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Thread: Inspiration

  1. #1


    I've posted in the past about tying a new cycle soon. I'm going to be honest man, I'm scared as fuck but excited.

    Anyone here mind sharing their first cycle stories for inspiration?

    Starting a whole new way of life can be challenging but less fearful with those alongside you.

  2. #2
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    my first attempt at steroid use was 22 years ago . I was 18 years old . got bunk contaminated gear, injected it and then ended up in the hospital for a week with a very bad bacterial infection .

    inspirational ? no. educational, sure , just take your time and learn all you can and be smart and disciplined, don't be an idiot like I was

  3. #3
    I started my first cycle maybe 3 years after starting TRT at 39yrs old.
    I am happy I started TRT.
    I wish I never cycled.
    The dark side has many bad sides but is fully addictive.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I started my first cycle maybe 3 years after starting TRT at 39yrs old.
    I am happy I started TRT.
    I wish I never cycled.
    The dark side has many bad sides but is fully addictive.
    I call BS! TRT makes you feel young again. The youth is wasted on the young.

    The first cycle, if you can call it that, I had to have someone else give me the shots. Had no clue what I was doing. Gym results were great for a couple of weeks then fell into drinking and banging chicks. I would suggest getting bloodwork done to see if your test levels are high already and you do not need AAS. The longer you wait the better off your are going to be.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    I call BS! TRT makes you feel young again. The youth is wasted on the young.

    The first cycle, if you can call it that, I had to have someone else give me the shots. Had no clue what I was doing. Gym results were great for a couple of weeks then fell into drinking and banging chicks. I would suggest getting bloodwork done to see if your test levels are high already and you do not need AAS. The longer you wait the better off your are going to be.
    read my post again.
    I am happy I started TRT.
    I wish I never added onto my TRT.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shavian View Post
    I've posted in the past about tying a new cycle soon. I'm going to be honest man, I'm scared as fuck but excited.

    Anyone here mind sharing their first cycle stories for inspiration?

    Starting a whole new way of life can be challenging but less fearful with those alongside you.
    Just don’t do anything brash, rushed or crazy. If you have genetics to be a pro bodybuilder you would already know that. AAS can give you a nice boost no matter your genetics, but it will not turn you into a mass monster if your genetic makeup isn’t there. No matter how much you take.

    The basic first cycle is typically 4-500mg of Testosterone. If you are putting enough food down and getting rest. You can gain 15-20lbs of weight and and keep 8-10lbs of that when you come off and your water weight drops down. IF you do it properly, but your first cycle of done properly will be your best. After that, as you get closer and closer to your genetic potential for growth. You physically have less and less room to put on mass.

    Once you get close or hit that limit, even doing crazy amounts of drugs will not add much muscle. You will still hold water and maybe put on fat. But once you’re maxed, your maxed.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

    Tips For Young Lifters

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  7. #7
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    Was 22.
    Ran that shit like I stole it without AI or hcg.
    Ran a half assed pct.
    Ran back to back for six months after that no AI or hcg.

    Cycle ended suddenly no pct.

    Sat in a motel where I lived and fell into a depression. I drank myself to sleep when I could and lost 50lbs in a few months. Sat up at night listening to Marylin Manson with a 7mm Remington Ultra Mag barrel in my mouth.

    Then I met my ex wife. She took away my depression.

    After many years my test was lowish. Wife left me for another guy. I sat alone in my farmhouse in middle of nowhere. Fell back into depression. Bought a s&w m&p 45 off a guy on facebook. Was gonna shoot myself. Then I remembered gear and cycling and lifting and how much I had loved it and how that bitch was gone and couldn't stop me. She wouldn't be there to bitch at me. Everyone was gone kids and all. Co workers looked at me with pity every day which disgusted me with myself. No onewould ever get in my way again. I stopped living to please everyone else. Sold the gun next day so I wouldn't do anything dumb with it. Only gun I bought in my life and never fired.

    Lifting and gear pulled me out of my depression this time and I did it right.

    Now I am in this for life.
    I love it. Trt and blasting.
    I better love it because I will be forced to poke needles in my ass as long as I live.

    Its not cool, but it is what it is and I am who I am. Once your in and once you know, odds are you too will be chained to this for life in one fashion or another.

    Pros: I fuck every day and want more. I am a hardass, machine, animal, that women want to touch and am stronger than pretty much everyone I pass on a day to day basis.

    Cons: I have suffered some really thick shit because of AAS(and ignorance). Depression, full blown ED, sleeplessness, lethargy, and Acne like you wouldnt believe. Hell, the other day I was squeezing milk out of my nipple. Like I said before though I am married to it now.

    Fuck my ex btw. Glad she quit.
    New gf is younger, hotter, and we have had sex more since I met her than I did the entire time I was with my wife. My life has improved tenfold since then.

    Be dumb about this though and you will get to experience all that bad shit I did.

    Good luck.
    Last edited by Obs; 12-14-2017 at 12:25 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shavian View Post
    I've posted in the past about tying a new cycle soon. I'm going to be honest man, I'm scared as fuck but excited.

    Anyone here mind sharing their first cycle stories for inspiration?

    Starting a whole new way of life can be challenging but less fearful with those alongside you.
    Drugs are always a trade, keep that in mind, there's always downcomes to hacking your own body.

  9. #9
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    Currently 4 weeks into my first cycle. Loving it and the changes that are coming. Up 15lb already and lifts and intensity in the gym are gaining every day. I laugh when people say it is the easy way out, it’s goddamn hard and all I have been thinking about for the last 4 weeks is training, eating, sleeping repeat. AAS are like a self-fulfilling prophecy, I’m sure a lot of my gains will be because of all the work I’m putting in, not just the substances I’m using.

    I’m usually pretty dedicated to training but this has increased my focus tenfold. If you’re going to do it do it right. I’ll never be a bodybuilder and have no intentions of being that, just being the best version of myself possible.

    Ps. Obs, that was powerful, as someone who has experienced those sort of lows (on a level relative to myself) I can empathise with everything you said in one way or another.

  10. #10
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    I'm older and have been on HRT for 5 years. About the second year I did a low dose tren A and increased test cyp from HRT levels to 200mg a week. The results of 8 weeks of hard training, proper nutrician and cycle are in the pic. Now you may already look pretty good so just look at the difference.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	dif.JPG 
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ID:	171124  

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhoag View Post
    I'm older and have been on HRT for 5 years. About the second year I did a low dose tren A and increased test cyp from HRT levels to 200mg a week. The results of 8 weeks of hard training, proper nutrician and cycle are in the pic. Now you may already look pretty good so just look at the difference.
    Man, you have a great physique! Good work
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

    Tips For Young Lifters

    MuscleScience Training Log

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhoag View Post
    I'm older and have been on HRT for 5 years. About the second year I did a low dose tren A and increased test cyp from HRT levels to 200mg a week. The results of 8 weeks of hard training, proper nutrician and cycle are in the pic. Now you may already look pretty good so just look at the difference.
    Your hard work paid off!

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Started training 32yrs ago,
    first cycle was around 26yr-25yrs ago
    Dbol only (it was the fashion back then) and it was remarkable and the start of an intense enjoyable journey what controlled my whole life. It made my dreams come true and i was a true freak of nature but it came at a cost. I can write some inspirational comments and also some very dark ones about the journey but I'll leave it at that.

  14. #14
    Lol my ex bitch was the same way dude. My wife no is cool with my gear use. I am 45 and been in the bodybuilding world a long time. I am just coming off rotator cuff surgery and finishing rehab. Finally able to get under some heavier weight and starting my protocol back up.

  15. #15
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1513346984241.jpg 
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ID:	171132 Started 3 weeks ago my first cycle ever, this shit is amazing, just inform yourself well before starting
    don't hate me about my age i know the risks
    Last edited by Denisxn; 12-15-2017 at 07:27 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Denisxn View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	171132 Started 3 weeks ago my first cycle ever, this shit is amazing, just inform yourself well before starting
    don't hate me about my age i know the risks
    You don't know what a risk is. I will hate whatever I want. What do you think about that son?
    Why should we listen to you about not hating you when you didnt listen to us about not cycling?

    Just kidding I think.

    Also, in three weeks you have added 10lbs of water and thats about it. Amazing...

  17. #17
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    My first cycle was with fake gear. They were ampules so I figured they were legit, but nope. Found out because after 4 weeks I had tests done and found out it was fake. Waited until I got a legit source and gave it a second go. I was 32 when I did my first actual cycle and after like 4 or 5 now I feel like I am still learning. I still make some mistakes with diet and training but this has more to do with convenience than dedication.

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