I've been on my first cycle for a little over a week now. 40 mg a day oral of Winstrol. 1 mg a day oral of Arimidex.
Ive gained 12+ lbs in the week. Which I assume is water weight, because I'm not sweating as much as I was before the cycle. Heard I would sweat a lot more.
I haven't had any major side effects, but there's been small things. Some sharp come and go pains: lower right stomach, lower left waistline... Left nut... I can't tell if these pains are real or if it's just paranoia of something going wrong w/ my first cycle. Also, it takes me a little longer to get arroused.
Was also curious if there's anything else I need to be taking/doing to make sure there aren't any long term side effects. I understand I'm taking a small dose compared to most cycles.
BF%: 14ish%