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I started doing cycles back in 09. I think it was in 2012 that I started to stay on testosterone. I constantly did about 200 mg of test per week. I didn't get much size but kept a good cut. I did not take estrogen blockers because I've never had any symptoms of estrogen buildup. I did not do many blood tests, but the ones I did while taking testosterone always showed my estrogen to be in check. But, when not monitoring it and not keeping it in a safe place, I have no idea what it could be causing. I've also dabbled in and done HGH. Right now, I am doing ghrp2 and sermorelin off and on plus I just finished doing about 400 mg of test each week for the last 2 months. Long story short, December 18 of 2015 I had a surgery on my shoulder. My bicep tendon was all frayed. About 4 months ago the bicep tendon on my other shoulder did the same thing. So, I had to much pain to work out that arm. So, I go to lift something heavy and my bicep on that same arm tore. WTF is happening my friends?? I just did a blood test and waiting for results but my doctor asked me if I did anything. I told him test and he said we need to test for that because if you're doing to much you can have tendon breakdown. I freaked out. Any thoughts.