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Thread: All the forms of tren administration

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Question All the forms of tren administration

    What are the forms how tren could be taken? Is there any non - liver toxic oral form of tren?
    If the injectable form of tren is chosen which of the esters would you suggest as the best suitable to noticeably gain a lean body mass and dramatically increase a strength in a long term after an average cycle? Also, you're welcome to post the best cycle examples + the suitable pcts.
    By the way, what are your thoughts on tren 75 - is it a prohormone, how worth is it if considered as an alternative to the real tren?
    Sorry for posting too many questions, I just need to know all the necessary information (maybe not even available elsewhere) if tren is chosen as the best aas for my needs!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    There is a oral form of trenbolone called methyltrienolone or metribolone. And no, it is not non-liver toxic. It is 17 alpha alkylated like the most of orals are.
    The choice of the ester depends on your cycle. If you are going to keep your cycle short and using short esters with tren, then opt with tren ace.
    If your cycle is long and you use long esters along with tren (test enth, deca etc..), then go for tren hexahydrobenzylcarbonate or tren enanth.
    The reason why is short esters leave your body faster than long esters. And also if you are pinning other short ester compounds frequently (ED or EOD), then you can pin tren ace with other compounds as well. So that your pinning pattern will be matched.
    Tren is tren, it doesn't matter whatever the ester is. Esters only affect the active-life of the drug and your pinning frequency. Use what suits you best.
    I would not bother with prohormones at all, just get the tren itself and stick with it.

    You didn't mention your stats and cycle history. Tren is no joke, you should already have run cycles before using it. Running cycles before tren will get you used to exogenous androgens and educate you about your estrogen sensitivity, side effect management and most importantly HPTA. At this point, you should already have known your PCT protocol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    No non-toxic oral form of tren is produced that I have ever seen or heard of (yes, tecnically you could drink it or make it transdermal but these are far less effective). Oral methyl tren is known for severe toxicity. I have never used it, I would never recommend it, and I would not take it even if it was free.

    Ester is still more preference than anything. What you like and what your goals are for a particular cycle will choose for you. Trenbolone Acetate is often recommended for first time users of tren because the drug can have very intense side effects and the short ester means that if you want to stop or lower the dose then this can be done quickly and easily.

    Tren 75, the stuff in the banner here on the site? It is a legal supplement. I have no idea how good it is or not as I have never used it. I can say with certainty that as a legal supplement it cannot compete with the real deal.

    Tren is best in the hands of an experienced steroid user. I would not recommend it to anyone without several cycles under their belt and even then maybe not. Like all AAS it as its strengths and weaknesses. I have used it and do not care to use it anymore.

    Best tren cycles? Many would say that any cycle with tren is the best... but its probably best known for the classic test/tren/mast cut stack. Something like 350mg/wk of test prop, 350mg/wk tren a, and 350mg/wk mast prop for 8 weeks.

    Overall PCT is really no different than for any other cycle, hcg, clomi, nolva, whatever AI... but keep in mind you would want caber on hand during.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by The God Himself View Post
    There is a oral form of trenbolone called methyltrienolone or metribolone. And no, it is not non-liver toxic. It is 17 alpha alkylated like the most of orals are.
    The choice of the ester depends on your cycle. If you are going to keep your cycle short and using short esters with tren, then opt with tren ace.
    If your cycle is long and you use long esters along with tren (test enth, deca etc..), then go for tren hexahydrobenzylcarbonate or tren enanth.
    The reason why is short esters leave your body faster than long esters. And also if you are pinning other short ester compounds frequently (ED or EOD), then you can pin tren ace with other compounds as well. So that your pinning pattern will be matched.
    Tren is tren, it doesn't matter whatever the ester is. Esters only affect the active-life of the drug and your pinning frequency. Use what suits you best.
    I would not bother with prohormones at all, just get the tren itself and stick with it.

    You didn't mention your stats and cycle history. Tren is no joke, you should already have run cycles before using it. Running cycles before tren will get you used to exogenous androgens and educate you about your estrogen sensitivity, side effect management and most importantly HPTA. At this point, you should already have known your PCT protocol.
    Well, these should be my stats:

    Age: 31
    Height: 5 feet 11 inches
    Weight: 181 pounds
    Body fat: 19.6% (yeah I know quite high, huh?)

    Training experience:
    1) in kettlebels since age 19;
    2) gym - since age 16;
    3) middle distance running since age 12.

    Steroid cycle experiences:

    8 weeks of test enanthate 2 x 200mg a week( 9 years ago)

    Other compounds (used in sports) previously taken: dexamethasone, tamoxifen, dhea 50, proviron, pregnyl, andriol, sustanon 250, creatine monohydrate, tribulus, ZMA, protein, animal pack, pregnenolone 100mg, 2 kind supplements of epiandrosterone, that's it.

    Medical issues:
    1) sometimes - elevated blood pressure and heart rate, health care professional has prescribed nebivolol to take as needed;
    2) vit d defidency, treated since 2009;
    3) hashimoto's thyroiditis, on levothyroxine since 2005;
    4) bipolar, on abilify, haldol, tianeptine sodium and phenibut (as needed).

    Hope this information will help you to construct the best tren ace cycle possible for my needs?
    Last edited by Testlolblast; 12-13-2018 at 06:31 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Ernst View Post
    No non-toxic oral form of tren is produced that I have ever seen or heard of (yes, tecnically you could drink it or make it transdermal but these are far less effective). Oral methyl tren is known for severe toxicity. I have never used it, I would never recommend it, and I would not take it even if it was free.

    Ester is still more preference than anything. What you like and what your goals are for a particular cycle will choose for you. Trenbolone Acetate is often recommended for first time users of tren because the drug can have very intense side effects and the short ester means that if you want to stop or lower the dose then this can be done quickly and easily.

    Tren 75, the stuff in the banner here on the site? It is a legal supplement. I have no idea how good it is or not as I have never used it. I can say with certainty that as a legal supplement it cannot compete with the real deal.

    Tren is best in the hands of an experienced steroid user. I would not recommend it to anyone without several cycles under their belt and even then maybe not. Like all AAS it as its strengths and weaknesses. I have used it and do not care to use it anymore.

    Best tren cycles? Many would say that any cycle with tren is the best... but its probably best known for the classic test/tren/mast cut stack. Something like 350mg/wk of test prop, 350mg/wk tren a, and 350mg/wk mast prop for 8 weeks.

    Overall PCT is really no different than for any other cycle, hcg, clomi, nolva, whatever AI... but keep in mind you would want caber on hand during.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    So you've had only 1 cycle and that was a long time ago, I wouldn't touch tren for quite a while, you don't need it. Why not do a basic 4-500mg test pw cycle like last time? And before that I'd slim down to 15% bf, to make it safer.

  7. #7
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    Nov 2007
    I have ran methyl Tren a couple times and it is not to be messed with. Having said that I can can say with absolution it is the most effective drug I’ve ever used though only for short periods of time. The dangers of the drug are well documented and for good reason. I honestly don’t recommend it to anyone who isn’t a very advanced user with extremely deep understanding of steroids.

  8. #8
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    Jan 2018
    @Epheremal & redz, yeah I read what you have written, but the only thing I have to say you both is that I have done my choice and that is tren ace (also known as trenbolone acetate) alone cycle, because I'm personally against mixing multiple aas compounds. I didn't reached the gains I should with test enanthate, so logicially I'm going to try something stronger more potent, everything that can give just this one compound alone.

    And, also, redz, no offense… but what the fuck are you thinking posting things like that! I would strongly advise you to not to think of yourself (your own experience in steroid use) as the base of everything, because everyone is individual and has different reaction to aas. And if we return to question - why tren ace alone - yea I did some research through multiple sites and found numerous cases of positive experiences after cycling tren ace alone, of course the gains are dose dependent.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2008
    You got 4 replies, all of which said it was only suited towards experienced users (which you are not).

    All painted a picture of harsh side effects (of which you have no idea because you are inexperienced).

    Now you have announced that you will be doing a Tren Ace *alone* cycle because you're so special testosterone didn't work on you (so either it was fake or you didn't do your part or you had crazy unrealistic expectations).

    But Redz is the dumbass? Show some respect.

  10. #10
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    Nov 2018

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ernst View Post
    You got 4 replies, all of which said it was only suited towards experienced users (which you are not).

    All painted a picture of harsh side effects (of which you have no idea because you are inexperienced).

    Now you have announced that you will be doing a Tren Ace *alone* cycle because you're so special testosterone didn't work on you (so either it was fake or you didn't do your part or you had crazy unrealistic expectations).

    But Redz is the dumbass? Show some respect.
    Well, I'm neither superspecial nor I'm calling him dumbass, just saying what I think about this situation. And yeah everything needed why I have chosen exactly tren ace is mentioned in my previous posts above.

    I think I can handle tren - of course if the gear I have bought turns out the real thing at the end.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    you have no idea what you are getting into being bi-polar...tren is the last thing you need but its your body so do as you please.... we will be here to help you when you face the sides that will come from a tren only cycle but you probably already know since you researched it all and came up with this master plan...please be aware that steroids are not magic...let me ask you this though, where do you plan to go from here after you run the most powerful steroid and find yourself disappointed again with your results? because it is very much a need to stop expecting the drugs to do the work and get real...can you not present an actual cycle proposal for others to critique by yourself? it seems you are looking to be spoon fed...

  13. #13
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    Nov 2007
    I only mentioned my own experiences as part of the explanation I have studied for decades and still continue to learn always. You can learn the hard way if you choose after all we were only trying to help. If you’re he’ll bent on messing yourself up with Tren alone have fun.

  14. #14
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    Jan 2018
    Well a lot of thanks to y'all especially to y'all haters, lol
    Well I've already said everything you need to know in my previous posts.

    The only thing I have to say, maybe I'll add some test, this time I'm going to choose andriol testocaps as an additional component of my very first tren ace cycle. Here's how the cycle should look:

    1st week - 8th week: tren ace 100mg eod;
    1st week - 8th week: andriol testocaps 80mg x3/day;


    1st week clomid: 150/ nolva 40
    2nd week clomid: 150/ nolva 40
    3rd week clomid: 75/nolva 20
    4th week clomid: 75/ nolva 20

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Why you would choose to use oral test when you will already injecting ed or eod with Tren ace is beyond stupid. I was not a hater just wanted to help but you are either a troll or just choosing to do things the dumbest way you can come up with.

  16. #16
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    I am not being harsh or taking sides so please read tis with a Morgan Freeman narrative. Not a condescending Morgan Freeman, but rather one that is sitting in his easy chair about to go to bed.

    Tren is talked about as the compound of all compounds and the "most powerful".
    Many take this to mean that it will put on more lean mass than anything else ever could dream of.
    From the standpoint of a person newish to AAS this seems to be the consensus.

    That is dead wrong.
    I have ran tren every way it can be ran and it is simply not the case.
    It is probably the most effective recomp drug there is. It will prevent muscle loss and provide amazing nutrient partioning allowing you to drop fat and preserve muscle in a calorie deficit.

    What is meant (or should be meant) is that tren is the most powerful shutdown to your htpa that you can experience. Therefore it carries some of the harshest side effects.

    Powerful as in, don't use unless you need it. Don't use at a higher dosage than you need, and don't abuse.

    I used to cycle.
    I did great.
    I added more lbm with deca, npp, test, and dbol than tren could ever dream of in any human.
    Then I used tren, ran my pct after cycle, and my natty test did not come back. That was hell. I nearly destroyed my life in the process, after that cycle

    Yes we all react differently and have different goals.
    Yes some have different results.

    Redz, GB, Ernst, TGH, Epher... They are all giving you the same advice for a reason. Its not because they think you are an idiot, it is for safety and to see you go far.

    We have had quite the time removing negative energy frim the board and respect is recommended.
    You don't owe anyone here a damn thing but this isn't facebook.

    Its a lot more like you are actually standing in front of the person you are speaking with. I. E. Someone starts calling names and they get jaw jacked or shunned.

    Be civil.
    Generally when you have ten experienced people saying the same thing you should at least consider the advice respectfully.

    Tren is ok for certain things. It is not the best compound for any beginner. When you ask questions you will recieve answers, some you wont agree with. No need to be snide.

    Everyone here has at some point said something wrong or snide though. No point in getting bent out of shape.

    Good luck.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Well thanks everyone for the useful advices then. So isn't tren supposed to be injected eod?
    Obs thank you very much, too - if I consider to run tren though, should I really add also oher compound to this stack and which should it be? Also, please adjust also my pct if there are any uncertainties, of course.

  18. #18
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Testlolblast View Post
    Well thanks everyone for the useful advices then. So isn't tren supposed to be injected eod?
    Obs thank you very much, too - if I consider to run tren though, should I really add also oher compound to this stack and which should it be? Also, please adjust also my pct if there are any uncertainties, of course.
    Depends on your goals.
    Tren ace I dose Every day personally.
    I would advise at least 150mg of test if cutting is your sole interest. If interest is in mass I would recommend higher doses of test than tren.

    Though if you seek mass I can recommend stacks of something like test, npp, and dbol that wont be so disruptive to your system.

    Your clomid is too high.
    I advise never exceeding 75mg in a day.
    Clomid can be a real bitch for many at high dosages.

    Nolva looks good.
    I advise starting pct a minimum two weeks after last injection.

    Again though I dont know your goals

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Depends on your goals.
    Tren ace I dose Every day personally.
    I would advise at least 150mg of test if cutting is your sole interest. If interest is in mass I would recommend higher doses of test than tren.

    Though if you seek mass I can recommend stacks of something like test, npp, and dbol that wont be so disruptive to your system.

    Your clomid is too high.
    I advise never exceeding 75mg in a day.
    Clomid can be a real bitch for many at high dosages.

    Nolva looks good.
    I advise starting pct a minimum two weeks after last injection.

    Again though I dont know your goals
    Yeah, my goal is to use tren for cutting not bulking purposes. Also wanna dramatically increase the strength having a lean dry muscle mass at the same time. I would also like to shred more body fat.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Well here's an update:

    This is how my very first cutting cycle for the next summer should look:

    1)tren ace: 100mg eod;
    2) test prop: 50mg eod.


    1st - 3rd week: hcg 500iu x 2 week;
    4th - 5th week: clomid 75mg / nolva 40mg;
    6th week: clomid 50mg/ nolva 20mg;
    7th week: clomid 25mg/ nolva 20mg.

    Through the cycle I'd like to improve my athletic performance, get dramatic increase in strength, shred some body fat, get more lean - dry muscle mass increase, etc, at the same time not being too muscular.
    Like I said if it will be possible I'm going to buy necessary ingredients at the gym, or maybe in one of the most trusted online stores available next summer, right before starting the cycle. But meanwhile I'm going to do more research and to improve my cycle look if it should be necessary, so also recommendations of knowledgeable members are here expected. Yep, that's it!

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Testlolblast View Post
    @Epheremal & redz, yeah I read what you have written, but the only thing I have to say you both is that I have done my choice and that is tren ace (also known as trenbolone acetate) alone cycle, because I'm personally against mixing multiple aas compounds. I didn't reached the gains I should with test enanthate, so logicially I'm going to try something stronger more potent, everything that can give just this one compound alone.

    And, also, redz, no offense… but what the fuck are you thinking posting things like that! I would strongly advise you to not to think of yourself (your own experience in steroid use) as the base of everything, because everyone is individual and has different reaction to aas. And if we return to question - why tren ace alone - yea I did some research through multiple sites and found numerous cases of positive experiences after cycling tren ace alone, of course the gains are dose dependent.
    You have clearly not researched everything. You are getting sound advice from vets not to do this and you are just not listening.
    Anyone on here that knows me knows I'm not an asshole and I never tell people what to do on here. I am only telling you to listen to their advice for health reasons. In no way am I trying to pile on here or act like I know something but please take their advice. I'm not posting this after reading one or two posts about it. I've read this thread, one of your others and then another post in one of my threads where you're asking what people think about it. The answers are not going to all of a sudden change
    Last edited by KennyJ; 12-23-2018 at 04:13 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    As others have explained tren is very harsh and not be taken lightly whatsoever.

    That being said, I have experimented with very low 5mg doses of subcutenously injected tren and still had extremely negative side effects (while also getting results). Overall the drug would be worth taking only if you directly make money from doing so. If you decide to use it I would highly suggest a dosage of less than 100mg a week to begin.

    Also - if you don't get noticable results with test alone your training program and diet must be insufficient. Most experienced users can maintain 260lbs of leanish weight using only test.
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 12-23-2018 at 04:52 PM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Testlolblast View Post
    Well here's an update:

    This is how my very first cutting cycle for the next summer should look:

    1)tren ace: 100mg eod;
    2) test prop: 50mg eod.


    1st - 3rd week: hcg 500iu x 2 week;
    4th - 5th week: clomid 75mg / nolva 40mg;
    6th week: clomid 50mg/ nolva 20mg;
    7th week: clomid 25mg/ nolva 20mg.

    Through the cycle I'd like to improve my athletic performance, get dramatic increase in strength, shred some body fat, get more lean - dry muscle mass increase, etc, at the same time not being too muscular.
    Like I said if it will be possible I'm going to buy necessary ingredients at the gym, or maybe in one of the most trusted online stores available next summer, right before starting the cycle. But meanwhile I'm going to do more research and to improve my cycle look if it should be necessary, so also recommendations of knowledgeable members are here expected. Yep, that's it!
    Let me refer you to your OTHER thread, instead of me just repeating what everyone else has already said here and over there too:

    Now I am not the type of person to be cautious, I do ill-advisable things all the time. But at LEAST do SOME research. Stop throwing random crap against the wall and waiting for people to correct you, just so you can ignore what they are saying.
    When you are using are shorter esters, I do not believe you wait 2 weeks before starting PCT ( not that you are going to listen anyways )

  24. #24
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    In order to prevent testicular atrophy and speed recovery, hcg should be dosed @ 2x 250iu per week throughout the duration of the cycle up to pct.

    You are mimicking LH function with hcg, keeping you testes active so they don't shink during cycle and so that they are already primed for pct.

    Two weeks is adviseable between last injection and start of pct. Even trace amounts of exogenous hormones in your system can keep you shut down and basically nullify pct.

  25. #25
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    In order to prevent testicular atrophy and speed recovery, hcg should be dosed @ 2x 250iu per week throughout the duration of the cycle up to pct.

    You are mimicking LH function with hcg, keeping you testes active so they don't shink during cycle and so that they are already primed for pct.

    Two weeks is adviseable between last injection and start of pct. Even trace amounts of exogenous hormones in your system can keep you shut down and basically nullify pct.
    I thought it was 2 weeks for the longer esters such as ethanate, it's the same for prop and Ace? I would have thought those would be closer to 1 week. The more you know!
    You're more patient than me brother. Maybe I'm just getting grumpy in my old age

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    I thought it was 2 weeks for the longer esters such as ethanate, it's the same for prop and Ace? I would have thought those would be closer to 1 week. The more you know!
    You're more patient than me brother. Maybe I'm just getting grumpy in my old age

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Tren ace will still require a couple weeks for elimination.

  27. #27
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    Bragging to someone
    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    Also - if you don't get noticable results with test alone your training program and diet must be insufficient. Most experienced users can maintain 260lbs of leanish weight using only test.

    maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean here Fiddlesticks, but for the way I am reading it I gotta call you out on this statement.

    I'm not sure what planet these "Most experienced users" are from but its not earth.
    Arnold Schwarzenegger was 240 pounds, Flex Wheeler was 220 pounds, Kevin Levrone was 240 pounds, Frank Zane was 190 pounds .. lean.

    these are some of the most genetically gifted guys of all time, yet not a one of them could walk around and maintain 260 pounds lean with just test. heck it took them every drug in the book just to get to where they were at.

    theres only a very rare few genetically gifted amount of guys that can maintain 260 pounds lean body mass with just test. let alone MOST.

    heck me and Obs are the types of guys that will take everything and anything at any and all dosages to put on slabs of muscle. been doing it for years.. yet neither of us has yet to see a lean 260 pounds to even maintain , let alone maintain it with just test.
    the "most" guys your speaking of that can do this are far and few, and if it were not for he internet you'd never even know they existed.

    I'm going to edit your statement to portray a more accurate truth
    ""a few genetically gifted experienced users can maintain 260lbs of leanish weight using only test.""
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-23-2018 at 06:54 PM.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    In order to prevent testicular atrophy and speed recovery, hcg should be dosed @ 2x 250iu per week throughout the duration of the cycle up to pct.

    You are mimicking LH function with hcg, keeping you testes active so they don't shink during cycle and so that they are already primed for pct.

    Two weeks is adviseable between last injection and start of pct. Even trace amounts of exogenous hormones in your system can keep you shut down and basically nullify pct.
    This is the only reason I'm trying to talk him out of doing this(note the parts I put in red letters). A bunch of vets advised him not to do it and as you know I don't do things in a conventional way but this is different. I'm just concerned about his mental well being.
    This below is what Testloblast wrote:

    Well, these should be my stats:

    Age: 31
    Height: 5 feet 11 inches
    Weight: 181 pounds
    Body fat: 19.6% (yeah I know quite high, huh?)

    Training experience:
    1) in kettlebels since age 19;
    2) gym - since age 16;
    3) middle distance running since age 12.

    Well, these should be my stats:

    Age: 3
    Height: 5 feet 11 inches
    Weight: 181 pounds
    Body fat: 19.6% (yeah I know quite high, huh?)

    Training experience:
    1) in kettlebels since age 19;
    2) gym - since age 16;
    3) middle distance running since age 12.

    Steroid cycle experiences:

    8 weeks of test enanthate 2 x 200mg a week( 9 years ago)

    Other compounds (used in sports) previously taken: dexamethasone, tamoxifen , dhea 50, proviron , pregnyl, andriol , sustanon 250, creatine monohydrate, tribulus, ZMA, protein, animal pack, pregnenolone 100mg, 2 kind supplements of epiandrosterone, that's it.

    Medical issues:
    1) sometimes - elevated blood pressure and heart rate, health care professional has prescribed nebivolol to take as needed;
    2) vit d defidency, treated since 2009;
    3) hashimoto's thyroiditis, on levothyroxine since 2005;
    4) bipolar, on abilify, haldol, tianeptine sodium and phenibut (as needed).

    Hope this information will help you to construct the best tren ace cycle possible for my needs?
    Last edited by Testlolblast; 12-13-2018 at 07:31 AM. Other compounds (used in sports) previously taken: dexamethasone, tamoxifen , dhea 50, proviron , pregnyl, andriol , sustanon 250, creatine monohydrate, tribulus, ZMA, protein, animal pack, pregnenolone 100mg, 2 kind supplements of epiandrosterone, that's it.

    Medical issues:
    1) sometimes - elevated blood pressure and heart rate, health care professional has prescribed nebivolol to take as needed;
    2) vit d defidency, treated since 2009;
    3) hashimoto's thyroiditis, on levothyroxine since 2005;
    4)]bipolar, on abilify, haldol, tianeptine sodium and phenibut (as needed)[/COLOR][/U].[/COLOR]
    [/U][/COLOR]Hope this information will help you to construct the best tren ace cycle possible for my needs?
    Last edited by Testlolblast; 12-13-2018 at 07:31 AM.
    Last edited by KennyJ; 12-23-2018 at 07:04 PM.

  29. #29
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    Bragging to someone

    ok all this talk of tren is great. yes, tren is an awesome compound when used properly. BUT look (I'm being bluntly honest with you here) you've spent 16 YEARS IN THE GYM , yet looking at your stats in all that time you've not put on any muscle (your lean body mass weight is like 160 pounds at 5'11" tall) and you've yet to get shredded or remotely lean (your 20% body fat).
    What the heck have you been doing for 16 years brother ?!!

    your diet and training simply have to be way way off point to spend that many years and not put on muscle or gotten lean.
    unless I'm missing something (perhaps you are coming back from major surgery or something like that).

    Tren isn't going to do much of anything if you can't get this diet and training problem fixed

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post

    ok all this talk of tren is great. yes, tren is an awesome compound when used properly. BUT look (I'm being bluntly honest with you here) you've spent 16 YEARS IN THE GYM , yet looking at your stats in all that time you've not put on any muscle (your lean body mass weight is like 160 pounds at 5'11" tall) and you've yet to get shredded or remotely lean (your 20% body fat).
    What the heck have you been doing for 16 years brother ?!!

    your diet and training simply have to be way way off point to spend that many years and not put on muscle or gotten lean.
    unless I'm missing something (perhaps you are coming back from major surgery or something like that).

    Tren isn't going to do much of anything if you can't get this diet and training problem fixed
    Note the parts I put in red lettering above. I'm also concerned that with the bi-polar disorder and only 1 cycle 9 years ago could really affect his mental well being. Especially with what his CNS will be going through already. I just don't want him to jump in with something that will discourage him in the long run

  31. #31
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    Jan 2015
    Lol running tren while taking all those psych drugs is a great way to end up in a mental hospital

    BTW levothyroxine isnt gonna do anything especially on drugs that further suppress t4tot3 conversion, get on cytomel asap

  32. #32
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    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean here Fiddlesticks, but for the way I am reading it I gotta call you out on this statement.

    I'm not sure what planet these "Most experienced users" are from but its not earth.
    Arnold Schwarzenegger was 240 pounds, Flex Wheeler was 220 pounds, Kevin Levrone was 240 pounds, Frank Zane was 190 pounds .. lean.

    these are some of the most genetically gifted guys of all time, yet not a one of them could walk around and maintain 260 pounds lean with just test. heck it took them every drug in the book just to get to where they were at.

    theres only a very rare few genetically gifted amount of guys that can maintain 260 pounds lean body mass with just test. let alone MOST.

    heck me and Obs are the types of guys that will take everything and anything at any and all dosages to put on slabs of muscle. been doing it for years.. yet neither of us has yet to see a lean 260 pounds to even maintain , let alone maintain it with just test.
    the "most" guys your speaking of that can do this are far and few, and if it were not for he internet you'd never even know they existed.

    I'm going to edit your statement to portray a more accurate truth
    ""a few genetically gifted experienced users can maintain 260lbs of leanish weight using only test.""
    Whay i meant was Test with other peds besides steroids e.g gh insulin clen t3. I guess i wasnt meaning a contest shape either but a more livable condition.

    Basically I'm saying tren isnt absolutely necessary
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 12-23-2018 at 08:21 PM.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Whoa, bunch of so thought clever answers… Btw, I was asking just for the corrections in my posted cycle example.

  34. #34
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Testlolblast View Post
    Whoa, bunch of so thought clever answers… Btw, I was asking just for the corrections in my posted cycle example.
    Does that mean, "thanks for the input guys but that's what I am running regardless, so let's try and minimize the damage and lmk if you see anything wrong w it?"
    If so, I can respect that, don't beat around the bush though or you will just continue to get the same type of responses.
    I would cut it in half and pin ED. Idk y people say EOD, there are huge peaks and valleys that way (up to 70%)
    Even tho it's not a lot of test, you still want AI on hand. There's some other stuff you want on hand in case you get some sides for the tren, can't remember what.
    I still think if you have mental health issues you should not use tren. You can only put on so much muscle in one cycle, you will get the same results with almost all other steroids with less risk. Best of luck

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

  35. #35
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    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Does that mean, "thanks for the input guys but that's what I am running regardless, so let's try and minimize the damage and lmk if you see anything wrong w it?"
    If so, I can respect that, don't beat around the bush though or you will just continue to get the same type of responses.
    I would cut it in half and pin ED. Idk y people say EOD, there are huge peaks and valleys that way (up to 70%)
    Even tho it's not a lot of test, you still want AI on hand. There's some other stuff you want on hand in case you get some sides for the tren, can't remember what.
    I still think if you have mental health issues you should not use tren. You can only put on so much muscle in one cycle, you will get the same results with almost all other steroids with less risk. Best of luck

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Well thanks a lot, HoldMyBeer! So, if I choose to cycle tren ace and get 10ml bottle (100mg/ml), I have to inject 0,5 ml/ day, if I'm choosing to listen to your advice of course?
    By the way, I'll take your other advice in consideration and strongly think which aas exactly to choose for my very first cutting cycle next summer!

  36. #36
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Testlolblast View Post
    Well thanks a lot, HoldMyBeer! So, if I choose to cycle tren ace and get 10ml bottle (100mg/ml), I have to inject 0,5 ml/ day, if I'm choosing to listen to your advice of course?
    By the way, I'll take your other advice in consideration and strongly think which aas exactly to choose for my very first cutting cycle next summer!
    You SHOULD do test only. I am not one to play it safe and do what I SHOULD do. But I do like having some logic in my decision making. What I would do is, if you are set on using a strong short ester 19nor (which is what tren a is), I would suggest NPP instead. You'll get great results, it's great for building muscle, vascularity, cutting fat, etc (all the good properties of tren). But has less side effects

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Well I think you have persuaded me not to choose tren for my second cycle at least not. That's it!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Testlolblast View Post
    Well I think you have persuaded me not to choose tren for my second cycle at least not. That's it!
    If you want to get very lean look into adding T3, ephedrine, caffeine, those 3 are plenty to get super lean without feeling awful (clen)

    And just saying the haldol significantly limits your results.. That shit makes you fat and lazy
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 12-24-2018 at 06:25 AM.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Thanks! Maybe caffeine and t3, but no ephedrine for me!

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Testlolblast View Post
    Thanks! Maybe caffeine and t3, but no ephedrine for me!
    Synephrine is a good milder adrenergic alternative

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