Hey guys,
After my first cycle, I have just done my blood works again 2-3 months as I can start to feel some side-effects such as water retention, fatigue, low sex drive and fat depositing around my abdomen area. Lo and behold, my E2 levels results came out high at 249 pmol/L (normal range is 50-150). My other values if of significance, is test 20nmol/L, free test 492 pmol/L, SHBG 24 nmol/L, FSH 2IU/L, LH 5.9 IU/L, progresterone 2nmol/L and Prolactin 288 mIU/L (which are all within normal limits).
My cycle included 500mg of Test E per week for 12 weeks. I also stacked 50mg of Anavar ED on week 4-8. I did not use an AI during the cycle. After my cycle, my PCT consisted of 4 weeks of:
Clomid: 75mg ED / 50mg ED / 50mg ED / 25mg ED
Nolvadex: 40mg ED / 40mg ED / 20mg ED / 20md ED
My current stats are 25 year old, 177cm and 84.5kg. My pre-cycle BF was 13.2% - I am due to check for my BF again but from the elevated E2, I feel like it has exponentially grown.
I unfortunately did not do baseline blood work up before doing this cycle so I cannot compare my current BW to BL (silly, I know).
Now, with my elevated E2 and my side effects, what is my best management from here? Should I start taking nolva and arimidex to control it? If so, what should be my dosage be? Even with sufficient PCT, what could be the cause of elevated E2?
In hindsight, I think I missed a few doses on my PCT which could be the attributing factor here.
Anyways, any input would be great. Sorry for my long-winded post, I'm still a newbie.