Would something like 500mg of test be more effective at building muscle than 250mg test 200mg of tren?
How powerful is test compared to tren?
Love to have a convo with someone experienced!
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Would something like 500mg of test be more effective at building muscle than 250mg test 200mg of tren?
How powerful is test compared to tren?
Love to have a convo with someone experienced!
Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I've ran 2000 mg of test. I've also ran virtually zero test but ran anabolics like like deca and masteron. I've also stacked test at moderate doses with other compounds dozens and dozens of times. I have to say that "test is NOT the best" when it comes to building muscle and doing so efficiently with the least amount of negative sides.
250 test with 200 tren is much more potent then just 500 test.. the test Tren combo won't even require an AI, the 500 test may.
unless your new and haven't ran cycles before. then 300mg of test would work just fine. the drug combinations really only matter once your a little more advanced.
for whats its worth, Tren is 5x more anabolic and androgenic then test. but don't be deceived, you can actually gain more weight with Test then you can with Tren if you don't know what your doing with the Tren (thats why its an advanced drug)
I wouldn't bother with Tren if your after "serious weight" gain.. some guys run Tren and end up losing weight. bulking with Tren requires a few little tricks. if you want to keep it simple then drop the Tren idea. Test, NPP, Dbol or just a Test and Andarol cycle will put some weight on you.
if you don't know what an AI is , I'm assuming you've never cycled before? Aromatase Inhibitor, keeps estrogen in check for wet compounds like Test. They are used or not used depending on the context, drugs used, goals, etc..
no I'm not saying that.. I'm saying for weight gain Test stacked with other compounds is better then test stacked with Tren, that is if you plan on stacking.
test + tren for an experienced user is usually always better then test alone (even the estrogen conversion you get from the test will help you grow along with the tren).. tren finds its place way more often in cutting stacks then weight gain stacks, though it can be used for either if you know what your doing
depends on what drugs you've used in the past and what you responded to.. keeping it simple, most guys respond very well and put on lots of size with a classic Test/Dbol or Test/Anadrol stack.
I would drop the idea of using gear. Train hard and eat lots...
Youve possibly done some damage already.
Definetly drop the idea of tren mate.
Where you go from here is your call.
Have a read
3 cycles already at 19! damn i thought i was bad haha. Did you run a PCT during cycles? Anyway how did you find those cycles? good results?
if you're cutting and at a decent bf% already i heard Anavar and Clen would be a good choice.. i've no experience with the both but i've heard some pretty good lean muscle gains etc. Good luck.
your always better off stacking Imo. I've ran 2000mg a week of test, I've also ran only 100mg a week of test stacked with several other compounds to have synergistic effect. I did better on the low dose test
no. especially for newer users. your not going to de-sensitize right away. and when you get to a point that you do begin to de-sensitze after running gear for several years its always best to rotate compounds in and out then it is to ramp up dosages.
30mg of Dbol is still 30mg of Dbol, it will still do its thing. some guys will only run Dbol for like 4 or 5 weeks is all (cause of hepatoxicity). but they end up pissing all their gains away when they come off. the reason I suggest the taper method is so that you can stay on the drug for a much longer period of time and help your body acclimate to the new gains and the water weight.. the more and longer your able to acclimate to the weight the better off you'll be able to hold onto it once you come off
I'm speaking specifically to Dbol.. it is notorious for blowing guys up and then losing all your gains once you come off. The reason is that Dbol is a class 2 steroid that works apart from androgen receptor binding and works through other mechanisms of action, and storing a lot of glycogen and water is one way in which Dbol works to build muscle.. if you get off the drug too soon you will lose that ability. the longer you stay on the drug the more your able to build actual muscle and retain your gains.
and in regards to other drugs. it all depends on the drugs you used and your cycle. but generally you will lose gains when you come off, period. thats why guys like me, and a host of other guys serious about body building never come off and never pct
giving your body time off and a break can make the drugs work better when you do come back on..
however, if your advanced then there are ways around this. by rotating compounds every 6 weeks, by adding other growth factors like insulin, hgh, and igf, and by taking things that increase the amount of androgen receptors you have, you can continue to stay on AAS year round and make gains.
More like 20-23% on the 1st pic dude... cant tell on the second.
Tren at 18 is a big step, i'm 25 started at 19. I'm now on TRT and I didn't run Tren until i was 20. Its a marathon not a race, if this is what you want to do then do it, but make sure you have a full understanding of the possible negative affects this can have on your body.
When did you last get blood work?
Last edited by Eduke93; 04-20-2018 at 08:59 AM.
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