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week 1-6
Test E - 500mg per week
EQ - 800mg per week
week 7-12
Test E - 1000mg per week
Tren - 350mg per week
Masteron - 525mg per week
week 13-18
Test E - 300mg per week
NPP/deca - 875mg per week
Masteron - 525mg per week
Winstrol - 50mg per day
So there are a few things going on here..
- there are 3 phases here . phase 1 is your base phase (could also be an estrogenic phase if you wanted, just add Dbol), phase 2 is your high androgen phase, phase 3 is your high anabolic phase. these phases are accomplished depending on the dosage of test used along with the other compounds stacked with it.
- compound rotation of course, but you'll notice the compounds being used go up over the duration of the cycle (start with 2, then 3, then 4 diff compounds)
- not only do the amount of compounds used go up over the cycle, but the total dosage does as well. you start at 1.3 grams, then 1.9 grams, then 2.1 grams.
your base phase is just getting things up-regulated and primed without putting undue demands and stress on the body.
your androgenic phase (week 7-12) is using highly androgenic compounds , high dose test, tren, and mast.
your anabolic phase (week 13-18) is using highly anabolic compounds with very little androgenic properties, with very low test (low androgen low dht conversion).
the masteron is in both phases being it works extremely well with 19nors like deca and tren.
anyhow this is a bit of a tweak to Daves protocol. personally, I may do things completely different and not run a total 16 week run in the first place. but I did NOT want to completely undo what was set up here, just tweak it a bit is all.
just my 2 cents brother