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Thread: Kickstart my cycle with Prop?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Kickstart my cycle with Prop?

    hey guys,

    so I'll be running a 500mg/week test E cycle with the standard yada yada etc etc PCT AI and whatnot lol

    It's my first cycle. Can I kickstart it with Test Prop so I won't have to wait for 3-4 weeks? I'd rather not kickstart with an oral for a first cycle and thought that this scheme may be okay because its just Test...

    if so, how would the dosing be? I dont want to be injecting a gram of test either and I know you guys would probably advise against it if that were the case.

    and finally, once I come off and everything goes alright, being my first cycle and not having reached a genetic peak yet, how much of my gains could I realistically keep? By gains I mean muscle gain and fat loss. I'm really trying to do a recomp and would rather not bulk although I know the first cycle brings the best gains. What do u guys think? Maintenance calories? Or even surplus with some added cardio and clean macros?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    22?..oink oink....yoked?..noked..dong dong..too young...sorry mate

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Wait no, 24 almost. I'm pretty certain about it man. I was 22 or younger when I signed up and asked for advice on my first cycle and I've held off until now and have researched my ass off. I think I'm g2g man, my test levels will peak and drop within the year anyways and even if they don't I'll risk it and say I can make full recovery given I do things right. I understand the gravity of the situation. Lotsa gravity. Cause I'm gonna be yoked. Just kidding just kidding.

    I was 18 when I asked on UK muscle and they were damn sure that I should run anavar only without PCT and suggested I throw in some "d-ball" 😂 Why can't u guys do the same haha

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Soon 24?...It will not be the end of the world.

    Then advice. No u cant. 500 mg test e is the maximum week limit for a first timer.
    Ok, not what u wanted to hear and u have, i guess, lots of argues, but ive heard them before and my answer will be the same.
    A workaround would be a mg change as in 200 test p and 300 test e but keep it simple. And some guys feel test e pretty quick. I always feel good within a week or so.
    But at some blogs they say u will not grow before week 4-6. And that sucks. That i admit.
    But do what u want and good luck anyway.-)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Surrounded by wolves
    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Wait no, 24 almost. I'm pretty certain about it man. I was 22 or younger when I signed up and asked for advice on my first cycle and I've held off until now and have researched my ass off. I think I'm g2g man, my test levels will peak and drop within the year anyways and even if they don't I'll risk it and say I can make full recovery given I do things right. I understand the gravity of the situation. Lotsa gravity. Cause I'm gonna be yoked. Just kidding just kidding.
    Can't you wait a little more? Say, next year?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Eh, I'm sure I can...and I probably will, but if you could go back and choose, would that one year really have made a difference for you? I'm done growing ,,and mentally, I think I've matured and my balls have dropped. My lifestyle isn't one where I'll be screwing up my cycle..I work, see my girlfriend and go to the gym and the gym is basically all I do and it's my hobby. The gear is just a means of furthering my hobby.

  7. #7
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    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Soon 24?...It will not be the end of the world.

    Then advice. No u cant. 500 mg test e is the maximum week limit for a first timer.
    Ok, not what u wanted to hear and u have, i guess, lots of argues, but ive heard them before and my answer will be the same.
    A workaround would be a mg change as in 200 test p and 300 test e but keep it simple. And some guys feel test e pretty quick. I always feel good within a week or so.
    But at some blogs they say u will not grow before week 4-6. And that sucks. That i admit.
    But do what u want and good luck anyway.-)
    yeah sounds good then if I do it it will be 500 test e per week. Maybe shouldn't mix the two for my first cycle.

  8. #8
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    Surrounded by wolves
    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Eh, I'm sure I can...and I probably will, but if you could go back and choose, would that one year really have made a difference for you? I'm done growing ,,and mentally, I think I've matured and my balls have dropped. My lifestyle isn't one where I'll be screwing up my cycle..I work, see my girlfriend and go to the gym and the gym is basically all I do and it's my hobby. The gear is just a means of furthering my hobby.
    Of course you've matured but biology works on a different level, at your age the brain has almost terminated the job of fixing structures underlying personality cognition endocrine etc, almost, you have waited this far I see no point taking the risk now, a bit more goes a long way.

    I'm not saying you will defo screw yourself if you cycle now, I'm just suggesting to be cautious.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Home of the Braves
    Don't be impatient. Its your first (and could be best) cycle. Don't rush the results or you could very well regret it. There is no need in front loading, as you're asking for sides to come on quicker, and a whole host of other issues that you won't be able to figure out. If anything, just use prop and can the long ester.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Your to eager and that's when people make mistakes take your time there's no need to kick-start with prop and there isn't any need for a cycle at 23. Get on some good quality Calories and get closer to your natural limit then when you start AAS you'll make even more progress.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Wait a couple of years. Your natural levels are damn high at your age: just eat and train hard, it'll pay off in spades when you do decide to cycle in a couple of years.

    And no need to kickstart with prop. That's just over complicating a simple cycle, you're not going to have anything significant happen if you added the short ester at the front.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Eh, I'm sure I can...and I probably will, but if you could go back and choose, would that one year really have made a difference for you? I'm done growing ,,and mentally, I think I've matured and my balls have dropped. My lifestyle isn't one where I'll be screwing up my cycle..I work, see my girlfriend and go to the gym and the gym is basically all I do and it's my hobby. The gear is just a means of furthering my hobby.

  13. #13
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    Sep 2015
    I see what you guys are saying and yeah, once again I've been JIPPED!!!! I'll hold off on the cycle for now until im 25....but really guys, the "cycles going wrong for the young" thread is literally a collection of fucking idiots who, for example, have run year long cycles and wonder why their dicks dont work. Or morons who have taken "Protein powders" that have turned out to be pro hormones and fucked themselves up. Is there something biologically that for whatever reason causes young people to fuck them selves up after normal cycles that older people dont have to worry about? My test levels arent even that high...theyre mid 600 ...just average. no matter how shredded i get i'll always just look too small for my size and however big i try n get i'll just look fat.

  14. #14
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    Sep 2015
    I said biologically, I just meant in terms of the HPTA

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Is there something biologically that for whatever reason causes young people to fuck them selves up after normal cycles that older people dont have to worry about? :
    Older peoples' HPTAs are already fully developed.
    Younger people are fucking with a developing HPTA so their HPTA may never reach their full potential.

  16. #16
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    Sep 2015
    so is this danger really present and imminent if done right too? Or is it like smoking a cigarette at a party and some fucking guy comes over trying to tell you how your body temp is dropping as you puff, your dicks going limp, your heart rate is accelerating, etc. And you look at him in your drunken stupor and say "dude, it's a fucking cigarette".


  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    so is this danger really present and imminent if done right too? Or is it like smoking a cigarette at a party and some fucking guy comes over trying to tell you how your body temp is dropping as you puff, your dicks going limp, your heart rate is accelerating, etc. And you look at him in your drunken stupor and say "dude, it's a fucking cigarette".

    you tell me your thoughts but here are the facts....

    Your HPTA is still developing.
    Your HPTA's development will be disrupted for 22-24 weeks (12 weeks + 2 weeks off for AAS levels to drop + 4-6 weeks of PCT + 4 weeks for PCT meds to clear).

    Do you think your development could be stunted?
    Do you think nearly half a year of drug use is comparable to smoking one cigarette?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    you tell me your thoughts but here are the facts....

    Your HPTA is still developing.
    Your HPTA's development will be disrupted for 22-24 weeks (12 weeks + 2 weeks off for AAS levels to drop + 4-6 weeks of PCT + 4 weeks for PCT meds to clear).

    Do you think your development could be stunted?
    Do you think nearly half a year of drug use is comparable to smoking one cigarette?

    Haha sorry sorry I was just kidding I swear. I understand that, I just figured 24 would be more tolerable here but I guess not yet haha.

    And no it's not the same thing, I'm no poser I smoke a pack a day.

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