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Thread: 1st cycle: Aromasin dosage question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    1st cycle: Aromasin dosage question

    Im opting to use Aromasin on my first cycle as suggested in the write up regarding planning your first cycle. My question is regarding dosage. When do I start running it and at what point do I stop? Is it all the way through PCT or do I stop short of it.

    I tried poking around for the answer but couldnt really find anything so I apologize if this has been answered already.


  2. #2
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    Arctic Circle
    You will discontinue use just before PCT.

    In terms of when to start, which ester of Testosterone are you going to be using?
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  3. #3
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    Nov 2018
    Im going with Test Enanthate 250 for 15 weeks.
    So discontinue the day prior to starting PCT?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    You're on the right track, but the thing is, you don't really know if you'll need an AI or not. MY OPINION, you'd be better off taking low-dose Nolvadex to prevent gyno, at least until your mid cycle labs when you see what your E-2 is looking like, then go from there. Definitely best to have it on hand just in case though.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Arcânn View Post
    You're on the right track, but the thing is, you don't really know if you'll need an AI or not. MY OPINION, you'd be better off taking low-dose Nolvadex to prevent gyno, at least until your mid cycle labs when you see what your E-2 is looking like, then go from there. Definitely best to have it on hand just in case though.
    I see what youre saying. Wouldnt it just be the same as taking low doses of Aromasin? From what I read, people have spoken pretty well of Aromasin. Maybe start with 12.5mg ed or eod until mid-cycle labs..? Instead of the full 25mg...?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyV85 View Post
    I see what youre saying. Wouldnt it just be the same as taking low doses of Aromasin? From what I read, people have spoken pretty well of Aromasin. Maybe start with 12.5mg ed or eod until mid-cycle labs..? Instead of the full 25mg...?
    Not anywhere close to the same. completely different drugs in every aspect.

    Aromasin works on an enzyme in the body called the 'aromatase enzyme'. This enzyme is responsible for converting Testosterone into estrogen (this is a natural and needed process in the body). Aromasin blocks this enzyme, and thus you have limited conversion of test into estrogen..
    Nolvadex is a SERM, it works as a receptor agonist. it does NOT block the conversion of test into estrogen at all. the natural aromatization process will still take place. but what Nolva does is bind to certain estrogen receptors , like in breast tissue, and blocks estrogen from binding to those receptors. so you still get the benefits that come from elevated blood levels of estrogen (like healthy cholesterol and IGF production), but you block the negative aspects at the receptor sites. whereas aromasins job is to stop estrogen from being produced at all.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Not anywhere close to the same. completely different drugs in every aspect.

    Aromasin works on an enzyme in the body called the 'aromatase enzyme'. This enzyme is responsible for converting Testosterone into estrogen (this is a natural and needed process in the body). Aromasin blocks this enzyme, and thus you have limited conversion of test into estrogen..
    Nolvadex is a SERM, it works as a receptor agonist. it does NOT block the conversion of test into estrogen at all. the natural aromatization process will still take place. but what Nolva does is bind to certain estrogen receptors , like in breast tissue, and blocks estrogen from binding to those receptors. so you still get the benefits that come from elevated blood levels of estrogen (like healthy cholesterol and IGF production), but you block the negative aspects at the receptor sites. whereas aromasins job is to stop estrogen from being produced at all.
    Thank you for your feedback.

    They obviously function differently, but I think what I was trying to say is that the goal of either Nolva or Aromasin is to prevent unwanted sides from estrogen... like gyno and such. With that goal in mind, wouldnt both Nolva and Aromasin achieve that?
    I'd go even further to say that based off what Ive read so far and how effective Aromasin is at blocking estrogen without completely crushing it, wouldnt the low dose of Aromasin be preferable over Nolva during cycle to prevent estrogen sides?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyV85 View Post
    Thank you for your feedback.

    They obviously function differently, but I think what I was trying to say is that the goal of either Nolva or Aromasin is to prevent unwanted sides from estrogen... like gyno and such. With that goal in mind, wouldnt both Nolva and Aromasin achieve that?
    I'd go even further to say that based off what Ive read so far and how effective Aromasin is at blocking estrogen without completely crushing it, wouldnt the low dose of Aromasin be preferable over Nolva during cycle to prevent estrogen sides?
    well the 'goal' of running either of those drugs is really person dependent. for some people, blocking estrogen sides is not even a consideration. I can run 1000mg of Test a week and another 1000mg of deca, and have zero reason to block estrogen. In fact, plenty of guys purposely want to RAISE estrogen with their elevated androgen levels to get a synergistic effect between the two and thus ultimately more gains .. taking Aromasin in this case would be counter productive (being we want estrogen conversion and are using estrogen as another anabolic hormone).

    now if your in contest prep, and your not trying to grow and you need to get a super dry lean look, then you want low levels of estrogen. an AI makes perfect sense in this situation.

    now if your gyno prone at all for example, but you want to run a bulking cycle with higher levels of estrogen to help you grow, then something like Nolva (rather then an AI) makes a lot of sense.

    so again its all person dependent.. not everyone that runs AAS has a goal of blocking estrogen. as its a useful anabolic hormone in the body.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well the 'goal' of running either of those drugs is really person dependent. for some people, blocking estrogen sides is not even a consideration. I can run 1000mg of Test a week and another 1000mg of deca, and have zero reason to block estrogen. In fact, plenty of guys purposely want to RAISE estrogen with their elevated androgen levels to get a synergistic effect between the two and thus ultimately more gains .. taking Aromasin in this case would be counter productive (being we want estrogen conversion and are using estrogen as another anabolic hormone).

    now if your in contest prep, and your not trying to grow and you need to get a super dry lean look, then you want low levels of estrogen. an AI makes perfect sense in this situation.

    now if your gyno prone at all for example, but you want to run a bulking cycle with higher levels of estrogen to help you grow, then something like Nolva (rather then an AI) makes a lot of sense.

    so again its all person dependent.. not everyone that runs AAS has a goal of blocking estrogen. as its a useful anabolic hormone in the body.
    My goal is to just get this first cycle under my belt successfully while maintaining a clean diet, continue working out and see how my bodys going to react to the test. Im 6'3 220lbs, 15%bf.... If I can keep my LBM and drop 3% bf Id consider that a nice win.

    Im leaning towards Aromasin being a more suitable option. Would you agree with that?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyV85 View Post
    My goal is to just get this first cycle under my belt successfully while maintaining a clean diet, continue working out and see how my bodys going to react to the test. Im 6'3 220lbs, 15%bf.... If I can keep my LBM and drop 3% bf Id consider that a nice win.

    Im leaning towards Aromasin being a more suitable option. Would you agree with that?
    for a first cycle I recommend finding out how much you aromatize and how estrogen sensitive you are and getting blood work mid cycle BEFORE taking any possible unnecessary drugs.
    so have the ancillary drugs on hand, but don't start taking them until you need them, if you even do need them.

    if on your first cycle you start taking AI's and anti estrogens from day one, you'll never find out what your 'natural' sensitivity is. so just start your cycle and get blood work and adjust as needed.

    so your using this first cycle to 'cut' ?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    for a first cycle I recommend finding out how much you aromatize and how estrogen sensitive you are and getting blood work mid cycle BEFORE taking any possible unnecessary drugs.
    so have the ancillary drugs on hand, but don't start taking them until you need them, if you even do need them.

    if on your first cycle you start taking AI's and anti estrogens from day one, you'll never find out what your 'natural' sensitivity is. so just start your cycle and get blood work and adjust as needed.

    so your using this first cycle to 'cut' ?
    I see. That does make sense.

    Yeah I guess you can say Id like to "cut"

    Ive calculated my TDEE, Im going to be eating at 500 cal deficit, so yeah I do anticipate trimming some fat off and dropping a few %, hopefully wont lose any muscle...

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