. I’m planning to do my first cycle in a couple of months and i wanted to know what’s the safest way to do it. Talking about “safest way” i’m not saying that i want a cycle without any risk (i know that’s impossible) but that i want to lower the risk probability to the minimum. This will be my first cycle:

    First Cycle:
    Week 1-12: Test-e (500mg/week, 2 shots)
    Week 1-12: HCG (500UI/week, 2shots)
    Week 1-12: NAC (600mg/day)
    Week 1-14: Arimidex (.5mg EOD)

    Week 15-18: Nolvadex (40/20/20/20)
    Week 15-18: Clomid (75/50/50/50)

    Is there something that i can add to make it safer? Do i need to change something? Is there something wrong? Any advice wuold be really appreciated
    Thanks for your replies

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Take the advice from the other thread you posted Really need help with my very first cycle
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  3. #3
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoobBuilder View Post
    Hi everyone, i’m Matthew, i'm 24, 6" and 183lbs at 13%bf and i train since i was 18. I’m planning to do my first cycle in a couple of months and i wanted to know what’s the safest way to do it. Talking about “safest way” i’m not saying that i want a cycle without any risk (i know that’s impossible) but that i want to lower the risk probability to the minimum. This will be my first cycle:

    First Cycle:
    Week 1-12: Test-e (500mg/week, 2 shots)
    Week 1-12: HCG (500UI/week, 2shots)
    Week 1-12: NAC (600mg/day)
    Week 1-14: Arimidex (.5mg EOD)

    Week 15-18: Nolvadex (40/20/20/20)
    Week 15-18: Clomid (75/50/50/50)

    Is there something that i can add to make it safer? Do i need to change something? Is there something wrong? Any advice wuold be really appreciated
    Thanks for your replies
    AAS is not so unhealthy at our level. What u do else is much more important for your health as long as u follow the basics.(Steroid forum stickis).

    Alot of cardio, veggies, ban junkfood while ur on a run, limit red meat, 1 galion of water, consider spending some bucks on herbpills like garlig, turmeric, red yeast rice, fishoil etc, no alcohol. Avoid pwos if u can.

    To be even safer, get your ass to the doc and ask for bloods. Read up on what to look for.. Hct, alat, cholestrol etc etc. Most important BP. Never play with drugs if your bloodpresure is not good.

    Even safer. Get another bloods + BP at week 5. To make sure everything is ok. 90% chances for its ok if u follow the stickies.
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  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I have never had issues using pre workout supplements on cycle I live by them. Also limiting red meat? That's news to me. Blood pressure has almost never been an issue for me but the times it was red meat and pwos were not a factor.

  5. #5
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I have never had issues using pre workout supplements on cycle I live by them. Also limiting red meat? That's news to me. Blood pressure has almost never been an issue for me but the times it was red meat and pwos were not a factor.
    Didnt u read Ronni Rowlands series on pwos and aas?. Reports showed increased danger for clot and heartattack on a combine. Wasnt it Ronni?..yeah..think so..

    I never follow that advice, but if he wanna try to min risks at all cost, this migth be another tip.

  6. #6
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    I know some people get really jacked up heart rates from pwos but I do a lot of cardio and that seems to keep the heart healthy. I think that is really the best way to ensure you aren't messing up your heart. If you already have signs of problems then I guess you could take every precaution.

  7. #7
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz
    I know some people get really jacked up heart rates from pwos but I do a lot of cardio and that seems to keep the heart healthy. I think that is really the best way to ensure you aren't messing up your heart. If you already have signs of problems then I guess you could take every precaution.
    agree pwo's are nonissue for me and I eat red meat almost every night for the fats

  8. #8
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    agree pwo's are nonissue for me and I eat red meat almost every night for the fats
    some say it was the amounts of red meat that killed Mike Matarazzo in the end.

  9. #9
    NoobBuilder is offline New Member
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    Sorry guys but i have been really busy at work this week and i can reply just now.

    Why are pwos bad during the cycle? Do you think that .5mg of Arimidex is too much? Is Aromasin better than Arimidex or i can take one or antoher with no differences? Do i need HCG from the beginning or do i have to start it 14 days after first pin (read it on another forum)? And do i need to use it untilt PCT or can i stop it with last pin of test? Do you think that dosages of PCT are correct?

    Thanks for your replies
    Last edited by NoobBuilder; 03-31-2017 at 08:12 AM.

  10. #10
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Arimidex and aromasin are very similar either one works arimidex seems to be more common overall. .5mg arimidex eod might still be a bit high usually best to start at .25mg eod but that's just me. I always use preworkout Supps on cycle go for it just always watch your blood pressure. Run the hcg for the entire cycle up to 3 days before pct start.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoobBuilder View Post
    Sorry guys but i have been really busy at work this week and i can reply just now.

    Why are pwos bad during the cycle? Do you think that .5mg of Arimidex is too much? Is Aromasin better than Arimidex or i can take one or antoher with no differences? Do i need HCG from the beginning or do i have to start it 14 days after first pin (read it on another forum)? And do i need to use it untilt PCT or can i stop it with last pin of test? Do you think that dosages of PCT are correct?

    Thanks for your replies
    This is something you should know prior too cycling and I don't mean asking.This shows me you didn't do any research.Now wat if you have a problem one night and you need help and you get someone who don't know no anymore than you but gives you the wrong advice and it happens.YOU are in trouble so STUDY!

  12. #12
    NoobBuilder is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Arimidex and aromasin are very similar either one works arimidex seems to be more common overall. .5mg arimidex eod might still be a bit high usually best to start at .25mg eod but that's just me.
    What's the relative dosage of Aromasin ? .25mg of Arimidex are equal to how many of Aromasin?

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