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When I'm bulking I eat calorie dense food so that I'm not having to eat constantly every second of every day. I have been out of the gym and off any form of diet now for 6 months. I'm just now getting back to the point of regaining my focus and I've already charted my diet for when my health gets back to form.
When I say calorie dense food, I don't mean 12oz of chicken or 16oz steak. I'm talking about food with a fairly small serving size that packs in a lot of calories per serving. For instance beef jerky (or any form of dehydrated meat), milk, oats, rice, peanut butter, etc. Once I get used to the calories I can then start pounding bigger meals more frequently.
I'm not the type that will eat 6-8 meals a day. For those that do, I admire you. I don't have the time due to my crazy work schedule to do so. My focus is the big 3 meals. And in between those meals I will have those calorie dense snacks I was talking about. And when my goals are mass building, I will drink a gallon of full fat milk every day. Not at once mind you ��. I also have a pretty even spilt in my macronutrients as well (protein/carbs/fats).
Right now my aim is to get healthy, but my focus is on size when I get back. And I'm not excited about what steroid I want to use or what stack I want to blast. I'm excited about dialing in my diet. That's the part of it that excites me the most. It doesn't matter how many steroids you use, or how much you use. You won't gain and keep anything without food. Diet really is the most important aspect of what we do. It's not the compound we inject but the calories we eat.
I know that's a lot of writing, but you have no idea how ready I am to get back at it!