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Thread: Switching to test c only cycle?

  1. #1
    Bigbadwolf250 is offline Associate Member
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    Switching to test c only cycle?

    So made a previous post about the npp I have causing me insomnia and me not sure if it is even npp I've decided I'm just gonna drop and continue the test c for 2 months.

    I have a bunch of cycles under my belt and blast and cruise and haven't done a test only cycle in a longggggg time.

    Any suggestions at a good dose to use for this run. Currently doing 600 mg pw. Highest I ever went was 750 mg pw along with other drugs.

    Any of you guys go back to a test only cycle. How were the gains and how'd you look.

  2. #2
    Chrisp83TRT's Avatar
    Chrisp83TRT is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbadwolf250 View Post
    So made a previous post about the npp I have causing me insomnia and me not sure if it is even npp I've decided I'm just gonna drop and continue the test c for 2 months.

    I have a bunch of cycles under my belt and blast and cruise and haven't done a test only cycle in a longggggg time.

    Any suggestions at a good dose to use for this run. Currently doing 600 mg pw. Highest I ever went was 750 mg pw along with other drugs.

    Any of you guys go back to a test only cycle. How were the gains and how'd you look.
    Go with 5-600 and just kill it in the gym and eat like a beast.
    Always about how we operate in and out of the gym that I find the most important.
    You should be good bro .

    You got this !

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  3. #3
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    I'f you've ran a lot of other compounds that are a lot more anabolic then Test (like Tren being 5x more anabolic, or even VAR is 3x more anabolic then test mg per mg). Then going back to a Test only cycle your going to want to run a gram or so at least imo (unless you had been out of the game for awhile)
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  4. #4
    Bigbadwolf250 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah might try a gram and see. How had were the sides at that. What did you use for an ai?

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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'f you've ran a lot of other compounds that are a lot more anabolic then Test (like Tren being 5x more anabolic, or even VAR is 3x more anabolic then test mg per mg). Then going back to a Test only cycle your going to want to run a gram or so at least imo (unless you had been out of the game for awhile)
    Listen to gear ... he is the master upon masters on this

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  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbadwolf250 View Post
    Yeah might try a gram and see. How had were the sides at that. What did you use for an ai?
    personally I'm not Estrogen sensitive at all and can run a gram with no AI. Instead I'll run a low dose SERM like Nolva to block Estrogen where I want it blocked, and keep estrogen blood levels higher where I do want it to help me grow and to keep the liver producing good cholesterol.

    This may be something you want to give a try on this test only cycle your doing to illicit some new gains (if adding mass is your goal). unless your super Estrogen sensitive (then by all means use an AI dosage that works for you)

    give this a quick browse, maybe it will help you understand where I'm coming from on this point

  7. #7
    Bigbadwolf250 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'f you've ran a lot of other compounds that are a lot more anabolic then Test (like Tren being 5x more anabolic, or even VAR is 3x more anabolic then test mg per mg). Then going back to a Test only cycle your going to want to run a gram or so at least imo (unless you had been out of the game for awhile)
    Have u gone back to just a test cycle. What'd u run how much ai and how were the results

  8. #8
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbadwolf250 View Post
    Have u gone back to just a test cycle. What'd u run how much ai and how were the results
    yeah I've went back to running just mainly test at various times as a way to make a change and try and stimulate some new growth.. I'll go through times where I'm running a cycle with say a moderate amount of test (400mg) and other anabolics, but then I'll throw in like 100mg a day of test prop just to kick things up a notch. I believe that having short phases and blasts of really high dose test works (better then running high dose test all the time)

    I'm pretty sure it was on this forum about 9 months ago I posted that I was coming off most the gear I had been on and was switching to running a high test dosage (I had been on low dose test, high dose anaboics for quite some time). I went from running 200mg of test a week to running 2 grams of test per week. unfortunately shortly after making that change I had some health issues and a car accident. so have nothing good or bad to report from that specific time.

    but I am a fan of randomly blasting high dosage test on occasion. I just helped a very experienced AAS user on this forum with his cycle via PM yesterday.. and we set it up for the first phase of his cycle he was not going to be using any test at all as a base for his cycle (I can explain why) but then after week 4 we go right into blasting 200mg of test per DAY.

    so yeah I'm a proponent of taking certain ideal times and blasting high dosages of test.. maybe this is the perfect time for you to do so as well.

    just to put it in some perspective though and my above words in context .. I don't necessarily run 'cycles' , nor do some of my clients and people I help. its more of running 'phases' and rotating compounds year round (with short breaks for detox on occasions). so its not like I have example "cycles" of running test only again cycles.. its more about going from running low dose test with other compounds, to switching over to high dose tests blasts for a certain period.

  9. #9
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    one more point to add here .. some guys will say theres no point in going over a gram of test ever because of demising returns and your body just can't metabolize that much test.
    well, maybe the first time you run that much test you can't. BUT the next time you do run that much you start to be able to, then the next time after that you use it all quite well, then the next time after that you do very well with no sides at all, then next time after that you bump the dosage up to 1500.. etc etc..

    over time your body is building more satellite cells into new nuclei. and there are more androgen receptors. and the new cells that are being built while blood levels of estrogen and androgens are high, these new cells will have way more androgen receptors then cells naturally produced.
    so the effects are cumulative over time. by pushing higher levels of androgens and estrogen over time , your body begins to adapt and put more to use cause its capable of doing so
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 10-12-2018 at 05:45 PM.
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  10. #10
    Chrisp83TRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    one more point to add here .. some guys will say theres no point in going over a gram of test ever because of demising returns and your body just can't metabolize that much test.
    well, maybe the first time you run that much test you can't. BUT the next time you do run that much you start to be able to, then the next time after that you use it all quite well, then the next time after that you do very well with no sides at all, then next time after that you bump the dosage up to 1500.. etc etc..

    over time your body is building more satellite cells into new nuclei. and there are more androgen receptors. and the new cells that are being built while blood levels of estrogen and androgens are high, these new cells will have way more androgen receptors then cells naturally produced.
    so the effects are cumulative over time. by pushing higher levels of androgens and estrogen over time , your body begins to adapt and put more to use cause its capable of doing so
    I love this post bro , thank you for all this info

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