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Thread: Anavar only cycle - 3 weeks - female - should I start again or try winstrol?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Anavar only cycle - 3 weeks - female - should I start again or try winstrol?


    I'm a new user and the gear. I started my first cycle (after searching info for months and forums, until I found this forum and got Anavar) 10mg for 8 days twice a day, second week 15mg 9 days and my third week just 2 and a half day 10mg.

    My first week I felt lightheaded, in a good way...but my workout wasn't as good as when I wasn't on Var. I have never slept well but just day 1 of my cycle, I slept so well. I noticed a mild headache, but didn't last too long - I try to drink a gallon.
    My second week 15mg, headache a bit stronger but didn't last too long (less than 10 minutes at a time, a few times a day). Workout suck, got in the gym felt like I could hurt myself, too weak and felt too lazy... Thinking to myself, did I ever feel this lazy. I seemed to have a rest day more than workout day this whole week. I started to notice some pimples on my body included my head and ear, not bad and not many but felt sore a bit if touch them. I took a nap nearly every late afternoon and still could sleep well at night - I actually like this as I have had a bad sleep for many years. I just don't like the fact that I feel weak and lazy. I thoght I probably over-worked my muscle, as I felt pain and last for days on each muscle I worked on. I went to get a massage, a massage lady told me my back muscle on the right (where I felt pain) looked uneven compare to the left - and she worked hard on it, I felt better but the pain came back hours later. I decided to drop to 10mg, and thought to stay on until I complete 6-8 weeks but muscle pain and feeling weak and lazy to workout, I better stop.

    All those I experience start to fade after a day of discontinue, no headache, muscle pain start to feel better and I start to feel excite going to the gym and break my sweat. It's a good sleep though I didn't want to miss when I was on Var, and I notice my thin hair seem to look thicker and grow very fast, on my head, eyebrow, leg etc. but luckily not my facial hair. Fish oil is a must when doing Var. I have my body composition and I like the lazy workout showing some gain, so I'm excited to start a new cycle again...

    Can I again start with the same Var 5mg - 10mg a day as a new cycle for 5-6 weeks next week? I have already done 3 weeks. I've slo taking milk thistle.
    I am thinking about trying Winstrol, can I cycle this instead of Var for that 5-6 weeks of 5mg or less than 10mg?

    Thank you in advance for any suggestions

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Did you have any bloodwork done during that period? Seems like liver function elevation, cannot speak without BW though.
    You should stick to 10mg a day dose imho while using var.
    No experience with women on winny, so let’s see someone with more knowledge comment about it.
    Last edited by The God Himself; 09-26-2018 at 01:59 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Thank you, for stopping by.
    I didn't think I will need blood work? I have read many posts and websites with no suggestion on blood work for women on Var. Before I started the cycle I have general health check done a week earlier (Doctor still hasn't send me anything, only I spoke to him) everything with positive result and liver condition was excellent. I came across a forum about this too, so I got myself a milk thistle and stopped taking it.

    Here is my other post:

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Wannarrach View Post

    I'm a new user and the gear. I started my first cycle (after searching info for months and forums, until I found this forum and got Anavar) 10mg for 8 days twice a day, second week 15mg 9 days and my third week just 2 and a half day 10mg.

    Is it just me or is there more than 7 days in a week? LOL 10mg/ed for 6 weeks is the normal cycle for var. You can break it up twice a day or take it all at once. I found it to be 6's.

    My first week I felt lightheaded, in a good way...but my workout wasn't as good as when I wasn't on Var. I have never slept well but just day 1 of my cycle, I slept so well. I noticed a mild headache, but didn't last too long - I try to drink a gallon.
    My second week 15mg, headache a bit stronger but didn't last too long (less than 10 minutes at a time, a few times a day). Workout suck, got in the gym felt like I could hurt myself, too weak and felt too lazy... Thinking to myself, did I ever feel this lazy. I seemed to have a rest day more than workout day this whole week. I started to notice some pimples on my body included my head and ear, not bad and not many but felt sore a bit if touch them. I took a nap nearly every late afternoon and still could sleep well at night - I actually like this as I have had a bad sleep for many years. I just don't like the fact that I feel weak and lazy. I thoght I probably over-worked my muscle, as I felt pain and last for days on each muscle I worked on. I went to get a massage, a massage lady told me my back muscle on the right (where I felt pain) looked uneven compare to the left - and she worked hard on it, I felt better but the pain came back hours later. I decided to drop to 10mg, and thought to stay on until I complete 6-8 weeks but muscle pain and feeling weak and lazy to workout, I better stop.

    It sounds like you are sensitive to Var. You can stop or drop your dose to 5mg/ed and see how you feel. You're right about drinking more water, that will help.

    All those I experience start to fade after a day of discontinue, no headache, muscle pain start to feel better and I start to feel excite going to the gym and break my sweat. It's a good sleep though I didn't want to miss when I was on Var, and I notice my thin hair seem to look thicker and grow very fast, on my head, eyebrow, leg etc. but luckily not my facial hair. Fish oil is a must when doing Var. I have my body composition and I like the lazy workout showing some gain, so I'm excited to start a new cycle again...

    You won't grow facial hair with 10mg/ed var for 3 weeks. If you ran it for 4 weeks, well, that's another story. Thick red beard, pronounced brow, broadening of the jaw line, baritone voice. LOL JK

    Can I again start with the same Var 5mg - 10mg a day as a new cycle for 5-6 weeks next week? I have already done 3 weeks. I've slo taking milk thistle.
    I am thinking about trying Winstrol, can I cycle this instead of Var for that 5-6 weeks of 5mg or less than 10mg?

    Thank you in advance for any suggestions
    I would run 5mg/ed for the rest of the cycle. You are sensitive to its affects. Listen to your body, it's pretty smart. Good luck.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2018
    I'll probably try to stay on 5mg and might cycle HGH also. Some people though suggested Primobolan, interesting but will try Var again first...if we both can be good friend I'm just looking for some hard gain and getting rid of some BF.

  6. #6
    Go ahead and finish your Var cycle. At the end of the cycle you'll have a data point on how your body responds to var. You can always run primo in the future. Primo's stronger than var not not as strong as Test. You can experiment with the different gear and keep a close tab on your body. Virilization is not reversible so be careful.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2018
    Virilization is something I'm most nervious...

    Thank you for your suggestions, appreciated.

  8. #8
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    VAR, Winny, Primobolan, T-bol, NPP -- those are the primary drugs that females do best on. Keep in mind Primo is often faked and you very well may be getting just Test e. having said that women 'can' take very low dosages of test prop (no long esters of test), but if doing so should be stacking it with a DHT blocker

    for building muscle NPP is the best choice

    women also do well with the SARMS. Ostarine and LGD40

  9. #9
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    Aug 2018
    Oh nice, thank you for this.
    NPP sounds good as many women are talking about a lot. I only need to learn about each of them more, as I'm very new to all this. I only see Var is the best choice but it didn't seem to work for me or many running it too high at the start. I'm just running it 5mg/day now...see how I go this time...fingers crossed.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannarrach View Post
    Oh nice, thank you for this.
    NPP sounds good as many women are talking about a lot. I only need to learn about each of them more, as I'm very new to all this. I only see Var is the best choice but it didn't seem to work for me or many running it too high at the start. I'm just running it 5mg/day now...see how I go this time...fingers crossed.
    heres a little tip/trick for you .. take in Caffeine when your take your dosage of VAR. Caffeine has been shown to increase the effectiveness of VAR by up to 30%.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    heres a little tip/trick for you .. take in Caffeine when your take your dosage of VAR. Caffeine has been shown to increase the effectiveness of VAR by up to 30%.
    It will not hurt that is for sure however, the "study" was on only one person and that person was a man so it might not at all apply to women (or men for that matter). But again, won't hurt obviously so might as well use it :-)

  12. #12
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    I do drink coffee in the morning, will this help? My workout is mainly in the evening hours though... 2 scoops of Pre workout + caffeine would give me up all night. I hope I didn't rush myself doing Var again 5mg/day aiming for 4-5 weeks if it agrees with me (as I've done 3 weeks), so far feeling quite okay - just day one though...

    Please correct me if I'm wrong that I can start adding HGH any time during my cycle? Thank you guys!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannarrach View Post
    I do drink coffee in the morning, will this help? My workout is mainly in the evening hours though... 2 scoops of Pre workout + caffeine would give me up all night. I hope I didn't rush myself doing Var again 5mg/day aiming for 4-5 weeks if it agrees with me (as I've done 3 weeks), so far feeling quite okay - just day one though...

    Please correct me if I'm wrong that I can start adding HGH any time during my cycle? Thank you guys!
    In the experiment with Anavar, they used the equivalent of 3 espressos (about 212mg of caffeine according to Dr. Google)

    The HGH someone else is better qualified to answer.

  14. #14
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    Thank you for all replies.

    My second day back on Anavar...makes me yawning a lot early evening.
    Had a great leg day yesterday, feel muscle pain today..not sure if from workout or Var.

  15. #15
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    Stick to 5mg, I strongly suspect the higher dosage was the culprit.

    Hgh can be started anytime on or off cycle.

  16. #16
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    I was doing just 1 week of 5mg, but had to stop because I got very bad rashes and very itchy. Is this not for me (the Anavar) or should I try different labs?

    I saw some comments on Winny, it changes your voice quickly?

  17. #17
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    Rashes & itch are NOT common sides with Var at all

    Winni can turn a females voice coarse fairly quickly from everything I have heard - it's y my wife won't even handle my juice herself

  18. #18
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    I have Winny on the way, guess I have to go low and short then... I have needles size 31g, can I use both to draw and inject hgh? I'll be mixing the gh with simorelin and GHRP2.
    Thanks you all!

  19. #19
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    Ok, I will have to re-think about Var later...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannarrach View Post
    I have Winny on the way, guess I have to go low and short then... I have needles size 31g, can I use both to draw and inject hgh? I'll be mixing the gh with simorelin and GHRP2.
    Thanks you all!
    yes you can draw out and inject peptides with the same 31g insulin syringe.. when you say "mix" hgh with simorelin and ghrp2, do you mean taking them in the same cycle together, or literally 'mixing' them all together ?

  21. #21
    I've been running HGH for a long time. If I could only run 1 compound for the rest of my life, it would be pharma HGH. HGH is not a "cycle" compound, IMO. You get on and stay on until you have to sell your car to buy more.

    I've run Test cycles for a while before I started running HGH. What I noticed was that when I ran a cycle while on HGH, I could keep more of my gains after PCT. I also LOVE the loss in belly fat with HGH. I can diet and Masteron my down to 6% to 7% in 6 weeks. I notice that my skin is still pretty elastic so I don't have droopy skin when I cut. There are other benefits like better concentration while solving complex problems and just a wonderful feeling of well being.

    If you are planning to "cycle" HGH, run it of 3 months before you start your AAS cycle. Then continue running for 3 to 6 months after your AAS cycle. It takes time for your body to come to the new "normal" after your cycle. You want that new normal to be the stronger, leaner, tighter you.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I've been running HGH for a long time. If I could only run 1 compound for the rest of my life, it would be pharma HGH. HGH is not a "cycle" compound, IMO. You get on and stay on until you have to sell your car to buy more.

    I've run Test cycles for a while before I started running HGH. What I noticed was that when I ran a cycle while on HGH, I could keep more of my gains after PCT. I also LOVE the loss in belly fat with HGH. I can diet and Masteron my down to 6% to 7% in 6 weeks. I notice that my skin is still pretty elastic so I don't have droopy skin when I cut. There are other benefits like better concentration while solving complex problems and just a wonderful feeling of well being.

    If you are planning to "cycle" HGH, run it of 3 months before you start your AAS cycle. Then continue running for 3 to 6 months after your AAS cycle. It takes time for your body to come to the new "normal" after your cycle. You want that new normal to be the stronger, leaner, tighter you.
    This helps a lot, thank you my man!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yes you can draw out and inject peptides with the same 31g insulin syringe.. when you say "mix" hgh with simorelin and ghrp2, do you mean taking them in the same cycle together, or literally 'mixing' them all together ?
    I would mix 1 with hgh at a time - not both, sorry. I'm worried to mix all at once...

  24. #24
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    I have my blood done a few days ago and all good, just Cholesterol went a bit high (I was on Keto earlier).

    I'm planing for Winny to arrive next week, but I will be off cycle for 4-6 weeks before I start while do some more search on it.

  25. #25
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    ^ I'd suggest pound the Var over taking on Winni - just from everything I hear

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    ^ I'd suggest pound the Var over taking on Winni - just from everything I hear
    I just have the funny feeling with Var. I've also heard they are good together, but since it's my first use of all these I'll go slow and I've been doing HGH now...feeling great!

    PS. Your arm looks great and your traps - amazing!! Probably the same size as my two arms haha

  27. #27
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    ^ Thx

    I dunno, I'd start with var - GH sure, if you have the funds(I hope it's not generic)

  28. #28
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    I have been on GH 1 week now and my strength is going up... I did 1iu morning and 1iu before bed. The first few days felt good but later felt funny, thought maybe because of other vitamins and supplements (fish oil, macu-vision, glucosamine, skin hair and nail, multi and milk thristle). I do 2iu before bed instead, I seem to stay awake a few hours before I have a very good deep sleep - dreaming.

    I dropped 2iu on a pregnancy test, showed zero line... I don't know what it mean, do I need more liquid or is it peptide or... I got Jintropin.

  29. #29
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    I wouldn't take GH before bed. that protocol was developed for people who have actual growth hormone deficiency and need GH , not for athletes trying to enhance their physiques. by taking it at night you'll interfere with your own natural release of GH..

    depending on your goals , but lets say it was to get leaner.. then I'd take 1iu of GH in the morning about 30 mins or so before fasted cardio. then take it again later in the afternoon say about an hour before a weight training session.
    all depends on your schedule really.

    using a pregnancy test to test HGH is just testing wither your HGH is being faked with HCG or not, nothing more. HCG will show a positive on a pregnancy test. real HGH will not show anything

  30. #30
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    That's "generic" GH

    Jins r supposed to some of the better of knock of growth hormone

    Pregnancy tests r used for HCG or, well what they are intended for. Lol

    Closest way to check legitimacy of GH is on your IGF1 blood work.

  31. #31
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    Thank you so much!

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I wouldn't take GH before bed. that protocol was developed for people who have actual growth hormone deficiency and need GH , not for athletes trying to enhance their physiques. by taking it at night you'll interfere with your own natural release of GH..

    depending on your goals , but lets say it was to get leaner.. then I'd take 1iu of GH in the morning about 30 mins or so before fasted cardio. then take it again later in the afternoon say about an hour before a weight training session.
    all depends on your schedule really.

    using a pregnancy test to test HGH is just testing wither your HGH is being faked with HCG or not, nothing more. HCG will show a positive on a pregnancy test. real HGH will not show anything

  32. #32
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    Errrr...actually it shows 1 line.

    I left the test in a drawer and remember today to throw it out, it showed 1 line - I'm not pregnant!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannarrach View Post
    Errrr...actually it shows 1 line.

    I left the test in a drawer and remember today to throw it out, it showed 1 line - I'm not pregnant!
    Every time I see your username

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Yeah, that's it!

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