well the 'goal' of running either of those drugs is really person dependent. for some people, blocking estrogen sides is not even a consideration. I can run 1000mg of Test a week and another 1000mg of deca, and have zero reason to block estrogen. In fact, plenty of guys purposely want to RAISE estrogen with their elevated androgen levels to get a synergistic effect between the two and thus ultimately more gains .. taking Aromasin in this case would be counter productive (being we want estrogen conversion and are using estrogen as another anabolic hormone).
now if your in contest prep, and your not trying to grow and you need to get a super dry lean look, then you want low levels of estrogen. an AI makes perfect sense in this situation.
now if your gyno prone at all for example, but you want to run a bulking cycle with higher levels of estrogen to help you grow, then something like Nolva (rather then an AI) makes a lot of sense.
so again its all person dependent.. not everyone that runs AAS has a goal of blocking estrogen. as its a useful anabolic hormone in the body.