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Thread: Arnold Heart Surgery

  1. #1
    Virjad is offline New Member
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    Arnold Heart Surgery

    Hey all,

    Just wanted to start a discussion about Arnold Heart surgery. This was his 2nd or third I believe and was planned not an emergency one. A lot of main stream media are claiming that it was his steriod use that caused heart problems but he stated it was genetic. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    I would think he has a genetic problem that has been amplified by his steroid use .

    Likely steroids have contributed to him having problems in the first instance but not necessarily the rooy cause of whatever heart condition he suffers from

  3. #3
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    I would think he has a genetic problem that has been amplified by his steroid use .

    Likely steroids have contributed to him having problems in the first instance but not necessarily the rooy cause of whatever heart condition he suffers from
    ^^^^ this

    If you don’t have any genetic predisposition then it’s hard for anything to really damage you.
    It’s always a combination of being genetically vulnerable AND being exposed to risk factors.

    But would he have had the surgery if he hadn’t used AAS?
    I think that maybe he would have lasted a bit longer, but in time, yes, I think he would. It might have made him need it 10 years earlier than otherwise, or it might not.
    Impossible to tell.

    My heart is quite big (literally), and I’ve been in medical studies about AAS use too. But my heart function is fine and my heart is also the same size now as it was 10 years ago.
    I have family member that have died from heart failure so I’m surely predisposed. So I take it seriously.

  4. #4
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    He had a congenital heart valve defect. That would most likely not have been affected by AAS use. He’s had replacement valves put in a number of times. This last surgery was due to a botched experimental procedure to work on the defective valves through a catheter to his heart.
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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  5. #5
    shadowdragon is offline Junior Member
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    People are always trying to demonize things and take away from people's hard work. He busted his ass and worked hard, steroids or not, and a lot of people say he got everything from juicing. Now an issue that is probably not related to his use, but still getting the blame.

    Heart (and other problems) are so common now even though our technology and medicine is better, it's almost like we're going backwards.......very few people blame all the McDonald's and crap they put in their bodies and unhealthy habits they/we have now...

    I'm glad he's OK (at least for now), he does a lot more for the people than just acting, etc, like promoting exercise and activeness and being a healthy lifestyle promoter.
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  6. #6
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowdragon View Post
    People are always trying to demonize things and take away from people's hard work. He busted his ass and worked hard, steroids or not, and a lot of people say he got everything from juicing. Now an issue that is probably not related to his use, but still getting the blame.

    Heart (and other problems) are so common now even though our technology and medicine is better, it's almost like we're going backwards.......very few people blame all the McDonald's and crap they put in their bodies and unhealthy habits they/we have now...

    I'm glad he's OK (at least for now), he does a lot more for the people than just acting, etc, like promoting exercise and activeness and being a healthy lifestyle promoter.
    Well said!
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  7. #7
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    It was definitely the steroids .

    EDIT: *Sarcasm off
    Last edited by Mr.BB; 04-01-2018 at 05:01 PM.

  8. #8
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowdragon View Post
    People are always trying to demonize things and take away from people's hard work. He busted his ass and worked hard, steroids or not, and a lot of people say he got everything from juicing. Now an issue that is probably not related to his use, but still getting the blame.

    Heart (and other problems) are so common now even though our technology and medicine is better, it's almost like we're going backwards.......very few people blame all the McDonald's and crap they put in their bodies and unhealthy habits they/we have now...

    I'm glad he's OK (at least for now), he does a lot more for the people than just acting, etc, like promoting exercise and activeness and being a healthy lifestyle promoter.
    All valid points, but no one here thinks things are easy just cause you juice.
    But we also have to acknowledge that AAS can have some issues on the heart. It’s unknown how much, but it seems like it does come into play.
    And Arnold has used his fair share,
    over a vast amount of time as well.

    But again, it’s impossible to say really.
    Might have played a part, might not.
    Heart valves aren’t what we usually think will be fucked from juice though.
    They can be damaged from unsterile injections and such, and will often become a little leaky when the heart is very big, but who knows.

  9. #9
    Ashop's Avatar
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    It was a genetic thing even though everyone will always blame it on AAS use.
    I know a few people with the same thing who never touched a steroid in there lives.

  10. #10
    70rs is offline Associate Member
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    Out of curiosity, any clue as to what he was taking in general? I'm new to aas,so I have no idea,I'm assuming no hgh back in the day and since his stomach was flat,but dosage and orals etc?

  11. #11
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 70rs View Post
    Out of curiosity, any clue as to what he was taking in general? I'm new to aas,so I have no idea,I'm assuming no hgh back in the day and since his stomach was flat,but dosage and orals etc?
    That would all be spectaculation.
    Only thing it’s safe to say is Dbol .

    And back then, without SERMs or AIs they probably used a lot more cycles without test.
    It’s actually quite amazing what you can accomplish by just dropping test when you blast/cruise.
    (Its hell though)
    No need for it now usually, since we have AIs,
    but I’ve tried Dbol only as an experiment and got extremely ripped and didn’t have any water weight at all. But I felt like hell and noticed symptoms of low estrogen.
    I thought at the time, this is what Arnold must have done, as it gave a great look. But again, it’s just speculation.
    He could just as easily have attained a dry look on some other non aromatizing or low aromatizing AAS.
    But back then i think you had to drop test to get rid of all the water.
    It’s totally contrary to what we’d do now however. Or maybe if you were to go on stage you could drop T a little before even now with some success, but I’m not sure it’s needed when you have AIs.
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  12. #12
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    PED's were def not a part of this, whatsoever

    Whomever wants to continue making themselves feel better thinking that ALL PED's will not have a detrimental effect on their health can go on doing so

    Amazing that he has made it this long - but, his medical care has to b at the top of his priority list.

  13. #13
    shadowdragon is offline Junior Member
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    I thought they did do test, since it was the first real steroid and was simple?

    But I do often hear the cycles then were not as complex as now.

    If any of you guys follow Josh Bryant he does an in depth interview with Craig Monson, an old timey BBer, its a three parter so I forget what segment it's in, but it was pretty good; part 1:
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  14. #14
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Arnold had a Bicuspid aortic valve, which is a genetic issue. this was his original heart surgery, then had to be repaired being his 2nd surgery. the most recent surgery he underwent was for his pulmonic valve.

    Steroids mainly cause Left ventricular hypertrophy in excess (however remember that strength training does this normally and naturally, and steroids boost muscle building and the heart is a muscle, so put 2 and 2 together... what do u get, the heart gets bigger a tad faster than normal on steroids) rarely does this become an issue to where surgical intervention is required because the body does a great job compensating for the increased mass of the heart by increasing the colleteral blood supply to the heart and supporting structure around the heart.

    All in all, VERY unlikely that the AAS usage that Arnold *may or may not have done* is related to the heart surgery that he has undergone.

    There, plain and simple.

  15. #15
    70rs is offline Associate Member
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    Yh,I assumed it would just be speculation, wich is fine,wasn't sure if it ever got leaked or anything what he was taking,I personally like the physique of body builders from back in the day.thank you.

  16. #16
    shadowdragon is offline Junior Member
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    Yup, no GH turtle shell gut..........

    A lot of them were also strong and aesthetic, not just "show" muscle. If I recall correctly before they did the posing/"bodybuilding" part, they would also demonstrate strength, dead lifting, etc.

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