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  1. #1
    WackoSpecialist is offline New Member
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    Jun 2018

    Extremely Low Testosterone on Cruise

    Hey y'all,

    Have been on cruise for probably about a year and a half now (after previous blast/cruise), as I planned on blasting during that time, but work and life has gotten in the way. During that cruise (250mg Test E E7D), I had gotten bloods multiple times, always landing with pretty normal levels on everything, with test sitting around 1250 ng/dL. For the past few months I haven't gotten bloods due to work kicking up and not having much time. Unfortunately, during that time I also started to notice my sleep getting worse, being extremely fatigued, and having no energy. I chalked this up to the possibility of sleep apnea/stress (which could definitely still be a factor), so I scheduled an appointment with a new doctor to get it all checked out. After going in for that and getting bloods, the results showed my test levels now sitting around 250 ng/dL. All other health indicators are fine/great (no e2, but I plan on getting my own bloods this coming week to see what that's at).

    This definitely came as a shock, considering I've never had a problem with low test in the past, especially while on cycle/cruising. That said, as mentioned, I hadn't gotten bloods for awhile and hadn't been working out as much, but that alone doesn't seem to be a cause for the problem.

    Does anyone have any idea what might have caused the drop? Along with that, a good recommendation for recovery of that or other steps to take? Any suggestions or help would be appreciated!

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sounds pretty obvious you got fake or underdosed gear.

  3. #3
    Octaneforce's Avatar
    Octaneforce is offline Senior Member
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    Yea either bunk gear or your chemistry changed and once a week isnt often enough. That sleep change could be from the hormone fluctuation. How long after your last pin did you get bloodwork? Are u running hcg ?

  4. #4
    WackoSpecialist is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the quick reply and sorry for my late one--have been out of town for a week.

    Not running HCG currently.

    As far as the bunk gear goes, why would my test levels drop down so far from it?

  5. #5
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
    cousinmuscles is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by WackoSpecialist View Post
    Thanks for the quick reply and sorry for my late one--have been out of town for a week.

    Not running HCG currently.

    As far as the bunk gear goes, why would my test levels drop down so far from it?
    Because your gear contains very little actual testosterone and a lot of oil.

    Educate yourself about TRT and drop all these internet lingo things like "cruise". Read through the stickies of this section
    and the stickies in the subsection

    250mg is not a healthy dose to stay on for a long time nor will it give you any gains worth it. Your hematocrit will go up, it will be bad for your lipids, it will keep estrogen too high and you'll need an AI to keep it in a normal healthy range, the AI will impact lipids negatively too. Stick to ~100mg a week, be healthy, then when it is time for a cycle and gains then do a cycle, when your body gets saturated and the time has come to end the cycle, end it, let your body recover and make sure bloods (blood count, lipids, liver et.c. everything) is in a healthy range before you do another cycle.

    Edit: Your case is a good example of why it is a bad idea to rely on UGL gear for replacing your natural test... I had to search for a year to find a doctor who could prescribe me TRT and was willing. It is worth it...

  6. #6
    Chrisp83TRT's Avatar
    Chrisp83TRT is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Because your gear contains very little actual testosterone and a lot of oil.

    Educate yourself about TRT and drop all these internet lingo things like "cruise". Read through the stickies of this section
    and the stickies in the subsection

    250mg is not a healthy dose to stay on for a long time nor will it give you any gains worth it. Your hematocrit will go up, it will be bad for your lipids, it will keep estrogen too high and you'll need an AI to keep it in a normal healthy range, the AI will impact lipids negatively too. Stick to ~100mg a week, be healthy, then when it is time for a cycle and gains then do a cycle, when your body gets saturated and the time has come to end the cycle, end it, let your body recover and make sure bloods (blood count, lipids, liver et.c. everything) is in a healthy range before you do another cycle.

    Edit: Your case is a good example of why it is a bad idea to rely on UGL gear for replacing your natural test... I had to search for a year to find a doctor who could prescribe me TRT and was willing. It is worth it...
    It’s hard to find a TRT doctor and one who cares... glad you found one man.
    As far as ugl goes... for anyone due your research and then do more research... people need to learn about who are legit and who isn’t. It’s best to buy direct and sites that are official resellers and not some common ass site like “”
    And to be safe, I always have pharm grade test in case a ugl decides to start being douches.
    Pcom is a very reputable lab and tends to overdose. They have a good name for a good reason.... quality.

    Cuz, hope you’re having a good weekend man!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Get good gear you'll get good results. The only variable that changed was the gear so I'm apt think you've got bad gear.

  8. #8
    Couchlockd's Avatar
    Couchlockd is offline Senior Member
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Because your gear contains very little actual testosterone and a lot of oil.

    Educate yourself about TRT and drop all these internet lingo things like "cruise". Read through the stickies of this section
    and the stickies in the subsection

    250mg is not a healthy dose to stay on for a long time nor will it give you any gains worth it. Your hematocrit will go up, it will be bad for your lipids, it will keep estrogen too high and you'll need an AI to keep it in a normal healthy range, the AI will impact lipids negatively too. Stick to ~100mg a week, be healthy, then when it is time for a cycle and gains then do a cycle, when your body gets saturated and the time has come to end the cycle, end it, let your body recover and make sure bloods (blood count, lipids, liver et.c. everything) is in a healthy range before you do another cycle.

    Edit: Your case is a good example of why it is a bad idea to rely on UGL gear for replacing your natural test... I had to search for a year to find a doctor who could prescribe me TRT and was willing. It is worth it...
    You can't just blindly recommend 100mg a week.

  9. #9
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
    cousinmuscles is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    You can't just blindly recommend 100mg a week.
    Show some respect and read my whole post. Are you trolling me?

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