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Thread: So I have heard this rumor..

  1. #1
    Coco0177 is offline Junior Member
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    So I have heard this rumor..

    Ok so.There is a friend of mine who really wants to jump in gear with a sustanon -boldone-primo cycle.(he doesn't listen for test only).one day we were talking about deca and it's traits.He said this.that deca can block the vasodilation in your ol boyz and so stop the erections.even if someone stops cycling his erections will never be the same.something like that.yes deca like tren causes the dysfuction from prolactin and progestin.But really does something like that exists? He said the same apo dianabol .I don't believe many things he says cause he listens to brainless bodybuilders who are on gear for like years.

  2. #2
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    You're right not to listen to him. There was this exact convo here the other day. Maybe someone can post the link.
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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  3. #3
    Coco0177 is offline Junior Member
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    Fuuuck.didn't see there was one I am sorry

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    Never take someones word as Gospel always do your own research.
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  5. #5
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    Block vasodilation in your nuts? I don't even know where to start.

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  6. #6
    Coco0177 is offline Junior Member
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    That's why I posted to the pros . Still have to figure out alot about deca .reading alot but have to catch up

  7. #7
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coco0177 View Post
    That's why I posted to the pros . Still have to figure out alot about deca.reading alot but have to catch up
    You can never know it all or be caught up. You are at least being objective and proactive. Most people jump into something, get into trouble and then try to explain their way out of a bad situation. Again, I commend you for doing your due diligence. Stick around, ask questions and keep an open mind and you can do all this safely, if you do it at all. A lot come here and learn that they need to improve diet or training method etc and don't even jump on for another year or two.
    NACH3 likes this.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  8. #8
    Coco0177 is offline Junior Member
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    Can't wait to see how I will be after pct.I gained 10-13kg~ with little fat.I am really excited but I don't wanna really get my head hard on these things.Thank you for all your information.people tend not to tell these things or not tell you what is right but what will just blow you alot.I have heard 1st cycles like testo proviron dianabol and deca and I'm like: ok will you know from qhat you are dying?

    Again thanks for everything.Hope I will be helpful here too sooner or later
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  9. #9
    lntense's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coco0177 View Post
    That's why I posted to the pros . Still have to figure out alot about deca.reading alot but have to catch up
    Most of us on these forums are going of anecdotal evidence, we're literally human guinea pigs with this stuff. Not pros by any means.

    Take EVERYONES advice on here with a grain of salt and do the research and experimenting yourself to find out what works best for you. Of course there are knowledgeable members, but much of the stuff is regurgitated and not always true.

    Any legit studies are a good start for reading. There are only a handful of guys on all the forums that I trust their advice, and even then whatever they suggest may just not work for me and my body.
    Last edited by lntense; 03-30-2017 at 03:53 PM.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by lntense View Post
    Most of us on these forums are going of anecdotal evidence, we're literally human guinea pigs with this stuff. Not pros by any means.

    Take EVERYONES advice on here with a grain of salt and do the research and experimenting yourself to find out what works best for you. Of course there are knowledgeable members, but much of the stuff is regurgitated and not always true.

    Any legit studies are a good start for reading. There are only a handful of guys on all the forums that I trust their advice, and even then whatever they suggest may just not work for me and my body.
    Right on about being a guinea pig, lol. That's the truth. And we all respond differently, to a degree, from person to person. Listen to all advice, but listen with a fine filter and take only advice that's verifiable. Good stuff Intense.
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  11. #11
    Coco0177 is offline Junior Member
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    True.from when I started I have seen thousands and thousands of posts test use. Test is test, enanthate for bulk and prop for cut and so on.I am always searching for 1 or 2 compounds that i am interested day and night till I know enough to feel safe! But yeah...even now I think I vould do better for my 1st time .it's a really deep thing

  12. #12
    lntense's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coco0177 View Post
    True.from when I started I have seen thousands and thousands of posts test use. Test is test, enanthate for bulk and prop for cut and so on.I am always searching for 1 or 2 compounds that i am interested day and night till I know enough to feel safe! But yeah...even now I think I vould do better for my 1st time .it's a really deep thing

    Well I'll settle that. Test is test it's just the ester which released it into your body at different times. But any form of test can be used for bulking/cutting, it completely depends how frequently you want to pin.. Personally I like the way I feel better on prop because my libido is higher, but at the same time I hate pinning every day or every other day. The goal is to have as stable levels as possible.

    Some guys go as far as to preload slin pins and pin a low amount every day of even enanthate for stable levels.

    Me I pin twice a week with Cyp.
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  13. #13
    Coco0177 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lntense View Post
    Well I'll settle that. Test is test it's just the ester which released it into your body at different times. But any form of test can be used for bulking/cutting, it completely depends how frequently you want to pin.. Personally I like the way I feel better on prop because my libido is higher, but at the same time I hate pinning every day or every other day. The goal is to have as stable levels as possible.

    Some guys go as far as to preload slin pins and pin a low amount every day of even enanthate for stable levels.

    Me I pin twice a week with Cyp.
    I did cyp for first cycle.Thinking for prop but I have to make my research for best use dosages etc etc.Big plus.It leaves your system quick which means faster pct . At the end of the cycle I pinned delts with insulin -syringe It wasn't half bad actually.Show it somewhere and wanted to try as I don't have that much fat there.That's what I thought for test too.The only thing that changes is how you pin to get stable blood levels.Actually If I have to pin without insulin I don't think it will be ok in my mind to go for the big boy.Still afraid

  14. #14
    charger69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coco0177
    I did cyp for first cycle.Thinking for prop but I have to make my research for best use dosages etc etc.Big plus.It leaves your system quick which means faster pct . At the end of the cycle I pinned delts with insulin -syringe It wasn't half bad actually.Show it somewhere and wanted to try as I don't have that much fat there.That's what I thought for test too.The only thing that changes is how you pin to get stable blood levels.Actually If I have to pin without insulin I don't think it will be ok in my mind to go for the big boy.Still afraid
    Everyone reacts differently. I have fallen in love with decca. As long as you take the correct protocal ( ie. AI, HCG , test base, etc) you should be fine. You may also want to try NPP. This is a shorter esther of deca .

  15. #15
    Coco0177 is offline Junior Member
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    I will examine that compound also.I've been hearing alot about it.Maybe for 1st time I could go for that as It can leave the system quicker.Who knows.Got time till then .First I have to make my studies about prolactin

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