couple of other things -
it looks like your not running an AI during your estrogen phase (which is good) .. but then in your Androgen phase you have no estrogenic compounds that aromatize, yet your running a high dose of Arimidex here . curious what your thinking is here ? your likely going to crush your E levels in this phase.
now of course there is a time and a place to have anti estrogen phases and run an AI (I usually combine this with a cortisol suppression phase)
I think somewhere in this thread you can see how I've implemented anti estrogen phases before
also, at some point in this plan your going to want to add in T4 . between the HGH and the Tren your natty production will be surpassed.. plus T4 is going to have additional synergestic effects.
if your going to go as high as 50mg of MK677.. I would split the dosage. 25mg at night before bed then 25mg the next morning.
also, keep in mind again depending on your goals , you can always combine phases . you can have a 'volumization' phase that includes both high amounts of estrogen with high amounts of androgens. you don't have to have separate estrogen and androgen phases,, especially if gaining size is the main goal