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Thread: Muscles and Tendons are breaking down

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Muscles and Tendons are breaking down


    I started doing cycles back in 09. I think it was in 2012 that I started to stay on testosterone. I constantly did about 200 mg of test per week. I didn't get much size but kept a good cut. I did not take estrogen blockers because I've never had any symptoms of estrogen buildup. I did not do many blood tests, but the ones I did while taking testosterone always showed my estrogen to be in check. But, when not monitoring it and not keeping it in a safe place, I have no idea what it could be causing. I've also dabbled in and done HGH. Right now, I am doing ghrp2 and sermorelin off and on plus I just finished doing about 400 mg of test each week for the last 2 months. Long story short, December 18 of 2015 I had a surgery on my shoulder. My bicep tendon was all frayed. About 4 months ago the bicep tendon on my other shoulder did the same thing. So, I had to much pain to work out that arm. So, I go to lift something heavy and my bicep on that same arm tore. WTF is happening my friends?? I just did a blood test and waiting for results but my doctor asked me if I did anything. I told him test and he said we need to test for that because if you're doing to much you can have tendon breakdown. I freaked out. Any thoughts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Inquisitor View Post

    I started doing cycles back in 09. I think it was in 2012 that I started to stay on testosterone. I constantly did about 200 mg of test per week. I didn't get much size but kept a good cut. I did not take estrogen blockers because I've never had any symptoms of estrogen buildup. I did not do many blood tests, but the ones I did while taking testosterone always showed my estrogen to be in check. But, when not monitoring it and not keeping it in a safe place, I have no idea what it could be causing. I've also dabbled in and done HGH. Right now, I am doing ghrp2 and sermorelin off and on plus I just finished doing about 400 mg of test each week for the last 2 months. Long story short, December 18 of 2015 I had a surgery on my shoulder. My bicep tendon was all frayed. About 4 months ago the bicep tendon on my other shoulder did the same thing. So, I had to much pain to work out that arm. So, I go to lift something heavy and my bicep on that same arm tore. WTF is happening my friends?? I just did a blood test and waiting for results but my doctor asked me if I did anything. I told him test and he said we need to test for that because if you're doing to much you can have tendon breakdown. I freaked out. Any thoughts.
    Our you on any other medication such as anti-boitics or physiological meds?
    Some of those have know side effects which cause tendon injury and tears.
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  3. #3
    it happens with prolonged training especially with gear use, tendons start off strong like a piece of rubber string smooth and hard, over time they breakdown with gym abuse etc and become like an old frayed blanket, at least that's what the surgeon described it to me as, had a full shoulder rebuild, bicep tendon shorten/ re attach seems to be par for the course, mega cissus helped me recover when I get the occasional twinge (mostly from heavy back training )

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Avoiding newbies @ gym...
    I'm on my second distal bicep tear & reattachment. My orthopedic surgeon has put humpty-dumpty (i.e. me) back together numerous times now, biceps, ankles, shoulders, knees etc., etc. He explained it as there's no free lunches in what we do as a hobby. Years & years of weight training just takes its toll. I'm on TRT, but I'm sure regular AS use probably doesnt help the situation. Does it even matter? I guess we all just need to reevaluate how we are training as we age to avoid injury. My $0.02...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Inquisitor View Post

    I started doing cycles back in 09. I think it was in 2012 that I started to stay on testosterone. I constantly did about 200 mg of test per week. I didn't get much size but kept a good cut. I did not take estrogen blockers because I've never had any symptoms of estrogen buildup. I did not do many blood tests, but the ones I did while taking testosterone always showed my estrogen to be in check. But, when not monitoring it and not keeping it in a safe place, I have no idea what it could be causing. I've also dabbled in and done HGH. Right now, I am doing ghrp2 and sermorelin off and on plus I just finished doing about 400 mg of test each week for the last 2 months. Long story short, December 18 of 2015 I had a surgery on my shoulder. My bicep tendon was all frayed. About 4 months ago the bicep tendon on my other shoulder did the same thing. So, I had to much pain to work out that arm. So, I go to lift something heavy and my bicep on that same arm tore. WTF is happening my friends?? I just did a blood test and waiting for results but my doctor asked me if I did anything. I told him test and he said we need to test for that because if you're doing to much you can have tendon breakdown. I freaked out. Any thoughts.
    I read a while ago something about higher levels of test having deleterious effects on collagen/tendons, but can't recall the article. Lower doses or TRT doses can be beneficial but there is a threshold after which it may have negative effects.
    It's commonly discussed how years of training to strenghten connective tissues is desirable prior to cycle to prevent increased strength of muscle overloading naive/under conditioned tendons, etc. and I wonder if that is true even on some occasions with the seasoned lifter. I would be interested to hear some vets weigh in on that.

    Deca (notoriously "good for joints") can have positive effects on tendons and collagen synthesis but do not recall if the article listed a dose related benefit curve. One of the vets here sent me an article on low dose deca for TRT from an evidence medicine based approach and it was very good - might consider that depending upon where you are on the TRT spectrum.

    I also wonder about simple genetic predisposition. I am prone to certain injuries and have to take great pains to avoid them by avoiding certain lifts, while I see guys hammering our the same lift I have to avoid with great results. Could be your tendons just ended up in the shallow end of the gene pool.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    How much weight and muscle did you put on and in what time frame? Diving into AAS from an untrained standpoint and getting bigger quickly can play hell on joints and tendons. That is one of the reasons why many veterans say do not touch AAS until you have plateaued naturally.
    Other than that genetics would play a huge role and also technique and training programs. It seems to me powerlifters stand more of a chance of damage, trying to lift the most weight possible as quickly as possible, vs a bodybuilder using moderate weight with controlled negatives and no bounce or snap.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    gentlemen... thank you for the input. I weighed 160-165 naturally doing moderated workouts. I started using test at 400 per week back in 08 and jumped to 175. Today, I maintain a fairly lean weight of 180-185 (6 ft. tall) while consistently doing 250 mg test every 10 days. When I compare that to what TrailRunAZ said, I tend to believe it cause my doc mentioned high levels will wreak havoc on your tendons.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I had my bicep torn off the bone in a fall but the Doctor said it was shredded due to many falls sports is all I will say

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    I'm on my second distal bicep tear & reattachment. My orthopedic surgeon has put humpty-dumpty (i.e. me) back together numerous times now, biceps, ankles, shoulders, knees etc., etc. He explained it as there's no free lunches in what we do as a hobby. Years & years of weight training just takes its toll. I'm on TRT, but I'm sure regular AS use probably doesnt help the situation. Does it even matter? I guess we all just need to reevaluate how we are training as we age to avoid injury. My $0.02...
    Well said

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