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Thread: Short-Burst Cycle to Prevent Shutdown

  1. #1

    Short-Burst Cycle for a Beginner

    I'm 22 years old and created my account here several years ago. I decided not to cycle. I'm interested in gathering information and debating a cycle within the next couple of years.

    I remember reading about something like a "1 Week Cycle" by a particular author. He knew a great breadth of information and covered an extremely-short cycle length, such as a few days with short-acting esters followed by a post-cycle period of 1-2 weeks. He covered the physiology and asserted a complete absence of HPTA-suppression. He said that one could repeat these cycles every couple of weeks throughout the year and achieve the hypertrophy of AAS without the need for harmful PCT drugs such as Clomid, nor HCG, the latter of which has carcinogenic (cancer-causing) effects.

    Can anyone provide some feedback regarding extremely-short burst cycles?

    "When you use an anabolic steroid for several weeks in a row, your body simply stops producing testosterone. Most people who use anabolic steroids undergo extensive PCT following their cycles to prevent testicular atrophy, gyno, fatigue, and more – all caused by the sudden lack of testosterone in their bodies. However, your body will continue to produce luteinizing hormone, which is responsible for testosterone production, for 21 days after you start a steroid cycle. When you choose a short-burst cycle, or a high steroid dose over two or three weeks, you will not suppress endogenous testosterone at all and your body will fall right back into its natural rhythm following your shorter cycle."


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Welcome. Try posting your question in the Q&A thread

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by DaveFoster View Post
    I'm 22 years old and created my account here several years ago. I decided not to cycle. I'm interested in gathering information and debating a cycle within the next couple of years.

    I remember reading about something like a "1 Week Cycle" by a particular author. He knew a great breadth of information and covered an extremely-short cycle length, such as a few days with short-acting esters followed by a post-cycle period of 1-2 weeks. He covered the physiology and asserted a complete absence of HPTA-suppression. He said that one could repeat these cycles every couple of weeks throughout the year and achieve the hypertrophy of AAS without the need for harmful PCT drugs such as Clomid, nor HCG, the latter of which has carcinogenic (cancer-causing) effects.

    Can anyone provide some feedback regarding extremely-short burst cycles?

    "When you use an anabolic steroid for several weeks in a row, your body simply stops producing testosterone. Most people who use anabolic steroids undergo extensive PCT following their cycles to prevent testicular atrophy, gyno, fatigue, and more – all caused by the sudden lack of testosterone in their bodies. However, your body will continue to produce luteinizing hormone, which is responsible for testosterone production, for 21 days after you start a steroid cycle. When you choose a short-burst cycle, or a high steroid dose over two or three weeks, you will not suppress endogenous testosterone at all and your body will fall right back into its natural rhythm following your shorter cycle."

    That's 110% incorrect.

    You shoot test for 3 weeks, or any injection for 3 weeks, your 100% shut down.

    That's not even debatable.its scientific fact.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Welcome. Try posting your question in the Q&A thread

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Alright, will do.
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd
    That's 110% incorrect.

    You shoot test for 3 weeks, or any injection for 3 weeks, your 100% shut down.

    That's not even debatable.its scientific fact.
    3 weeks does seem long for a short-burst cycle. I'm thinking more like 1 week on, 1 week off or something similar.

  5. #5

    Short-Burst Cycle to Prevent Shutdown

    I posted this in the new member area, but I was told to post it here instead. I'm 22 years old and created my account here several years ago. I decided not to cycle. I'm interested in gathering information and debating a cycle within the next couple of years.

    I remember reading about something like a "1 Week Cycle" by a particular author. He knew a great breadth of information and covered an extremely-short cycle length, such as a few days with short-acting esters followed by a post-cycle period of 1-2 weeks. He covered the physiology and asserted a complete absence of HPTA-suppression. He said that one could repeat these cycles every couple of weeks throughout the year and achieve the hypertrophy of AAS without the need for harmful PCT drugs such as Clomid, nor HCG , the latter of which has carcinogenic (cancer-causing) effects.
    Can anyone provide some feedback regarding extremely-short burst cycles?

    "When you use an anabolic steroid for several weeks in a row, your body simply stops producing testosterone . Most people who use anabolic steroids undergo extensive PCT following their cycles to prevent testicular atrophy, gyno, fatigue, and more – all caused by the sudden lack of testosterone in their bodies. However, your body will continue to produce luteinizing hormone, which is responsible for testosterone production, for 21 days after you start a steroid cycle. When you choose a short-burst cycle, or a high steroid dose over two or three weeks, you will not suppress endogenous testosterone at all and your body will fall right back into its natural rhythm following your shorter cycle."


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2017
    It sounds impossible to me but I can't be sure on this
    You probably can get away on a one week cycle using esters like prop or winny but for what reason would you do this, just so you don't shut down?? You're running it for one week, what kind of gains do you expect to make from one week on?
    I also didn't see the source link mention this type of cycle tbh...

  7. #7
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    just an FYI - short 'burst' cycles, of say 3 week duration to limit HPTA shutdown, have been around for decades. its nothing new or novel here. Pro's were attempting to use them in the 90 and 2000s. what everyone eventually learned was simply going on TRT and 'blasting and cruising' was far more effective and less of a hassle and illicits far more gains.
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-18-2018 at 08:56 PM.

  8. #8
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    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    just an FYI - short 'burst' cycles, of say 3 week duration to limit HPTA shutdown, have been around for decades. its nothing new or novel here. Pro's were attempting to use them in the 90 and 2000s. what everyone eventually learned was simply going on TRT and 'blasting and cruising' was far more effective and less of a hassle and illicits far more gains.
    Can you explain what you mean by "blasting and cruising"?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyV85 View Post
    Can you explain what you mean by "blasting and cruising"?
    staying on steroids year round , but have time periods where the dosages are low enough that they do not drastically illicit negative health issues while being high enough to maintain gains , followed by times where your running high dosages, stacks, and multiple compounds.

    cruise - 500mg test a week
    blast - 1500mg test, 700mg mast, 500mg tren
    no pct . back to cruise dose

  10. #10
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    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    staying on steroids year round , but have time periods where the dosages are low enough that they do not drastically illicit negative health issues while being high enough to maintain gains , followed by times where your running high dosages, stacks, and multiple compounds.

    cruise - 500mg test a week
    blast - 1500mg test, 700mg mast, 500mg tren
    no pct . back to cruise dose
    Interesting. Thanks for clarifying

  11. #11
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    the lower carolina
    Merged thread from Introduction area with this thread
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  12. #12
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    HPTA shutdown is not a magic turn on and off button. Duration is the key here, depending on the compound your HPTA could be partially or totally shutdown.
    HPTA is a chain and cannot be reduced to a single gland. Sometimes you simply shutdown a part of this chain, this is called primary or secondary hypogonadism.
    For example, if your testes become non-responsive (due to Leydig cell desensitization) you will be still producing GnRH and LH&FSH but you still won't be producing testosterone because your Leydig cells simply became tired of LH stimulation and having some holiday to relax..
    To understand what I mean, you should get bloodwork very frequently to watch your pituitary closely when you start a new cycle (also do the same for PCT). If you do that, you will just see that nothing happens instantly. Some ring of this chain becomes inefficient slowly and the others follow it. I am sure there are scientific papers and experiments on humans about HPTA shutdown but too lazy to find them at the moment.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    staying on steroids year round , but have time periods where the dosages are low enough that they do not drastically illicit negative health issues while being high enough to maintain gains , followed by times where your running high dosages, stacks, and multiple compounds.

    cruise - 500mg test a week
    blast - 1500mg test, 700mg mast, 500mg tren
    no pct . back to cruise dose
    Just to clarify this for OP
    A 500mg cruise is for advanced lifters that are already on the upper end of their potential muscle development
    A cruise for most others is usually 150-250mgs

    Personally, I believe doing short burst cycles is just going to send your hormones on a rollercoaster ride with very little net gains (if at all. ESPECIALLY if it's one week cycles) to show for it.
    Plus consider the source of your information that you linked. It's a website trying to sell you stuff (which I am confident is fake steroids).
    Once again, welcome to the forum. A lot of great information here and knowledgeable people.

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    It sounds impossible to me but I can't be sure on this
    You probably can get away on a one week cycle using esters like prop or winny but for what reason would you do this, just so you don't shut down?? You're running it for one week, what kind of gains do you expect to make from one week on?
    I also didn't see the source link mention this type of cycle tbh...
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    just an FYI - short 'burst' cycles, of say 3 week duration to limit HPTA shutdown, have been around for decades. its nothing new or novel here. Pro's were attempting to use them in the 90 and 2000s. what everyone eventually learned was simply going on TRT and 'blasting and cruising' was far more effective and less of a hassle and illicits far more gains.
    I found the gentleman who advocated short-burst cycles, 2-week on, 4-week off: Dr. Bill Roberts.

    "Cycles are longer than effiicent if they have substantial parts of them at a point past a point where gains usually tail well off; or yielding impaired recoveries and thus worse losses; or being so long that there is no hope of taking advantage of how some periods of training can be especially productive whereas doing everything the same and/or aiming for equal muscle-building at all times is not as effective.

    So for long term results such as you are looking for, I think going past 8 weeks is non-optimal. E.g., three 8 week cycles per year do better than two 12 week cycles, with total weeks “on” and total usage being identical in the two cases.

    The two-week cycles do give really fast recovery. It’s not that there is no HPTA shutdown, as there is during the two weeks, but the pituitary is immediately ready to respond to LHRH instead of so to speak having to be awakened from sleep (in more precise speaking, having greatly lowered LHRH responsiveness), and the testes are also immediately ready to respond to LH.

    While if HCG is used in for example an 8 week cycle then the testes also are able to respond well to LH immediately, there’s nothing that in like manner avoid reduced responsiveness of the pituitary.

    As for the hypothalamus, I don’t know if it’s more responsive to discontinuance of increased androgen after 2 weeks than 8 or if it is the same either way.

    Anyway, recovery is very fast, and with frontloading the body absolutely is ready for an excellent growth burst."


    Quote Originally Posted by The God Himself View Post
    HPTA shutdown is not a magic turn on and off button. Duration is the key here, depending on the compound your HPTA could be partially or totally shutdown.
    HPTA is a chain and cannot be reduced to a single gland. Sometimes you simply shutdown a part of this chain, this is called primary or secondary hypogonadism.
    For example, if your testes become non-responsive (due to Leydig cell desensitization) you will be still producing GnRH and LH&FSH but you still won't be producing testosterone because your Leydig cells simply became tired of LH stimulation and having some holiday to relax..
    To understand what I mean, you should get bloodwork very frequently to watch your pituitary closely when you start a new cycle (also do the same for PCT). If you do that, you will just see that nothing happens instantly. Some ring of this chain becomes inefficient slowly and the others follow it. I am sure there are scientific papers and experiments on humans about HPTA shutdown but too lazy to find them at the moment.
    Interesting, thank you. A friend of mine actually took pregnenolone and recovered from suppression caused by 11-keto DHT. This part in Dr. Roberts' post stood out to me: "The two-week cycles do give really fast recovery. It’s not that there is no HPTA shutdown, as there is during the two weeks, but the pituitary is immediately ready to respond to LHRH instead of so to speak having to be awakened from sleep (in more precise speaking, having greatly lowered LHRH responsiveness), and the testes are also immediately ready to respond to LH."
    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Just to clarify this for OP
    A 500mg cruise is for advanced lifters that are already on the upper end of their potential muscle development
    A cruise for most others is usually 150-250mgs

    Personally, I believe doing short burst cycles is just going to send your hormones on a rollercoaster ride with very little net gains (if at all. ESPECIALLY if it's one week cycles) to show for it.
    Plus consider the source of your information that you linked. It's a website trying to sell you stuff (which I am confident is fake steroids).
    Once again, welcome to the forum. A lot of great information here and knowledgeable people.

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Thanks for the welcome. Here's something posted by Dr. Roberts regarding a 2-on, 4-off cycle.


    Throughout the first five weeks: 50 mg/day Clo (two capsules), except Day 1 is 300 mg in six divided doses.

    In first two weeks, 200 g/day protein more than usual, but hold fat and carbs moderate enough to avoid significant if any fat gain. In the following four weeks, diet the first three, and diet or use maintenance calories for the fourth, in all cases keeping protein at least 180 g/day.

    Day 1: 100 mg (200 IU) TA in morning. 10 mg D five times per day in divided doses, which might include middle of the night if I awake briefly enough to have a pre-made Met-Rx. Cyt: 125 mg (half tab) on arising and 62.5 mg six and then twelve hours later.

    Days 3-11: 50 mg (100 IU) TA/day, 250 mg Cyt as above, and 50 mg Diana as above.

    Days 12-14: No TA, but otherwise same as days 3-11.

    Weeks 3 and 4: Diana 10 mg on arising, and 10 mg four hours later. Cyt ½ tab on arising, and oxandr 20 mg on arising.

    Week 5: same, but on basis of blood test, Cyt may be dropped if estradiol levels were below normal.

    Week 6: Clean, unless T was not above normal in blood test at end of week 4, in which case Clo use will be continued in week 6.

    Supplement use: In weeks 3-6, Androdiol 300 mg one or 1.5 h before workouts – not in the evening. If in the morning or early afternoon, an additional 300 mg after workout would be okay. Ephedrine and caffeine "

    Here's a picture of week 1 and week 3 from the case-study.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	front-lat-spread.jpg 
Views:	71 
Size:	63.0 KB 
ID:	175222


    "Jim has succeeded in retaining his strength gains, and even on improving his bench press, and has lost as little weight from his peak as could be expected (5 lb) considering that he lost ¾ inch from his waist in weeks 3 and 4. Overall he is now 8 lb heavier with a waist that is a half inch smaller, which probably represents a loss of about three pounds of bodyfat. I certainly hope that Jim will get a skinfold measurement at the end of week 6 to further quantitate these results.

    He suffered no observed side effects except increased acne and a slight increase in irritability during the two “on” weeks, which might also have been caused by increased stress he was under at the time. Even blood pressure, which often rises during a cycle, remained normal at all times."

    Last edited by DaveFoster; 12-19-2018 at 11:46 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by DaveFoster View Post
    I found the gentleman who advocated short-burst cycles, 2-week on, 4-week off: Dr. Bill Roberts.

    "Cycles are longer than effiicent if they have substantial parts of them at a point past a point where gains usually tail well off; or yielding impaired recoveries and thus worse losses; or being so long that there is no hope of taking advantage of how some periods of training can be especially productive whereas doing everything the same and/or aiming for equal muscle-building at all times is not as effective.

    So for long term results such as you are looking for, I think going past 8 weeks is non-optimal. E.g., three 8 week cycles per year do better than two 12 week cycles, with total weeks “on” and total usage being identical in the two cases.

    The two-week cycles do give really fast recovery. It’s not that there is no HPTA shutdown, as there is during the two weeks, but the pituitary is immediately ready to respond to LHRH instead of so to speak having to be awakened from sleep (in more precise speaking, having greatly lowered LHRH responsiveness), and the testes are also immediately ready to respond to LH.

    While if HCG is used in for example an 8 week cycle then the testes also are able to respond well to LH immediately, there’s nothing that in like manner avoid reduced responsiveness of the pituitary.

    As for the hypothalamus, I don’t know if it’s more responsive to discontinuance of increased androgen after 2 weeks than 8 or if it is the same either way.

    Anyway, recovery is very fast, and with frontloading the body absolutely is ready for an excellent growth burst."


    Interesting, thank you. A friend of mine actually took pregnenolone and recovered from suppression caused by 11-keto DHT. This part in Dr. Roberts' post stood out to me: "The two-week cycles do give really fast recovery. It’s not that there is no HPTA shutdown, as there is during the two weeks, but the pituitary is immediately ready to respond to LHRH instead of so to speak having to be awakened from sleep (in more precise speaking, having greatly lowered LHRH responsiveness), and the testes are also immediately ready to respond to LH."Thanks for the welcome. Here's something posted by Dr. Roberts regarding a 2-on, 4-off cycle.


    Throughout the first five weeks: 50 mg/day Clo (two capsules), except Day 1 is 300 mg in six divided doses.

    In first two weeks, 200 g/day protein more than usual, but hold fat and carbs moderate enough to avoid significant if any fat gain. In the following four weeks, diet the first three, and diet or use maintenance calories for the fourth, in all cases keeping protein at least 180 g/day.

    Day 1: 100 mg (200 IU) TA in morning. 10 mg D five times per day in divided doses, which might include middle of the night if I awake briefly enough to have a pre-made Met-Rx. Cyt: 125 mg (half tab) on arising and 62.5 mg six and then twelve hours later.

    Days 3-11: 50 mg (100 IU) TA/day, 250 mg Cyt as above, and 50 mg Diana as above.

    Days 12-14: No TA, but otherwise same as days 3-11.

    Weeks 3 and 4: Diana 10 mg on arising, and 10 mg four hours later. Cyt ½ tab on arising, and oxandr 20 mg on arising.

    Week 5: same, but on basis of blood test, Cyt may be dropped if estradiol levels were below normal.

    Week 6: Clean, unless T was not above normal in blood test at end of week 4, in which case Clo use will be continued in week 6.

    Supplement use: In weeks 3-6, Androdiol 300 mg one or 1.5 h before workouts – not in the evening. If in the morning or early afternoon, an additional 300 mg after workout would be okay. Ephedrine and caffeine "

    Here's a picture of week 1 and week 3 from the case-study.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	front-lat-spread.jpg 
Views:	71 
Size:	63.0 KB 
ID:	175222


    "Jim has succeeded in retaining his strength gains, and even on improving his bench press, and has lost as little weight from his peak as could be expected (5 lb) considering that he lost ¾ inch from his waist in weeks 3 and 4. Overall he is now 8 lb heavier with a waist that is a half inch smaller, which probably represents a loss of about three pounds of bodyfat. I certainly hope that Jim will get a skinfold measurement at the end of week 6 to further quantitate these results.

    He suffered no observed side effects except increased acne and a slight increase in irritability during the two “on” weeks, which might also have been caused by increased stress he was under at the time. Even blood pressure, which often rises during a cycle, remained normal at all times."

    Interesting read. I googled this doctor, a lot of people (including me), are surprised by his proposed cycles (this doesn't mean he is wrong, just an unfamiliar approach to most). Please forgive my ignorance, he referenced some compounds I am unfamiliar with, any reference to what they are?
    (I assume Diana is dbol)

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  16. #16
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    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Interesting read. I googled this doctor, a lot of people (including me), are surprised by his proposed cycles (this doesn't mean he is wrong, just an unfamiliar approach to most). Please forgive my ignorance, he referenced some compounds I am unfamiliar with, any reference to what they are?
    (I assume Diana is dbol)

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Cyt is cytadren, D is dbol, TA is trenbolone acetate.
    Androdiol is a testosterone boosting prohormone kinda thing as far as I know.

  17. #17
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by The God Himself View Post
    Cyt is cytadren, D is dbol, TA is trenbolone acetate.
    Androdiol is a testosterone boosting prohormone kinda thing as far as I know.
    So no test other than the prohormone? :-\
    I'm still fairly new to this so I'm going to assume the doc knows something I don't. Maybe the short cycle is so short it's not needed?

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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    So no test other than the prohormone? :-\
    I'm still fairly new to this so I'm going to assume the doc knows something I don't. Maybe the short cycle is so short it's not needed?

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    No test cycles are fairly old-school and also popular. Even William Llewellyn has no test cycle samples in his famous book 'Anabolics'.
    Cycles without testosterone can be run and also be effective if it is done for specific purposes (for this case or contest prep to keep estrogen in lower range) although it is not the best practice.
    If you do steroids for recreational purposes and stay sexually active while doing so, test should be a part of EVERY CYCLE you run.
    Don't happy with high test sides? Then simply run TRT dose test and utilize non-estrogenic anabolics.
    In my humble opinion, cycles without testosterone are simply sacrificing your body and sexual functions in order to reach your goal. I don't do it and don't recommend it at all if you don't know what you're doing.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by The God Himself View Post
    No test cycles are fairly old-school and also popular. Even William Llewellyn has no test cycle samples in his famous book 'Anabolics'.
    exactly , 'no test' cycles are very very old school . probably the most popular guy you all know that would run no test cycles is Arnold. plenty of guys in his era would run Primo only or deca only cycles.

  20. #20
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    Dave Foster .. heres a little more reading for you if your interested. I've taken the idea of "burst cycles" and formulated it into a protocol that is geared towards blasting and cruising.

    heres my thread

    you'll see some of the same concepts in here , only I remove the idea of 'preventing shutdown' (as thats just something no serious bodybuilder does now days with the easy access of TRT treatment)

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Just to clarify this for OP
    A 500mg cruise is for advanced lifters that are already on the upper end of their potential muscle development
    A cruise for most others is usually 150-250mgs

    Personally, I believe doing short burst cycles is just going to send your hormones on a rollercoaster ride with very little net gains (if at all. ESPECIALLY if it's one week cycles) to show for it.
    Plus consider the source of your information that you linked. It's a website trying to sell you stuff (which I am confident is fake steroids).
    Once again, welcome to the forum. A lot of great information here and knowledgeable people.

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    I was just thinking the same thing about the hormonal rollercoaster. GH answered a question of mine and explained it perfectly about some hormonal issues I'm having right now.

  22. #22
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    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyV85 View Post
    Interesting. Thanks for clarifying
    Bro, don’t you YouTube?

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