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Thread: adding d bol mid test cycle what to expect?

  1. #1

    adding d bol mid test cycle what to expect?

    on my 8th week of test e 600mg/wk and have started to plateau in some of my lifts so i was thinking of throwing in some d bol in. my main concern is it becoming clear that i am on something so far with the test i have gotten a few compliments on my progress and i just say thinks and tell them im on a see food diet and nobody has questioned it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
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    how long is your cycle planned for ?

    Throwing in D-bol for only a few weeks is not going to help much . yes you will blow up a bit and fill out, but in order to acclimate to and help keep those gains you need to run Dbol 8+ weeks (using taper method preferably). IF you were going to run your cycle for like 16 weeks, then yeah go ahead and throw in the Dbol now and run it till cycle ends , and it will definitely help you grow. make sure to UP your Carbs big time.

  3. #3
    Was planning to go 16 weeks, was also thinking of starting off at 25mg EOD. Another part that confuses me is the ai I am currently taking .25mg Arimidex EOD and it seems everyone has a different opinion. What is your recommendation for ai dosage with 600mg test wk and d bol?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
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    Quote Originally Posted by KCMann View Post
    Was planning to go 16 weeks, was also thinking of starting off at 25mg EOD. Another part that confuses me is the ai I am currently taking .25mg Arimidex EOD and it seems everyone has a different opinion. What is your recommendation for ai dosage with 600mg test wk and d bol?
    Dbol has a very short half life . I recommend running it twice per day , not EOD as you'll not gear near the blood levels you need to grow.

    As for the AI , If your goal is to grow and add some size, I don't recommend running an AI at all , just having it on hand, or a very very low dose. Estrogen is needed to add on size. AI's hinder growth gains and have other negative effects on blood work and libido that is unnecessary

    read my reasoning for this here

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Not trying to hijack the post but gear, do you think the ai should be adjusted for dbol since it aromatizes so much?

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