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Thread: Test Tren does

  1. #1
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    Test Tren does

    Second time running tren

    first time I was 150mg test 150mg tren EOD

    I want to get away from EOD pinning so I found out one of my sources has TNT 450 , 250mg test / 200mg Tren per ML , never tried a blend before but people say they work great was curious on Tren E on pinning on dossing

    I was originally thinking ,

    ive never ran anavar was thinking adding this but not sure

    test 500mg a week 1-14
    tren 400mg a week 1-14
    test 14-16

    but maybe I should go

    test 750mg 1-14
    tren 600mg 1-14
    test 14-16

    For Ai I never had the need for one , as for Letrozole I can get this on hand but now sure how to run this or when to run this or I can get Proviron

    as for pinning I know test E you can get away with once a week but what about Tren E can you still get away once a week or no? and running test 2 weeks longer than tren have and benefits ?

    as for PCT protocol

    correct me on this if you wish thanks

    Clomid 50/50/50/50
    Nova 40/40/20/20

    Last edited by Jonbana; 10-08-2017 at 06:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Mr. Small's Avatar
    Mr. Small is offline Member
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    If you can get away with pinning Test E once a week, then the same with Tren E.
    But your doses are too high for a second run. Your first run was also high, probably twice as high as it should have been.

    What were your results on the first run?

  3. #3
    Sh0tsf1red is offline Member
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    I agree with above, second dose is high in my opinion

  4. #4
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    so you guys agree 500 test 400 tren per week more than enough ? and would you pin once or twice a week?

    do people run Letrozole or Proviron I never ran those with this before , looking to melt fat

  5. #5
    Obs's Avatar
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    I cant post my dosages in public but try low test high tren . 150mg of test and 400 tren.
    I have gotten much cleaner resilts woth lower test. I dont have the water retention and am kicking ass atm.

    If the 19 nor has to compete for receptors with testosterone it will give less result. The tren is much more powerful, try letting it do the work. I have ran some decently large cycles ut never got results like low test high tren.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    Second time running tren

    first time I was 150mg test 150mg tren EOD

    I want to get away from EOD pinning so I found out one of my sources has TNT 450 , 250mg test / 200mg Tren per ML , never tried a blend before but people say they work great was curious on Tren E on pinning on dossing

    I was originally thinking ,

    ive never ran anavar was thinking adding this but not sure Tren is so powerful, I don't think Var is going to add anything to a Tren cycle. Save your money for another cycle.

    test 500mg a week 1-14
    tren 400mg a week 1-14
    test 14-16

    but maybe I should go

    test 750mg 1-14
    tren 600mg 1-14
    test 14-16

    I would run the lower dose. Why? Your body get's used to gear. It's better to see how you react to the lower dose and run a higher dose next time, if needed. 14 weeks already a long cycle. You should just stop at the end of 14 weeks and get ready for PCT.

    For Ai I never had the need for one , as for Letrozole I can get this on hand but now sure how to run this or when to run this or I can get Proviron
    I would highly recommend an AI. Controlling your E2 will help control Prolactin. With that much Tren, you want to control both the E2 and Prolactin. I would recommend caber or prami in your cycle. Also, add HCG. Tren will absolutely shut you down so you need all the help you can get to reboot the testes.

    as for pinning I know test E you can get away with once a week but what about Tren E can you still get away once a week or no? and running test 2 weeks longer than tren have and benefits ?
    In TRT I pin once a week. When I run a cycle, I pin the same Test Cpy twice a week. Because of the higher dose I want to try and maintain a stable blood level as much as I can. No I don't see a need for you to run Test for 2 more weeks after Tren. If you run a 12 week Tren cycle, I'd run Test a couple of week but you're already running a 14 week cycle.

    as for PCT protocol

    correct me on this if you wish thanks

    Clomid 50/50/50/50
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    After waiting 14 to 15 days, I'd run Clomid a little higher the first week, 100mg/ed.

  7. #7
    KINGKONG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    so you guys agree 500 test 400 tren per week more than enough ? and would you pin once or twice a week?

    do people run Letrozole or Proviron I never ran those with this before , looking to melt fat
    I like pinning twice a week with enth there is a slightly more stable bloods..most ppl don't care..letrozole is strong and harsh AI..I would run arimidex instead..I really have no experience with proviron but if your running a AI it's not should be burning fat with that dose of tren regardless..

  8. #8
    charger69's Avatar
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    I would use an AI. There are many things that are going on in your body that you cannot see or feel.
    I am presently taking low test as OBS recommended ( except with deca ). So far so good. I like the results.
    Changing from eod to 2x week may result in harsher sides. You just need to see.
    The other option is to use an insulin needle and pin daily. Really not that bad with this size needle. Mid delt and front delt work fine.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    For Ai I never had the need for one

    You've been around here long enough to know that that's a completely ridiculous statement.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    You've been around here long enough to know that that's a completely ridiculous statement.
    Didn't see that part.

    Jon, I used to run without AI and trust me whether you realize it or not, you need it. It will catch up with you.
    You will wind up with gyno and water retention and eventually it will totally counteract gains. It can give you damn near every symptom of low T.
    Just because it doesn't getcha on one blast or cycle doesn't mean it won't on the next. AI is mandatory brother. Test aromatises regardless of who you are.

  11. #11
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    alright adex 0.5mg EOD it is ,

    just need to decide once a week or twice a week injections I don't think it really matters

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    alright adex 0.5mg EOD it is ,
    just need to decide once a week or twice a week injections I don't think it really matters
    Try .25mg eod of adex should be all you need.
    If you are running tren ace I recommend eod injections or every day. If you are running tren enanthate then twice a week will do fine.

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Twice per week injections. Agree with Obs (gasp) that .25 eod is fine to start then pull labs after 5-6 weeks and titrate if needed.
    Consider caber at .25 x 2 pw as well.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Agree with Obs (gasp)
    There is no way I would have admitted such a thing in public... You are a brave man.

  15. #15
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    There is no way I would have admitted such a thing in public... You are a brave man.
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