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Thread: Newbie. Winstrol & Arimidex

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Newbie. Winstrol & Arimidex

    I've been on my first cycle for a little over a week now. 40 mg a day oral of Winstrol. 1 mg a day oral of Arimidex.

    Ive gained 12+ lbs in the week. Which I assume is water weight, because I'm not sweating as much as I was before the cycle. Heard I would sweat a lot more.

    I haven't had any major side effects, but there's been small things. Some sharp come and go pains: lower right stomach, lower left waistline... Left nut... I can't tell if these pains are real or if it's just paranoia of something going wrong w/ my first cycle. Also, it takes me a little longer to get arroused.

    Was also curious if there's anything else I need to be taking/doing to make sure there aren't any long term side effects. I understand I'm taking a small dose compared to most cycles.

    BF%: 14ish%
    Last edited by BC27; 08-01-2018 at 06:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    With those stats you don’t need to cycle. Post a ,pic I’m intrigued.

    Don’t run an oral only cycle and you wouldn’t need an AI with just winstrol. You wouldn’t need that much Adex with over a gram of test per week. Whoever has advised you of this cycle needs to join here to be educated.

    Oh, and you won’t gain 12lbs in 1 week from winstrol so lord knows what you really have.

    Best advise is to stop everything you are currently taking immediately.

    Read these

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    Stop taking what ever you have and do some research, very poor cycle and there's a lot of things what don't add up so stop it straight away

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    With those stats you don’t need to cycle. Post a ,pic I’m intrigued.

    Don’t run an oral only cycle and you wouldn’t need an AI with just winstrol. You wouldn’t need that much Adex with over a gram of test per week. Whoever has advised you of this cycle needs to join here to be educated.

    Oh, and you won’t gain 12lbs in 1 week from winstrol so lord knows what you really have.

    Best advise is to stop everything you are currently taking immediately.

    Read these


    Will post a pic when I get to where I want to be. It's not as impressive as it looks on paper.(still a little cornfed looking, been 230+ since I was 14.) Probably shouldn't have added the 12 ghost pounds from this week on there as well lol.

    I appreciate the insight and links. Will stop what I'm doing for now and try to research more.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2018
    I'm coming off a cycle that includes Winstrol. I would get a steroid test kit and test that Winstrol ASAP because I don't think you should be gaining that much weight. It's surely water retention, but Winstrol should actually dry you out. I also did not experience any of those side effects. I was taking a fairly high dosage, and I only experienced one mild side effect - some pain in my elbow joints. It wasn't a big deal. I also don't think you need an AI. I would stop taking it and see what happens. If there's no early gyno symptoms, you can stay off it.

    Steroid test kits are great. If you have any doubts about what you have (and what you're experiencing would leave me with doubts), pick one up and test the substance. The kits are not that expensive, and you can have complete confidence about what you're putting in your body. If it proves legit, you might choose to trust that source and not test future substances but that's really up to you and your risk tolerance.
    Last edited by carvv; 08-01-2018 at 08:48 AM.

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