Thanks for the respond bud! Always keen and happy to keep learning. Gotta keep gaining knowledge!
Silly question but is there certain brands for HCG or do they all work the same?
Does HCG come in oral or tablets as well as injections?
If i've read your comment right, my cycle would look something like this?
16 weeks cycle
Week 1 - 16 Test enanthate - 600mcg per week (2x jabs a week - Wedesday / Saturday)
Week 1 - 16 Aromasin - 12.5mcgs daily
Week 1 - 16 HCG - 250mcg? x 2 per week (500mcg)
Week 18-22 Noladex
Week 18-22 Clomid
What dosages would you recommend based on my stats?
Also, i am aware of how to diet and train but should i increase my carbs/proteins (calories) when i am cycling?
Cheers dude!